GetID Identity and documents verification online, KYC/AML watchlists Wed, 21 Jun 2023 07:01:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 GetID 32 32 What is Mobile Identity Verification? Wed, 21 Jun 2023 06:51:35 +0000 In today’s digital era, smartphones have become an indispensable part of our lives. With their widespread use, mobile identity verification has gained popularity as a convenient and secure way to remotely confirm identities. In this article, we will explore the concept of mobile identity verification, its benefits, and its implications for various industries.

  • Mobile identity verification is the process of verifying someone’s identity remotely using a mobile device.
  • It combines advanced technologies such as biometrics, document scanning, and artificial intelligence to ensure secure identity verification.
  • Through smartphones, businesses and organizations can streamline their verification processes while maintaining a high level of security.

How Does It Work?

Mobile identity verification involves document verification and biometric authentication, leveraging the capabilities of smartphones to confirm identities remotely.

  • Users capture images of identification documents using their smartphone’s camera.
  • Optical character recognition (OCR) technology analyzes the images to extract relevant information.
  • Facial recognition or live video comparison is used to authenticate the user’s identity.
  • Advanced algorithms powered by artificial intelligence verify the authenticity of the identity.

The Benefits of Mobile Identity Verification

Mobile identity verification offers several advantages, making it an attractive option for remote identity verification.

  • Convenience and Accessibility:
    • Users can complete the process from anywhere, eliminating the need for physical visits.
    • The process is quick and can be completed within minutes, saving time for both users and organizations.
  • Enhanced Security:
    • Biometric authentication adds an extra layer of protection against identity theft and fraud.
    • Algorithms and machine learning techniques detect forged or tampered documents, ensuring authenticity.

Applications of Mobile Identity Verification

Mobile identity verification has diverse applications across various industries.

  • Financial Services:
    • Streamlines customer onboarding reduces paperwork, and enhances the overall customer experience.
    • Helps comply with KYC and AML regulations, ensuring a secure financial ecosystem.
  • Online Marketplaces and Sharing Economy Platforms:
    • Builds trust among users by validating the identities of service providers and customers.
    • Minimizes the risk of fraud and creates a secure online environment.
  • Healthcare and Telemedicine:
    • Ensures remote patient verification, safeguarding sensitive medical information and preventing identity theft.
    • Authenticates patients for telemedicine platforms, improving efficiency and patient privacy.


In conclusion, mobile identity verification is a transformative solution that is reshaping the landscape of remote identity verification. Its convenience, enhanced security features, and broad applications across various industries make it an invaluable tool in establishing trust and security in the digital realm.

By leveraging the widespread use of smartphones, mobile identity verification offers unparalleled convenience and accessibility. Users can undergo the verification process from anywhere, eliminating the need for physical visits and saving valuable time for both individuals and organizations. This level of convenience not only enhances the user experience but also improves operational efficiency.

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Is mobile identity verification secure?

Yes, mobile identity verification utilizes biometrics and advanced algorithms to enhance security and prevent fraud.

How does mobile identity verification save time?

It eliminates the need for physical visits, allowing users to verify their identities remotely within minutes.

Can mobile identity verification be used in the healthcare industry?

Absolutely. Mobile identity verification strengthens patient privacy and ensures accurate diagnoses and treatments in telemedicine platforms.

Is mobile identity verification safe and reliable?

Yes, mobile identity verification is designed with robust security measures to ensure the safety and reliability of the process. Biometric authentication, advanced algorithms, and encryption techniques are employed to protect personal information and prevent unauthorized access.

What if someone tries to tamper with the verification process?

Mobile identity verification incorporates various safeguards to detect and prevent tampering attempts. Advanced algorithms can detect signs of document manipulation, such as alterations or forgeries, ensuring the authenticity of the verification process.

Can mobile identity verification be integrated with existing systems and processes?

Yes, mobile identity verification solutions are designed to be adaptable and compatible with existing systems. They can be seamlessly integrated into workflows, making it easier for businesses to incorporate this technology into their identity verification processes without major disruptions.

Enhancing Financial Inclusion: Identity Verification for the Underbanked Mon, 19 Jun 2023 06:30:56 +0000 In an increasingly digital world, identity verification is a fundamental requirement for accessing various services and participating in the global economy. However, a significant portion of the population known as the underbanked faces unique challenges in verifying their identities due to limited access to traditional financial services.

This article explores the concept of  id verification service for the underbanked, delves into the obstacles they encounter, and highlights the innovative solutions being developed to address these issues and foster financial inclusion.

Understanding the Underbanked Population

The underbanked population consists of individuals who have limited access to formal banking services, which restricts their full participation in the financial system.

Relying on alternative financial services such as payday lenders, check cashing services, and money transfer agents, they often lack traditional bank accounts or have minimal interaction with mainstream financial institutions.

Challenges in Identity Verification for the Underbanked

Identity verification presents significant hurdles for the underbanked, primarily due to their limited access to traditional financial services.

Many verification processes require documentation that the underbanked may not possess, such as government-issued identification or proof of address. This absence of documentation creates barriers to essential services, including opening bank accounts, securing loans, or even gaining employment.

Innovative Solutions for Identity Verification

Acknowledging the importance of financial inclusion, service providers are developing innovative solutions to address the identity verification needs of the underbanked. These solutions harness technology and alternative data sources to establish reliable identities for individuals with limited access to traditional financial services. Here are some notable examples:

  • Digital Identity Solutions: Service providers are creating digital identity platforms that enable individuals to create and manage their identities using alternative forms of verification. These platforms may utilize biometric data, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, in conjunction with other data points to establish secure and verifiable identities. These digital identity platforms offer a convenient and secure way for underbanked individuals to verify their identities.
  • Mobile-Based Solutions: With the widespread adoption of mobile technology, service providers are leveraging smartphones to facilitate identity verification for the underbanked. Mobile-based solutions allow individuals to remotely verify their identities using their mobile devices, eliminating the need for physical documentation. These mobile-based solutions provide flexibility and accessibility for identity verification, ensuring that underbanked individuals can easily verify their identities without traditional documentation.

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Identity verification for the underbanked is a crucial component of promoting financial inclusion and empowering individuals with limited access to traditional financial services. Through the development of innovative solutions, service providers are addressing the unique challenges faced by the underbanked population, enabling them to establish reliable identities and access essential financial services.

By leveraging technology, alternative data sources, and user-centric approaches, we can bridge the identity verification gap and create a more inclusive financial ecosystem. The future of identity verification lies in solutions that prioritize accessibility, security, and empowerment for the underbanked population.

By crafting this article, our objective was to engage readers and provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by the underbanked population in identity verification, as well as the promising solutions being developed to overcome these challenges. Through promoting financial inclusion, we strive for a more equitable society where everyone has access to the financial services necessary for their growth and well-being.


Are alternative identity verification solutions secure?

Yes, alternative identity verification solutions prioritize security by employing robust encryption, data protection measures, and stringent privacy protocols. Service providers understand the significance of safeguarding personal information and implement stringent security measures to protect user data.

How do these solutions promote financial inclusion?

These solutions promote financial inclusion by offering alternative methods of identity verification, thus enabling the underbanked population to access essential financial services. By breaking down the barriers imposed by traditional verification processes, individuals gain access to banking services, loans, and other financial opportunities that empower them and contribute to their overall financial well-being.

What documents are required for identity verification for the underbanked?

Identity verification solutions for the underbanked typically rely on alternative forms of documentation. Instead of traditional bank statements or utility bills, individuals may be required to provide other proofs of identity, such as government-issued identification cards, social security numbers, or verifiable digital profiles.

Blockchain-based Identity Verification: Enhancing Security and Trust Sun, 18 Jun 2023 07:06:07 +0000 In today’s digital landscape, ensuring secure and trustworthy identity verification is crucial. Blockchain technology has emerged as a game-changer, offering decentralized and tamper-resistant solutions for identity verification.

This article delves into the potential of blockchain-based identity verification systems, their advantages, real-world applications, and the challenges they face. Let’s explore the world of secure identity verification through blockchain!

Understanding Blockchain-based Identity Verification

Blockchain-based id verification service harnesses the power of decentralized blockchain technology to create transparent and secure systems for verifying and managing identities.

By distributing identity-related data across a network of computers, known as nodes, this approach eliminates the need for centralized authorities and enhances the security and integrity of identity verification processes.

How Blockchain-based Identity Verification Works

Blockchain-based identity verification ensures enhanced security and trust through two key mechanisms:

  1. Decentralized Identity Management: Instead of relying on a central authority, identity data is stored and distributed across multiple nodes in the blockchain network. This decentralization reduces the risk of single-point failures or vulnerabilities, ensuring greater resilience and security.
  2. Immutable and Tamper-Resistant Records: Once identity data is added to the blockchain, it becomes nearly impossible to alter or delete. The immutability of the blockchain ensures the integrity of identity-related records, making them tamper-resistant and providing an auditable history of an individual’s identity.

Advantages of Blockchain-based Identity Verification

Blockchain-based identity verification offers several advantages:

  • Enhanced Security and Privacy: By decentralizing data storage and utilizing cryptographic algorithms, blockchain-based systems provide robust security measures, safeguarding user data and ensuring privacy.
  • Reduction in Identity Fraud: The transparency and immutability of the blockchain make it significantly challenging for malicious actors to manipulate or forge identity records, reducing the risk of identity theft and fraud.

Real-World Applications of Blockchain-based Identity Verification

Blockchain-based identity verification has a wide range of applications across industries:

  • Digital Identity Verification: Industries such as finance, healthcare, and e-commerce can utilize blockchain-based systems to verify digital identities securely. This streamlines processes and eliminates the need for repetitive identity verification.
  • Cross-Border Identity Verification: Blockchain-based solutions simplify cross-border transactions and travel by providing secure and efficient identity verification that complies with regulatory requirements.

Challenges and Future Outlook

The adoption of blockchain-based identity verification faces certain challenges:

  • Regulatory and Legal Considerations: Adhering to existing regulations and privacy laws is crucial to ensure compliance and protect user data.
  • Scalability and Interoperability: Addressing scalability challenges and achieving interoperability between different blockchain networks are key factors for widespread adoption.

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Blockchain-based identity verification systems offer decentralized and tamper-resistant solutions for secure identity verification. By leveraging transparency, immutability, and cryptographic algorithms, these systems enhance security, privacy, and trust.

Embrace the future of identity verification through blockchain and contribute to a more secure and trustworthy digital ecosystem.


How does blockchain-based identity verification ensure data security?

Blockchain-based identity verification utilizes decentralized storage and cryptographic algorithms to enhance data security. By distributing identity data across multiple nodes and employing encryption techniques, the system ensures the privacy and integrity of user information.

Can blockchain-based identity verification be tampered with or hacked?

Blockchain technology provides a high level of security and immutability. Due to the decentralized nature of the blockchain network and the cryptographic algorithms used, tampering with or hacking the system is extremely difficult. The transparency and consensus mechanisms of the blockchain make it highly resistant to unauthorized modifications.

What are the benefits of using blockchain for identity verification?

Blockchain-based identity verification offers several benefits, including enhanced security, privacy, and trust. It reduces the risk of identity fraud, streamlines verification processes, and provides individuals with greater control over their digital identities. Moreover, it eliminates the need for reliance on centralized authorities, ensuring a more decentralized and resilient system.

Are there any limitations to blockchain-based identity verification?

While blockchain-based identity verification offers significant advantages, it also faces challenges. Scalability and interoperability issues between different blockchain networks need to be addressed for widespread adoption. Additionally, regulatory and legal considerations must be taken into account to ensure compliance with existing laws and privacy regulations.

Remote Identity Verification: The Key to Trust and Security in a Digital World Fri, 16 Jun 2023 07:03:46 +0000 In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote identity verification has become a vital solution for businesses and individuals alike. With the limitations on physical interactions, the ability to verify identities remotely has gained immense importance.

This article delves into the significance of remote identity verification, explores the available solutions, and highlights its impact on trust and security. Let’s embark on this journey together!

The Need for Remote Identity Verification

Remote id verification service has become an imperative in our current reality, where traditional methods are hindered by social distancing measures. However, the need to establish trust and prevent fraud remains unwavering.

Let’s explore why remote identity verification is essential.

Ensuring Business Continuity

In the face of social distancing and remote operations, businesses must adapt to ensure continuity. Remote identity verification plays a pivotal role by allowing service providers to seamlessly conduct identity verifications while complying with regulatory requirements.

By offering remote verification solutions, businesses can maintain trust, onboard new customers, and deliver uninterrupted services.

The Rise of Remote Identity Verification Solutions

Document Verification

Document verification is a popular method of remote identity verification. It involves individuals submitting scanned or photographed copies of their identification documents, such as passports or driver’s licenses. Cutting-edge algorithms and AI-powered software analyze these documents, verifying their authenticity and the individual’s identity.

Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication has witnessed a remarkable surge in remote identity verification. It leverages unique physical or behavioral characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, or voice recognition, to remotely verify an individual’s identity. By analyzing biometric data, these solutions ensure a high level of accuracy while minimizing the risk of impersonation or fraud.

  • Real-time Facial Recognition: Some remote identity verification solutions utilize real-time facial recognition technology to ensure the person presenting their identity matches the photo on their identification document.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Remote identity verification can incorporate an additional layer of security by implementing two-factor authentication methods, such as SMS codes or biometric authentication, to further validate the identity of individuals.

Advantages of Remote Identity Verification

Convenience and Accessibility

Remote identity verification offers unparalleled convenience and accessibility. Individuals can complete the verification process from anywhere, eliminating the need for in-person visits or physical document submissions. This streamlined approach saves time and provides a user-friendly experience.

Enhanced Security and Fraud Prevention

Remote identity verification employs advanced technologies that enhance security and prevent fraud. Sophisticated algorithms detect forged documents, analyze facial features, or match fingerprints, ensuring a robust verification process. These measures fortify the trustworthiness of digital interactions.

Considerations and Challenges

Data Privacy and Security

Protecting personal information is paramount in remote identity verification. Service providers must implement stringent measures to safeguard the data collected during the verification process. Adhering to data protection regulations and utilizing encryption techniques are vital considerations.

User Experience and Accessibility

While convenience is a hallmark of remote identity verification, ensuring a smooth user experience is equally important. Solutions should be user-friendly, providing clear instructions and intuitive interfaces. Accessibility considerations, such as accommodating individuals with disabilities or limited access to technology, should also be addressed.

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Remote identity verification has become an indispensable tool in the digital age, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. By offering secure and convenient solutions for verifying identities remotely, businesses can adapt to the evolving landscape and ensure the trust of their customers.

As technology continues to advance, remote identity verification will play a pivotal role in fostering trust, securing digital transactions, and enabling seamless interactions. Embrace the power of remote identity verification to establish trust in our digital world.


Is remote identity verification secure?

Yes, remote identity verification employs advanced technologies like biometrics and document analysis to enhance security and prevent fraud, ensuring a robust verification process.

How does remote identity verification benefit businesses?

Remote identity verification enables businesses to maintain continuity by onboarding new customers and providing uninterrupted services, all while complying with regulatory requirements and fostering trust.

Can remote identity verification be used across different industries?

Yes, remote identity verification is applicable to various industries, including finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and more. Any industry that requires secure digital transactions and the verification of customer identities can benefit from remote identity verification solutions.

What happens if the remote identity verification process fails?

In the event of a failed remote identity verification, individuals may be prompted to go through alternative verification methods, such as in-person verification or manual document submission, to ensure their identity is properly verified.

Enhancing Security and Data Protection in Identity Verification Services Fri, 09 Jun 2023 06:45:25 +0000 In our increasingly digital world, security and data protection have become paramount for identity verification service providers. With the rise of data breaches and identity theft, it is crucial for providers to prioritize robust security measures to ensure the safety of sensitive information.

This comprehensive guide explores the significance of security and data protection in id verification services and provides strategies to mitigate the risks associated with data breaches and identity theft.

The Growing Threat of Data Breaches and Identity Theft

Understanding Data Breaches

  • Data breaches compromise the security and privacy of individuals by allowing unauthorized access to sensitive information.
  • They can result in financial loss, reputational damage, and even lead to identity theft.
  • Identity verification service providers must implement robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access to customer data.

The Impact of Identity Theft

  • Identity theft involves the fraudulent use of personal information, causing financial ruin and emotional distress for victims.
  • It highlights the urgent need for identity verification service providers to enhance security protocols and protect customer data.

Ensuring Security in Identity Verification Services

Implementing Advanced Encryption Techniques

  • Strong encryption algorithms must be employed to protect sensitive data during transit and storage.
  • Encryption ensures that even if data is intercepted, it remains incomprehensible and unusable.

Multi-Factor Authentication for Enhanced Security

  • Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring multiple pieces of evidence to prove identity.
  • It significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access, ensuring only legitimate individuals can access sensitive data.

Proactive Measures for Data Protection

Regular Security Audits and Vulnerability Assessments

  • Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments identify weaknesses in systems and allow for proactive measures to strengthen security.
  • They minimize the risk of data breaches and enhance overall data protection.

Staff Training and Awareness Programs

  • Comprehensive training programs educate employees on security best practices, data protection protocols, and the importance of safeguarding customer information.
  • Staff training programs create a culture of security awareness, empowering employees to prevent security breaches.

Compliance with Regulatory Standards

Understanding Regulatory Requirements

Identity verification service providers must comply with various regulatory standards, such as GDPR, KYC, and AML laws. These regulations aim to protect personal data, prevent fraud, and ensure the security and integrity of identity verification processes.

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Implementing Compliance Measures

Providers need to establish robust compliance frameworks that align with regulatory requirements. This includes implementing necessary controls, conducting regular audits, and keeping up with changes in regulations to maintain compliance.

Building Trust and Customer Confidence

Transparency and Accountability

Identity verification service providers need to be transparent about their data handling practices and security measures. Demonstrating accountability through clear privacy policies and effective communication helps build trust with customers.

Proactive Customer Support

Offering responsive and helpful customer support shows commitment to data protection and security. Promptly addressing customer concerns and providing assistance in navigating security features enhance customer confidence in the service.


Security and data protection are of utmost importance for identity verification service providers in a world plagued by data breaches and identity theft. By prioritizing robust security measures, implementing advanced encryption techniques, employing multi-factor authentication, conducting regular security audits, and investing in staff training programs, providers can safeguard sensitive customer information.

Protecting against unauthorized access and ensuring the privacy of customer data builds trust with clients and mitigates the risks associated with data breaches and identity theft. By staying vigilant and proactive in implementing security measures, identity verification service providers can navigate the digital landscape with confidence, providing secure and reliable services to their customers.


Why is security important for identity verification service providers?

Security is vital to protect sensitive customer information, prevent data breaches, and combat identity theft.

How can identity verification service providers enhance security measures?

Providers can implement advanced encryption techniques, utilize multi-factor authentication, conduct regular security audits, and invest in staff training and awareness programs.

What are the risks associated with data breaches and identity theft?

Data breaches can lead to financial loss, reputational damage, and compromised privacy. Identity theft can result in financial ruin and emotional distress for victims.

How do regulations like GDPR, KYC, and AML laws impact identity verification service providers?

These regulations set guidelines for protecting personal data, combatting fraud, and ensuring the integrity of identity verification processes. Providers must comply with these standards to maintain legal and ethical practices.

What steps can identity verification service providers take to build customer trust?

Providers can enhance trust by being transparent about their data handling practices, demonstrating accountability, and providing proactive customer support to address any security concerns.

Unpacking Digital Identity: The Critical Importance of Online Verification Thu, 01 Jun 2023 12:29:06 +0000 As we increasingly immerse ourselves in digital platforms and conduct transactions online, the significance of ‘digital identity’ is rising rapidly. Your digital identity, much like your physical identity, is a unique representation of yourself within the online world. Every post, every purchase, every interaction adds another facet to your online persona.

Here’s the intriguing part: this digital footprint has a considerable impact on our real-world lives.

Consequently, with the progressive digitisation of our lives, the pressing issue becomes the verification of these online identities. Picture trying to find a single book in a gargantuan library – that’s the complexity we face with digital identity verification.

Breakdown of Digital Identity Verification

Let’s take a moment to understand what digital id verification service is. In its simplest form, it’s a method to confirm that the person you’re dealing with online is indeed who they profess to be. It’s like checking someone’s ID at a club, but in the digital sphere.

The significance of this process is undeniable given that with the conveniences of the digital world come increased risks such as identity theft, fraud, and data breaches. Trust is a reciprocal relationship, and it’s not just about businesses protecting themselves – it’s equally about ensuring customer safety and peace of mind.

Just as we verify physical identities with passports or driver’s licenses, digital identities are validated through:

  • Email addresses
  • Social media profiles
  • Biometric data

These biometric markers, such as fingerprints and facial recognition, are increasingly vital in ensuring security in our online interactions.

The Hurdles and Prospects of Digital Identity Verification

Although digital identity verification is essential, it’s not without challenges. The issues of accuracy and privacy are paramount. How can the provided data’s accuracy be guaranteed? How can we ensure the security of sensitive data?

Yet, each challenge also presents opportunities, and innovators are quick to seize them. Advanced technologies are enhancing the process of digital identity verification:

  • Artificial intelligence algorithms improve accuracy
  • Blockchain technology ensures data security
  • Biometric advancements facilitate efficient identity checks

Biometric verification isn’t a futuristic idea – it’s here, and it’s revolutionising how we secure our devices and applications.

The Role of Digital Identity Verification

As we gaze into the future, digital identity verification is poised to become even more central to our lives. It’s plausible to imagine a time when physical identification documents are superseded by digital counterparts.

Envision a world where:

  • Your face or fingerprint provides access to services
  • Payments are authorised with a simple biometric check
  • International travel requires only a digital verification

This isn’t just a distant dream but an achievable reality that we’re progressing towards, with digital identity verification spearheading this transformation.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, as the lines between our digital and physical identities continue to blur, the importance of digital identity verification is becoming increasingly evident. It is critical for businesses and individuals alike to authenticate these identities accurately and securely.

Despite the hurdles, technological advancements are progressively bringing us closer to a future where digital identity verification is seamless, safe, and an integral part of our digital existence.

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Understanding and embracing digital identity verification isn’t merely an option but a necessity in our evolving digital landscape. Who we are in the digital space is becoming more and more pertinent to our everyday lives.


What is digital identity verification?

Digital identity verification is the process of confirming that a person online is who they claim to be. It’s akin to checking a physical ID, but for the digital world.

Why is digital identity verification important?

With increased online interactions, the risk of identity theft and fraud has risen. Digital identity verification is vital to protect businesses and ensure customer safety and trust.

What methods are used in digital identity verification?

Various methods are used, including checking email addresses, social media profiles, and biometric data like fingerprints and facial recognition.

What challenges does digital identity verification face?

Key challenges include ensuring the accuracy of data provided and maintaining the security of sensitive data.

What does the future hold for digital identity verification?

With advancements in technology, digital identity verification will become even more integral to our lives. It’s plausible that digital identities will replace physical identification documents in the future.

Identity Verification for the Unbanked Tue, 30 May 2023 14:17:38 +0000 In today’s digital age, id verification service is a crucial aspect of accessing various services and participating in the modern economy. However, a significant portion of the global population, known as the unbanked, faces challenges in verifying their identities due to the lack of traditional forms of identification and bank accounts. 

This article delves into the concept of identity verification for the unbanked, explores the unique challenges they encounter, and highlights the emerging solutions designed to address these issues, fostering inclusivity and enabling access to essential services.

Understanding the Unbanked Population

The unbanked population comprises individuals who do not have access to formal banking services or conventional financial institutions. This segment of the population, which spans across regions and countries, relies primarily on cash transactions and informal financial systems to meet their financial needs.

Challenges in Identity Verification for the Unbanked

Identity verification poses significant challenges for the unbanked due to the absence of traditional identification documents and bank accounts.

Many existing verification processes heavily depend on official identification papers and financial records, making it difficult for the unbanked to fully participate in the digital economy and access vital services such as healthcare, education, and financial products.

Innovative Solutions for Identity Verification

Fortunately, innovative service providers have recognized the need to develop inclusive solutions that cater to the specific requirements of the unbanked population. These solutions leverage cutting-edge technologies and alternative data sources to verify identities effectively. Here are a few notable examples:

  • Biometric Identification: Biometric technology, such as fingerprint or iris scanning, offers a secure and accessible way to verify identities without relying on traditional documents. By capturing unique physical characteristics, biometric identification provides reliable and inclusive verification for individuals without formal identification papers.
  • Social Network Analysis: Some service providers utilize social network analysis techniques to establish trust and verify identities within close-knit communities. By analyzing social connections and relationships, these solutions can validate an individual’s identity based on the trust network they belong to, facilitating secure verification in the absence of traditional documents.

The Benefits of Identity Verification for the Unbanked

Identity verification solutions tailored for the unbanked population offer numerous benefits that contribute to financial inclusion and empowerment. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Access to Essential Services: Identity verification enables the unbanked to access vital services such as healthcare, education, government assistance programs, and financial products. By providing a reliable and secure means of identification, these individuals can overcome barriers and enjoy the same opportunities as those with traditional forms of identification.
  2. Enhanced Security and Fraud Prevention: Robust identity verification processes significantly reduce the risk of identity theft and fraudulent activities. By implementing innovative technologies and data analysis techniques, service providers can identify potential risks and ensure the integrity of the verification process, safeguarding the interests of both service providers and users.

Overcoming Challenges and Driving Inclusion

While identity verification for the unbanked presents unique challenges, there are promising initiatives and strategies to overcome these obstacles and promote inclusion. Here are some key approaches:

  1. Collaborative Efforts: Governments, financial institutions, and technology providers need to collaborate closely to develop comprehensive solutions that address the specific challenges faced by the unbanked. By working together, they can leverage their expertise and resources to create innovative approaches that bridge the identity verification gap.
  2. Leveraging Mobile Technology: Mobile phones have become ubiquitous, even among the unbanked population. Leveraging mobile technology and smartphone penetration, service providers can offer mobile-based identity verification solutions that are accessible and user-friendly. This approach takes advantage of the widespread availability of mobile devices to reach individuals who may lack access to traditional banking services.


Identity verification for the unbanked is a crucial aspect of promoting financial inclusion and ensuring access to essential services for all individuals, regardless of their traditional identification or banking status.

Through the utilization of innovative technologies such as biometrics and social network analysis, service providers are revolutionizing the identity verification landscape, bridging the gap and creating more inclusive solutions. 

By embracing these advancements, we move closer to a society where everyone has the opportunity to participate fully in the digital economy. The future of identity verification lies in the development of solutions that prioritize inclusivity, security, and accessibility for the unbanked population.

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How secure are these alternative identity verification methods?

Alternative identity verification methods prioritize security and privacy. Biometric identification systems employ robust encryption and stringent security measures to protect personal data. Social network analysis and other innovative solutions also implement advanced security protocols, ensuring secure and reliable identity verification for the unbanked population.

Can identity verification for the unbanked help combat fraud?

Yes, identity verification solutions for the unbanked incorporate advanced algorithms and data analysis techniques to detect patterns and anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activities. By leveraging technology, these solutions contribute to fraud prevention and risk mitigation, enhancing overall security in the verification process.

Identity Proofing vs Identity Verification Fri, 19 May 2023 06:53:43 +0000 In today’s digital world, ensuring secure transactions and building trust between users and service providers is of utmost importance.

Identity proofing and id verification service are two crucial processes that play a vital role in achieving these objectives. Although they share the common goal of establishing and confirming an individual’s identity, they differ in their methods and applications.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the distinctions between identity proofing and identity verification and their significance in the ongoing battle against fraud.

I. Understanding Identity Proofing

Identity proofing involves verifying the legitimacy of an individual’s claimed identity. It encompasses the collection and analysis of various types of evidence to establish the accuracy and trustworthiness of the identity claim. Let’s explore the key aspects of identity proofing:

  • Personal Attributes: Personal attributes, such as name, address, date of birth, and social security number, are evaluated against authoritative sources and trusted databases to ensure consistency and accuracy.
  • Document Validation: Official documents like passports and driver’s licenses are scrutinized for security features such as holograms, watermarks, and unique identification numbers to validate their authenticity.
  • Biometric Data Analysis: Biometric data, such as fingerprints and facial recognition, is increasingly used to enhance identity proofing. By comparing the captured biometric data against existing databases, organizations can improve accuracy and reliability.

II. Exploring Identity Verification

Identity verification focuses on confirming the accuracy of the information provided by an individual, ensuring that they are indeed who they claim to be. Let’s delve into the key aspects of identity verification:

  • Knowledge-Based Verification: Specific questions are asked, relying on personal information only known to the genuine individual. This method helps verify the identity claim by validating the knowledge possessed by the claimant.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): By combining something the individual knows (e.g., a password) with something they possess (e.g., a unique code sent to their mobile device), 2FA adds an extra layer of security to the verification process.
  • Biometric Authentication: Utilizing unique physical or behavioral characteristics, biometric authentication methods such as fingerprint scanning and facial recognition offer a high level of accuracy and convenience.

III. The Complementary Nature of Identity Proofing and Verification

Identity proofing and identity verification, though distinct processes, are often used in conjunction to establish a robust identity assurance framework. Here are a few points that highlight their complementary nature:

  • Continuum of Identity Assurance: Identity proofing and verification form a continuum, with proofing establishing initial confidence and verification providing ongoing assurance throughout the user journey.
  • Strengthening Security and Preventing Fraud: Employing both identity proofing and verification measures significantly enhances security and mitigates the risk of fraudulent activities, protecting the interests of both service providers and users.

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In conclusion, identity proofing and identity verification are essential components in the fight against fraud and the establishment of secure digital interactions.

While identity proofing verifies the authenticity of an individual’s identity claim, identity verification confirms the accuracy of the provided information. 

By combining these processes in a complementary manner, organizations can achieve a higher level of identity confidence, protecting against various forms of fraud. Embracing these practices strengthens security, fosters trust, and ensures smoother digital interactions in today’s interconnected world.


Are identity proofing and identity verification the same?

No, they are distinct processes. Identity proofing focuses on establishing the authenticity of an individual’s identity claim, while identity verification confirms the accuracy of the provided information.

How do biometrics contribute to identity proofing and verification?

Biometric data analysis and authentication methods enhance both identity proofing and verification processes by utilizing unique physical or behavioral characteristics to establish and confirm an individual’s identity.

Are identity proofing and identity verification the same?

No, they are distinct processes. Identity proofing focuses on establishing the authenticity of an individual’s identity claim, while identity verification confirms the accuracy of the provided information.

How do biometrics contribute to identity proofing and verification?

Biometric data analysis and authentication methods enhance both identity proofing and verification processes by utilizing unique physical or behavioral characteristics to establish and confirm an individual’s identity.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Thu, 18 May 2023 06:22:35 +0000 In today’s digital landscape, the importance of robust identity verification cannot be overstated. Businesses face increasing challenges related to identity theft and fraudulent activities.

Fortunately, identity verification service providers are leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to enhance the accuracy and speed of their processes. In this article, we will explore how AI and ML technologies are transforming identity verification, leading to improved efficiency, enhanced accuracy, and a safer digital environment.

The Role of AI and ML in Identity Verification

Id verification service is a critical process that confirms the authenticity of individuals’ claimed identities. Traditionally, it relied on manual processes, which were time-consuming and prone to errors. However, the integration of AI and ML algorithms has revolutionized identity verification services, providing numerous benefits.

Enhanced Accuracy through AI and ML

AI and ML algorithms enable identity verification service providers to analyze vast amounts of data in real time. By doing so, they develop robust fraud detection models that quickly identify patterns and anomalies indicative of fraudulent activities.

With continuous learning capabilities, these algorithms improve their accuracy over time, adapting to evolving threats and providing a higher level of security for businesses and individuals.

Streamlined User Experience

Gone are the days of submitting piles of documents and undergoing tedious manual checks. AI and ML technologies have transformed the user experience in identity verification.

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Advanced methods, including biometric data analysis, facial recognition, and behavioral analytics, have streamlined the verification process. This results in a smoother and more user-friendly experience, reducing paperwork, minimizing friction, and enhancing user satisfaction.

  • Enhanced accuracy through real-time data analysis
  • Streamlined user experience with advanced verification methods

The Advantages of AI-Powered Identity Verification

Improved Efficiency

AI and ML have revolutionized the speed at which identity verification can be conducted. Manual processes involving document verification and database searches were time-consuming. In contrast, AI-powered systems swiftly analyze data from multiple sources, authenticate documents, and perform background checks in a matter of seconds. This improved efficiency saves time, enables faster customer onboarding, and provides seamless access to services.

Scalability and Adaptability

AI and ML algorithms excel in handling large volumes of data and adapting to changing circumstances. Identity verification service providers can scale their operations without compromising accuracy, even during periods of high growth or seasonal fluctuations in demand. Furthermore, these systems can be updated and improved to counter emerging fraud techniques, ensuring ongoing protection against evolving threats.

  • Improved efficiency through swift data analysis
  • Scalability and adaptability for businesses with fluctuating demands


Artificial intelligence and machine learning have revolutionized identity verification services. The enhanced accuracy, streamlined user experiences, improved efficiency, and scalability offered by AI and ML technologies make them invaluable tools for businesses. 

Although challenges regarding privacy and biases exist, proper safeguards and ethical considerations can address these concerns. The future of identity verification holds great promise, with ongoing advancements in AI and ML leading to a safer and more efficient digital environment.


Is AI-powered identity verification secure?

Yes, AI-powered systems incorporate robust safeguards and encryption measures to ensure the security of user data.

Can AI and ML algorithms be biased in identity verification?

Bias can occur in automated decision-making processes. Continuous monitoring and auditing of algorithms are essential to identify and mitigate biases, ensuring fairness and ethical decision-making.

How does AI enhance the user experience in identity verification?

AI enables advanced methods such as biometric data analysis and facial recognition, reducing paperwork and simplifying the verification process, resulting in a smoother and more user-friendly experience.

Anomaly Detection in Identity Verification: The Key to Fraud Prevention Sun, 07 May 2023 06:57:45 +0000 In the rapidly evolving landscape of id verification service, the ability to detect patterns and anomalies that signal fraudulent activities has become a critical focus.

Organizations worldwide are leveraging anomaly detection systems to stay ahead of fraudsters and protect their users. This article delves into the significance of anomaly detection in identity verification, its role in combatting fraud, and the strategies employed. Let’s explore!

Understanding Anomaly Detection in Identity Verification

Anomaly detection is the practice of identifying unusual patterns or behaviors that deviate significantly from established norms. In the context of identity verification, it involves recognizing activities or attributes that raise suspicion and may indicate potential fraud.

Advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques are utilized in anomaly detection systems to analyze large datasets and identify anomalies that may go unnoticed.

The Importance of Anomaly Detection in Fraud Prevention

Anomaly detection plays a pivotal role in preventing fraud within the realm of identity verification. Consider the following key reasons for its importance:

Identifying Suspicious Activities

Anomaly detection systems monitor user behavior and transactional data to swiftly identify suspicious activities. Unusual occurrences like repeated failed login attempts, sudden changes in account access location, or a surge in transactions within a short period can be flagged as potential anomalies. Such early detection enables organizations to take proactive measures, investigate further, and prevent potential fraud.

  • Anomaly detection systems leverage data from various sources, including user behavior, transaction history, and device information, to identify potential anomalies.
  • Machine learning algorithms enable anomaly detection systems to continuously learn and adapt to evolving fraud patterns, improving their accuracy over time.

Unveiling Emerging Fraud Patterns

Fraudsters continuously adapt their tactics to bypass traditional security measures. Anomaly detection helps organizations stay ahead by unveiling emerging fraud patterns. By analyzing data from various sources and leveraging machine learning algorithms, these systems can identify new patterns that indicate fraudulent behavior. This empowers organizations to adjust their security protocols and proactively counter emerging threats.

Strategies and Techniques for Anomaly Detection

Anomaly detection systems employ various strategies and techniques to identify patterns and anomalies in identity verification processes. Here are some commonly used approaches:

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis is a fundamental technique in anomaly detection. It involves analyzing data distribution, calculating mean and standard deviation, and identifying data points that significantly deviate from the expected norm. This method is particularly effective when dealing with numerical data or attributes with well-defined patterns.

Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine learning algorithms, such as clustering, classification, and neural networks, play a vital role in anomaly detection. These algorithms learn from historical data, allowing them to identify complex patterns and anomalies that may not be apparent through traditional statistical analysis. Continuously updating their models, machine learning-based anomaly detection systems adapt to evolving fraud tactics and improve accuracy over time.

Behavioral Analysis

Behavioral analysis focuses on monitoring and analyzing user behavior to detect anomalies. It establishes a baseline of normal user behavior by capturing data such as login patterns, transaction history, and device usage. Deviations from the established patterns, such as sudden changes in behavior or account access from unusual locations, can trigger alerts for further investigation.

Challenges and Considerations in Anomaly Detection

Implementing effective anomaly detection systems in identity verification comes with its own set of challenges. Consider the following considerations:

Balancing Accuracy and False Positives

Striking a balance between accurately detecting genuine anomalies and minimizing false positives is crucial. Too many false positives can lead to unnecessary friction and inconvenience for legitimate users, potentially damaging the user experience. Fine-tuning the system to minimize false positives while maintaining high accuracy is an ongoing challenge.

Data Quality and Volume

The effectiveness of anomaly detection heavily relies on the quality and volume of data available. Insufficient or inaccurate data can result in missed anomalies or false negatives. Organizations must ensure they have access to reliable and diverse datasets to train their anomaly detection systems effectively.

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Anomaly detection serves as a powerful tool in combating fraud within the realm of identity verification. By leveraging advanced algorithms, machine learning techniques, and behavioral analysis, organizations can identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activities.

Swiftly detecting suspicious behaviors enables proactive measures to prevent fraud and maintain trust in digital transactions. As technology advances, anomaly detection will continue to play a vital role in safeguarding identities and securing the digital landscape.


How does anomaly detection differ from traditional identity verification methods?

Anomaly detection focuses on identifying patterns and behaviors that deviate significantly from the norm, while traditional identity verification methods primarily rely on static data verification.

Can anomaly detection systems adapt to new fraud tactics?

Yes, anomaly detection systems leverage machine learning algorithms to continuously update their models and identify emerging fraud patterns.

What industries can benefit from anomaly detection in identity verification?

Anomaly detection is applicable across various industries, including financial services, healthcare, e-commerce, and government sectors, where securing digital transactions and protecting sensitive information is crucial.

Identity Verification: Safeguarding Trust in the Sharing Economy Thu, 04 May 2023 06:28:11 +0000 From catching a ride with Uber to booking a stay through Airbnb, this dynamic economic model is all about sharing or renting assets directly from individuals, often facilitated by a digital platform. A crucial one being, how do we trust the person on the other side of the transaction?

This is where identity verification for sharing economy platforms steps into the limelight.

Identity Verification: A Pillar of Trust and Safety

Id verification service is no longer a luxury; it’s an absolute necessity. In the sharing economy, we’re dealing with real people and real assets. The driver behind the wheel, the host of the apartment, or the handyman fixing your leaky faucet; they’re all individuals who need to be who they say they are.

Ensuring this trust is a complex task, yet some forward-thinking service providers are developing solutions designed to verify identities in this bustling ecosystem.

  • Automated Document Verification: Technology that scans and validates government-issued IDs, like passports or driver’s licenses, offering a robust line of defense against fraud.
  • Facial Recognition Technology: By comparing a selfie with the picture on a verified ID, this tech helps confirm the person providing the service is the ID holder.
  • Background Checks: A crucial step that delves into public records, checking for any red flags from criminal activity to driving offenses.
  • Data Analysis: Advanced algorithms sift through data points, checking consistency, and flagging any anomalies for further review.

Embracing Tech-Driven Identity Verification Solutions

The beauty of these emerging solutions lies in their blend of technology and human oversight. Advanced algorithms and AI can sift through data and validate documents with exceptional speed and accuracy, yet there’s always a human in the loop, ensuring that the system’s decisions make sense in the real world.

Towards a Secure Sharing Economy

With these advancements in identity verification, we’re setting the stage for a safer, more secure sharing economy. Service providers must continually innovate and adapt to the evolving landscape, ensuring that trust and safety are always at the forefront of their platform. After all, trust isn’t just a nice-to-have in the sharing economy – it’s the very foundation it stands on.

Regulatory Compliance and User Experience

While identity verification solutions bring a multitude of benefits, they also pose certain challenges. One of the key hurdles involves regulatory compliance. Different regions have different rules regarding data privacy and identity verification.

Service providers need to ensure their solutions are not only robust and efficient but also comply with the various regulations in the regions they operate.

Moreover, while security is of paramount importance, user experience can’t be sacrificed. The process needs to be straightforward and seamless, ensuring users don’t face unnecessary roadblocks while signing up or engaging with the platform.

Innovations Bridging the Gap: Biometrics and Blockchain

To address these challenges, service providers are harnessing the power of innovative technologies. Biometrics, such as facial recognition and fingerprint scans, are being increasingly integrated into identity verification processes. 

Blockchain technology, known for its immutability and transparency, presents a promising solution. Blockchain-based identity verification systems can provide a secure, decentralized way of storing and verifying user identities. This method not only enhances security but also gives users control over their data, addressing concerns around data privacy.

The Role of Community in the Sharing Economy

User reviews and ratings are invaluable in the sharing economy, helping to build a trust-based community. Encouraging users to share their experiences and rate their interactions helps to reinforce the trust engendered by identity verification systems.

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As the sharing economy continues to flourish, the importance of robust identity verification systems will only increase.

Through the fusion of innovative technologies and community engagement, we’re shaping a future where users can share and access services with confidence. The road ahead may be filled with challenges, but with every step we take, we’re fostering a more secure, trustworthy, and thriving sharing economy.


What is identity verification?

It’s a process used to confirm a person’s identity, often through document verification and biometric techniques.

Why is identity verification important in the sharing economy?

It’s crucial for establishing trust between users, enhancing safety, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

How is technology used in identity verification?

Technologies like AI, facial recognition, and data analysis are used to verify documents, compare images, and flag suspicious activity.

What’s the future of identity verification in the sharing economy?

As the sharing economy grows, the demand for reliable identity verification will increase. Expect more sophisticated, tech-driven solutions that blend speed, accuracy, and human oversight.

Identity Verification: Powering the Next Generation of Gaming and VR Tue, 02 May 2023 14:17:52 +0000 Embrace the rapidly evolving landscape of online gaming and virtual reality (VR), where identity verification technologies are taking centre stage, promising secure, fair, and immersive digital experiences.

Understanding Identity Verification’s Impact on Gaming and VR

In the digital wonderlands of online gaming and VR, establishing who’s who is crucial. Identity verification does exactly that. It’s a shield against threats like identity theft and cyberbullying, and a facilitator of fair play and enriched user experiences.

Through unique solutions, like biometric scans or two-factor authentication, identity verification confirms the legitimacy of a user’s digital persona, keeping both the users and the virtual playground safe.

Cutting-Edge Innovations in Gaming and VR Identity Verification

Pioneering service providers are crafting novel id verification service solutions, each bringing something unique to the gaming and VR realms:

  • Biometric Authentication: By leveraging unique traits like facial features, voice, or movement patterns, biometric verification ensures top-notch security while delivering a personalized user experience.
  • Blockchain Solutions: This technology brings a transparent, unalterable, and secure method of identity verification to the table, helping to avoid fraud and heighten user privacy in the gaming world.
  • AI-led Verification: With AI’s power to swiftly analyze patterns and pinpoint irregularities in user behaviour, it becomes a potent tool in detecting and preventing fraud.

Identity Verification to the Rescue

Beyond ensuring safety, identity verification plays a pivotal role in enriching user experience:

  • Ensuring Fair Play: By validating a player’s identity, these solutions curb cheating and foster healthy competition.
  • Deterring Fraud: Users feel more secure and confident when they know their identity is well protected, fostering a sense of trust in the gaming or VR platform.
  • Boosting Personalization: When identities are verified, platforms can curate highly personalized experiences, thereby increasing user engagement and satisfaction.

Gaming and VR Empowered by Identity Verification

The fusion of gaming and VR with identity verification technologies marks a significant leap towards safer and more engaging digital experiences. 

We are on the cusp of a new era in virtual interactions where our experiences are not just secure, but also deeply tailored and enjoyable.

The Importance of Identity Verification in Age-Restricted Games and VR Content

A significant application of identity verification lies in enforcing age restrictions in certain gaming and VR contexts. Many games and virtual environments contain content that’s suitable only for specific age groups. This makes verifying the user’s age critical to prevent underage users from accessing inappropriate material.

Identity verification solutions can effectively enforce these restrictions, ensuring that users accessing mature content are of the appropriate age. This adds an extra layer of protection for younger users and enhances the overall credibility and responsibility of gaming and VR platforms.

The Intersection of Privacy and Identity Verification

The challenge lies in striking a balance between thorough identity verification and maintaining user anonymity, especially in environments where users may prefer to engage under pseudonyms or avatars.

Advanced identity verification solutions can navigate this delicate balance. For example, zero-knowledge proof, a cryptographic method, allows for the verification of information without revealing the data itself. Innovations like these allow for robust verification while respecting the user’s desire for privacy.

The Global Impact of Identity Verification in Gaming and VR

Identity verification in gaming and VR has worldwide implications, especially as these platforms become increasingly international. Games often bring together players from around the world, and VR experiences can create global virtual communities.

By ensuring secure and fair interactions, identity verification contributes to a universal gaming and VR culture that transcends geographical boundaries.

It can help create a global virtual space where users from different countries and cultures can safely and confidently interact, fostering international camaraderie and understanding. This, ultimately, might be one of the most profound impacts of identity verification in gaming and VR.


The integration of identity verification into online gaming and VR experiences is redefining the virtual world. As these technologies advance, we are ushered into an era defined by safety, fairness, and unprecedented personalisation. The future of gaming and VR is here, and it’s verifiable, secure, and tailored just for you.

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What is the role of identity verification in gaming and VR?

Identity verification in gaming and VR is crucial for ensuring user safety, promoting fair play, and enhancing personalisation for a more immersive experience.

What are some innovative identity verification solutions in gaming and VR?

Innovations include biometric authentication, blockchain solutions, and AI-led verification systems that boost security and user engagement.

How does identity verification enhance user experience in gaming and VR?

It ensures fair play, prevents fraud, and enhances personalisation, contributing to a more engaging and satisfying user experience.

Ensuring Identity Verification in Online Gambling Thu, 20 Apr 2023 14:20:13 +0000 So, you’re a fan of online gambling? Ever wondered how these sites ensure that you’re truly who you claim to be? It’s a bit of technological wizardry and strategic planning, all summed up in two words: Identity Verification.

The Need for Identity Verification in Online Gambling

You see, an online gambling platform isn’t too dissimilar to a traditional casino. Both need to ensure that the people partaking in the games are real and legitimate. However, this isn’t simply to keep the game fair; there’s more at stake:

  • Regulatory Adherence: Online gambling platforms must ensure the legitimacy of their users to meet these standards.
  • Keeping Fraudsters at Bay: Identity verification is a potent weapon against identity theft, bonus misuse, and a host of other fraudulent activities that can be costly for players and platforms alike.
  • Promoting Responsible Gambling: Identity and age verification can discourage underage gambling, thus fostering responsible gambling practices.

Identity Verification

The journey of identity verification has taken it from time-consuming manual checks to automated systems backed by sophisticated tech. Service providers are creating innovative solutions to verify the identities of online gamblers efficiently. Here’s a sneak peek at how this magic happens:

  1. Information Gathering: Users provide personal details such as name, address, and date of birth when signing up.
  2. Checking the Facts: The platform uses advanced algorithms to cross-verify this information against trusted sources such as public records, credit files, or mobile network data.
  3. Verification: If everything checks out, the user’s identity is verified. If not, the platform may ask for additional documents or deny access.

A Glimpse into the Future of Identity Verification in Online Gambling

As the online gambling industry soars higher, the need for rigorous id verification service follows suit. New-age technologies like biometric authentication and AI-driven verification methods are already here to create a safer, smoother user experience.

Key highlights include:

  • Biometric Authentication: Unique biological traits like fingerprints or facial features are used to verify identities, offering an added layer of security that’s hard to deceive.
  • AI-Powered Verification: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can analyze large data sets and detect patterns, ensuring precise and swift verification.

The Identity Verification Challenge

As much as identity verification is an essential component in the online gambling industry, it isn’t without challenges. Let’s discuss some of these hurdles and how service providers are overcoming them to keep your online gaming experiences seamless and safe.

Firstly, the process of identity verification has traditionally been slow and labor-intensive. It required manual checks of documents, which not only were time-consuming but also susceptible to human error. However, this scenario is changing rapidly with automation. 

Automated identity verification processes leverage AI and Machine Learning to validate user’s identities swiftly and with precision, enhancing the overall user experience.

Secondly, ensuring privacy is a critical concern. Given the sensitive personal data users provide, protecting this information is paramount. Fortunately, service providers are continuously updating their cybersecurity measures and adopting cutting-edge encryption technologies to ensure user data remains confidential and secure.

Lastly, there’s the challenge of staying up-to-date with ever-evolving regulations. To meet this challenge, service providers are employing regulatory technology (RegTech) solutions. These tools can track changes in regulations and ensure that the platform’s identity verification processes remain compliant.

The Role of Service Providers in Identity Verification

Service providers play an instrumental role in the identity verification process. They provide the technology, tools, and services that allow online gambling platforms to verify the identities of their users accurately and efficiently. Their solutions range from data analysis and fraud detection systems to biometric authentication technology and document verification services.

Wrapping Up

To sum it up, the significance of identity verification in online gambling is paramount. With the industry growing leaps and bounds and attracting more participants, maintaining safety, trust, and regulatory compliance becomes increasingly vital.

With the advent of innovative solutions by service providers, the world of online gambling is becoming a safer and more secure place. So, whether you’re tossing the dice or spinning the roulette wheel, rest assured that the digital house is ensuring a fair and secure gaming experience.

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What is Identity Verification in Online Gambling?

It is a process to confirm the identity of players on online gambling platforms, ensuring they are who they claim to be.

Why is Identity Verification important in Online Gambling?

It helps in complying with regulations, prevents fraud, and promotes responsible gambling.

What are some future trends in Identity Verification?

Biometric authentication and AI-powered verification are likely to shape the future of Identity Verification in Online Gambling.

Self-Sovereign Identity: Empowering Individuals in the Digital Age Wed, 19 Apr 2023 06:37:39 +0000 In an era where digital interactions shape our daily lives, having the authority to govern our personal data is crucial. Stepping into this scenario is the concept of self-sovereign identity (SSI), a transformative approach to identity verification that champions personal data privacy.

Decoding Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)

This innovative approach offers individuals an unparalleled level of autonomy over their personal data.

In essence, SSI is an identity system that enables individuals to validate their identity attributes, decide whom they share these attributes with, and establish the circumstances under which this sharing occurs. But why is SSI becoming the talk of the town in the world of identity verification?

The Draw of Self-Sovereign Identity

SSI offers several attractive features that address some of the most pressing concerns of our digital society. Let’s delve into why SSI is fast gaining attention.

  1. Enhanced Privacy: Traditional identity verification often requires oversharing of personal information, potentially putting privacy at risk. SSI turns this on its head by allowing users to share only the minimum required data, thereby protecting their privacy to the maximum extent possible.
  2. Increased Security: Large, centralized databases holding personal information are hot targets for cyber-attacks. With SSI, identity data is decentralized, significantly lowering the risk of massive data breaches.
  3. Greater Autonomy: SSI bestows individuals with the power to grant or revoke access to their data, marking a departure from corporate or government oversight of personal information. 

Addressing the Challenges of SSI Implementation

While SSI promises significant advancements in digital identity management, it is not without its challenges.

First, there’s the need for universally accepted standards for SSI. Without these, we risk creating a fragmented landscape where SSI systems lack compatibility with each other. This would severely impact the user experience and adoption rate.

Secondly, the legal standing of SSI is a gray area that needs clarity. In cases of disputes over identity attribute verification, the absence of a legal framework poses a challenge. Who would be held accountable? What would be the procedure for resolving such disputes? These questions need to be addressed for SSI to move forward.

Lastly, there’s the hurdle of public acceptance. While many would welcome the increased control over their data, others might see the responsibility as overwhelming. Winning public confidence and acceptance is paramount for SSI to become mainstream.

Shaping the Future

As we navigate the challenges, the future of SSI looks promising. It represents a significant shift in our understanding of personal data control and has the potential to radically transform our digital interactions.

SSI isn’t just about better data privacy or security; it’s about empowering individuals in the digital world. As our online and offline lives become more intertwined, this sense of empowerment becomes increasingly crucial.

SSI might be the key to a future where individuals can truly own their digital identities. 

Making the Most of Self-Sovereign Identity

As we delve further into SSI, it’s important to consider the broader implications of this revolutionary approach to id verification service. With self-sovereign identity, we’re no longer passive participants in the digital realm, but active agents shaping our online experiences.

SSI is the beginning of a new chapter in digital empowerment, opening doors to a future where we can navigate the digital landscape confidently, securely, and independently.

As more individuals, corporations, and governments recognize and address the challenges of SSI, we move closer to this reality. So, it’s not a question of whether we will fully embrace self-sovereign identity, but when. Are we ready to redefine the parameters of our digital world?

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The idea of self-sovereign identity holds immense potential to transform the digital landscape and our place within it. As we progress, adapt, and overcome the challenges, we may witness a profound shift in our digital interactions.

This shift would place individuals firmly at the helm, marking a new era of personal, secure, and private digital engagements. The self-sovereign identity revolution is here.


What exactly is Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)?

SSI is a digital identity concept that allows individuals to own, control, and manage their personal data. They can verify their identity attributes, decide who they share this data with, and set the terms for such sharing.

Why is SSI beneficial?

SSI enhances personal data privacy, increases data security, and provides individuals with greater autonomy over their data, thereby offering a sense of empowerment in the digital world.

What are the key challenges to the adoption of SSI?

The main challenges include establishing universally accepted standards, addressing legal issues, and gaining public acceptance and trust.

Navigating Compliance and Regulations in Identity Verification Tue, 11 Apr 2023 06:35:26 +0000 In today’s digital world, personal data protection and compliance with regulations are paramount. As new regulations like GDPR, KYC, and AML laws reshape the identity verification landscape, providers must adapt to ensure compliance while offering security solutions.

In this comprehensive guide, we explore the significance of compliance and regulations in identity verification and how providers can navigate the ever-changing landscape.

The Importance of Compliance and Regulations in Id Verification Service:

  • Protecting Personal Data and Privacy:
    • GDPR ensures individuals have control over their personal information.
    • Compliance builds trust with customers and showcases dedication to data protection.
  • Preventing Fraud and Financial Crimes:
    • KYC and AML regulations combat financial crimes, such as money laundering.
    • Identity verification providers help businesses comply and establish a safer environment.

Adapting to Changing Regulations:

  • Continuous Monitoring and Updating:
    • Staying informed about regulatory changes is crucial for compliance.
    • Proactive adjustments align solutions with evolving requirements.
  • Robust Compliance Infrastructure:
    • Implementing strict data protection measures and advanced encryption techniques.
    • Regular security audits ensure a secure and compliant environment.

Innovative Solutions for Compliance:

  • Enhanced Identity Verification Techniques:
    • AI and machine learning enhance document verification and biometric authentication.
    • Detect forged documents, perform liveness checks, and identify potential risks.
  • Streamlined Onboarding Processes:
    • Automation and intelligent workflows reduce friction and enhance user experience.
    • Integration with data sources enables real-time verification, improving efficiency.

Embracing Evolving Technologies

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, identity verification providers must anticipate the emergence of new technologies and their impact on compliance.

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Technologies such as blockchain, decentralized identity, and secure multi-party computation hold the potential to revolutionize identity verification by enhancing security, privacy, and user control. By keeping a pulse on technological advancements, providers can proactively adapt their solutions to align with future compliance requirements.

Global Standardization and Harmonization

With the increase in global transactions and digital interactions, there is a growing need for standardization and harmonization of compliance regulations across jurisdictions. 

International organizations, regulatory bodies, and industry collaborations are working towards establishing global frameworks that streamline compliance processes while ensuring data protection and fraud prevention.

Identity verification providers should actively participate in these efforts to contribute to the development of standardized practices and promote a cohesive compliance landscape.


Compliance and regulations play a vital role in the realm of identity verification. Providers must adapt to the changing landscape and offer solutions that comply with regulations like GDPR, KYC, and AML laws.

By prioritizing compliance, staying updated, and embracing innovative solutions, providers can safeguard personal data while delivering secure and seamless identity verification experiences. As technology evolves and new regulations emerge, the importance of compliance will only continue to grow, protecting personal data and preventing fraudulent activities.


What is the significance of compliance and regulations in identity verification?

Compliance ensures personal data protection and helps prevent fraudulent activities, establishing trust and a secure environment.

How can identity verification providers adapt to changing regulations?

Providers must continuously monitor regulatory changes, update their processes, and establish robust compliance infrastructure.

What are some innovative solutions for compliance in identity verification?

Advanced technologies, such as AI and machine learning, enhance identity verification techniques, while streamlined onboarding processes improve efficiency and user experience.

What is GDPR, and how does it impact identity verification?

GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is a regulation that protects the privacy and personal data of individuals within the European Union (EU). It affects identity verification by requiring businesses to obtain explicit consent for processing personal data and providing individuals with control over their data.

What is KYC, and why is it important in identity verification?

KYC, or Know Your Customer, refers to the process of verifying the identity of customers to prevent fraud and financial crimes. It involves collecting and verifying personal information, such as identification documents and proof of address, to ensure the authenticity of customer identities.

What is AML, and how does it relate to identity verification?

AML, or Anti-Money Laundering, refers to the laws and regulations implemented to prevent the illegal process of concealing the origins of illegally obtained funds. Identity verification is a critical component of AML compliance as it enables businesses to verify the identities of their customers and identify potential risks or suspicious activities.

Hybrid Identity Verification Mon, 10 Apr 2023 06:40:46 +0000 In today’s digital landscape, companies face a constant battle against fraud and identity theft. To fortify their security measures, many organizations are turning to hybrid identity verification, a powerful combination of knowledge-based authentication (KBA) and biometrics.

This article explores the concept of hybrid identity verification, its benefits, and how it is transforming the fight against fraud.

Understanding Hybrid Identity Verification

Hybrid id verification service refers to the use of multiple authentication methods in combination to establish and confirm an individual’s identity. This approach combines the strengths of different verification techniques to create a more robust and reliable system.

Companies often integrate knowledge-based authentication, which involves evaluating personal information known only to the individual, with biometric authentication, which relies on unique physical or behavioral traits.

The Benefits of Hybrid Identity Verification

  • Enhanced Security: By combining different verification methods, hybrid identity verification adds an extra layer of security, making it more difficult for fraudsters to bypass the system.
  • Reduced Fraud: This approach significantly lowers the risk of fraudulent activities by leveraging multiple authentication factors.

Applications of Hybrid Identity Verification

  • Financial Institutions: Hybrid identity verification is vital for banks and financial institutions to protect customer accounts and ensure secure transactions.
  • E-commerce Platforms: Online retailers can enhance security and reduce the risk of fraud by implementing hybrid identity verification during customer transactions.
  • Healthcare Providers: Hybrid identity verification plays a critical role in safeguarding patient information and preventing medical identity theft.

Future Trends and Considerations

As technology continues to evolve, hybrid identity verification is likely to see further advancements. Companies are exploring the integration of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, to improve the accuracy and efficiency of verification processes.

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Additionally, privacy concerns and compliance with regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), should be carefully addressed when implementing hybrid identity verification systems.

  • Advancements in Technology: The integration of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning can further improve the accuracy and efficiency of hybrid identity verification systems.
  • Privacy and Compliance: Organizations must address privacy concerns and ensure compliance with regulations, such as GDPR, when implementing hybrid identity verification.


In conclusion, hybrid identity verification, with its powerful combination of knowledge-based authentication (KBA) and biometrics, is at the forefront of the battle against fraud. This innovative approach not only enhances security but also significantly reduces the risk of fraudulent activities by leveraging multiple authentication factors.

By adopting hybrid identity verification, organizations can establish a robust system that ensures only authorized individuals have access to sensitive information and transactions, fostering trust and confidence in the digital realm.

As technology continues to advance, the future of hybrid identity verification looks promising. Ongoing developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning are poised to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of these verification systems even further. With the ability to adapt to emerging technologies, hybrid identity verification will remain a critical tool in the fight against fraud and identity theft.


How does hybrid identity verification enhance security?

Hybrid identity verification combines multiple authentication methods, making it more challenging for fraudsters to bypass the system and increasing overall security.

Can hybrid identity verification be used in different industries?

Yes, hybrid identity verification has broad applications, including finance, e-commerce, and healthcare, where secure identity verification is crucial.

Are there any privacy concerns with hybrid identity verification?

Privacy concerns should be carefully addressed when implementing hybrid identity verification systems to ensure the protection of individuals’ personal information.

Is hybrid identity verification more secure than single-factor authentication methods?

Yes, hybrid identity verification offers greater security compared to single-factor authentication methods. Combining multiple authentication factors, such as knowledge-based authentication (KBA) and biometrics, creates a more robust and reliable system that is significantly harder for fraudsters to bypass.

How user-friendly is hybrid identity verification?

Hybrid identity verification can provide a user-friendly experience. While it involves multiple verification steps, advancements in technology have made the process smoother and more seamless. User-friendly interfaces and intuitive interactions help guide individuals through the verification process, ensuring a positive user experience without sacrificing security.

Revolutionising Remote Onboarding: The Power of Identity Verification Tue, 04 Apr 2023 06:28:14 +0000 In the ever-evolving business landscape, remote work has shifted from being an anomaly to becoming an established norm. This paradigm shift, while offering numerous benefits, brings its own set of challenges. One significant hurdle that surfaces is id verification service during the onboarding process of remote employees. 

Thankfully, as we grapple with these challenges, a cadre of innovative service providers are extending their expertise and tools to verify the identities of remote employees, comply with regulatory requirements, and deter potential fraud.

Unravelling the Shift to Remote Work

Remote work, once considered a luxury or an exception, is now a structural component of many businesses’ operations. The reasons behind companies embracing this new work culture are manifold:

  • It offers enhanced flexibility, empowering employees to balance their professional commitments with personal needs.
  • It opens the door to a global talent pool, thereby increasing diversity and fostering innovation.
  • It can boost employee satisfaction by eliminating stressful commutes and enabling a comfortable work environment.

Yet, with these enticing advantages come a unique set of challenges, one of which is the identity verification of new hires. This seemingly intricate problem is the puzzle piece we aim to fit today.

Identity Verification for Remote Hires

Here’s a typical situation in today’s corporate world. You’ve recently onboarded a new member to your team who is located thousands of miles away. You’ve met them virtually and interacted extensively over emails but haven’t had the opportunity to meet them in person.

So, how can you verify their identity?

This isn’t just a hypothetical question but a real-world challenge that could have significant implications, ranging from regulatory compliance to fraud prevention. Thankfully, this issue has not been overlooked, and proactive service providers are rising to the occasion to offer tangible solutions.

Service Providers Paving the Way

In this era of digital revolution, technology is often the magic wand that transforms problems into opportunities. That’s precisely what’s happening in the realm of remote identity verification.

Service providers are leveraging the power of technological advancements to formulate solutions that not only validate an employee’s identity but also address broader aspects of remote onboarding. These encompass regulatory compliance and robust safeguards against fraudulent activities, thereby providing a holistic solution to remote employee onboarding.

Demystifying the Mechanism of Identity Verification

What’s under the hood of these solutions, you ask? Well, they primarily hinge upon leading-edge technologies like biometrics and artificial intelligence.

Here’s a sneak peek into their capabilities:

  • Facial recognition technology that compares a live image with an ID photo.
  • Document verification and background checks that further authenticate the identity.

Picture this as an electronic handshake – a signal that you’re engaging with the right person and establishing your professional relationship on a trustworthy footing.

Reaping Regulatory and Security Rewards

The benefits of these innovative solutions stretch beyond the sphere of identity verification. They play a pivotal role in ensuring that businesses adhere to regulatory standards. Additionally, they offer robust protection against fraud – an essential feature in our increasingly virtual world.

In today’s era, where the virtue of trust is often at a premium, it’s impractical to take everything at face value. That’s where these identity verification solutions step in, offering a layer of security that’s indispensable in the landscape of remote work.

Reflecting on the Implications and Potential of Remote Onboarding

The advent of these innovative solutions isn’t just a testament to technological progress; it’s an indication of a broader transformation in the corporate world. Businesses are not just adapting to the remote work culture; they’re actively leveraging it to drive growth and efficiency. By ensuring a seamless and secure onboarding.

Wrapping Up

As we navigate the new terrain of remote work, it’s clear that innovative solutions are needed to meet emerging challenges. Identity verification is a critical piece of the remote onboarding puzzle, but thanks

Got questions? Talk to our team!


Why is identity verification necessary for remote onboarding?

Identity verification ensures the person you’re hiring is who they claim to be, fulfils regulatory requirements, and protects against fraud.

How does remote identity verification work?

It uses technologies like AI and biometrics to compare a live image with an ID photo and performs document verification and background checks.

Who is providing these solutions?

Several service providers are developing innovative solutions for remote identity verification.

Identity Verification in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Thu, 30 Mar 2023 14:17:35 +0000 This revolutionary technology offers a level of decentralization and privacy not seen before. But with these breakthroughs come fresh challenges – identity verification, for instance.

Why is this crucial? The anonymous nature of cryptocurrency transactions has, unfortunately, made them appealing for illicit activities. Consequently, to comply with regulatory norms and deter fraud, it’s vital to ensure the true identity of individuals engaging in these transactions.

The Advent of Solutions for Identity Verification

Recognising this need, innovative service providers have begun developing effective solutions for id verification service in the cryptocurrency and blockchain sphere.

Here’s how they’re making a difference:

  • Decentralized Identity Solutions: These use the same principle as blockchain, ensuring data privacy and security while verifying user identities.
  • Biometric Verification: This involves using unique physical characteristics of individuals like fingerprints or retina scans to confirm their identity.
  • AI-Powered ID Verification: AI and Machine Learning algorithms can be used to authenticate documents and photos submitted by users, reducing the chances of fraud significantly.

Regulatory Compliance and Fraud Prevention

As regulatory scrutiny increases, their role becomes crucial in making blockchain and cryptocurrency transactions more transparent and secure.

The Future of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

The future of identity verification in blockchain and cryptocurrency holds immense opportunities. As more individuals and businesses enter the digital currency world, the demand for robust, reliable identity verification solutions will only grow.

However, the road ahead isn’t devoid of challenges. Maintaining the essence of blockchain technology – decentralization and privacy – while ensuring adequate identity verification is a delicate task. It requires innovative thinking, advanced technology, and regulatory support.

Identity verification solutions must, therefore, be dynamic, continuously adapting to new threats and challenges.

A Deeper Dive Into Identity Verification

Despite the anonymity that’s fundamental to blockchain technology, the growing necessity to confirm the true identities of users has become apparent. By maintaining this crucial balance between privacy and transparency, we’re paving the way towards a safer, more reliable digital currency ecosystem.

Privacy Versus Transparency – Striking a Balance

Blockchain’s allure lies in its decentralization and anonymity, two aspects that have significantly fueled its growth. Individuals engaged in transactions are assured of their privacy, a crucial factor in an era where data privacy concerns are increasingly pressing. However, the anonymity has a dark side – it can be exploited for illegal activities, undermining the technology’s integrity and potential.

To strike a balance, identity verification can be integrated with blockchain and cryptocurrency transactions. While respecting the individual’s privacy, it ensures that these platforms aren’t misused. Service providers have been tactfully leveraging technologies like biometric verification, artificial intelligence, and decentralized identity solutions to achieve this delicate balance.

The Mechanisms of Identity Verification

Identity verification in the context of blockchain and cryptocurrency is not a one-size-fits-all process.

  • Decentralized Identity Solutions work by assigning a digital identity to users. The users maintain control over their data, bolstering their privacy while providing a means for identity verification.
  • Biometric Verification adds a layer of sophistication to the process. Unique physical attributes like fingerprint scans or facial recognition are hard to fake, making them reliable tools for authentication.
  • AI-Powered ID Verification is revolutionising the game. With the ability to authenticate documents and images submitted by users, AI reduces the margin of error and bolsters security.

By leveraging these mechanisms, service providers are enabling a secure yet flexible environment for digital currency transactions.

Navigating the Regulatory Landscape

Navigating the regulatory landscape of blockchain and cryptocurrency isn’t a walk in the park. 

These regulations demand that businesses conducting financial transactions must know the identities of their customers. As governments worldwide start acknowledging and regulating digital currencies, these rules are becoming applicable to cryptocurrency transactions as well.

In this evolving regulatory landscape, identity verification solutions act as a bridge, helping businesses comply with regulatory norms without disrupting their operations. By ensuring that customers are who they say they are, they’re fortifying the financial system against money laundering and other illicit activities.


In conclusion, as we further venture into the digital age, the need for robust identity verification mechanisms in blockchain and cryptocurrency transactions will continue to grow. The service providers stepping up to meet this demand are not only fostering safer digital environments but are also driving the future of this revolutionary technology.

The development and application of these solutions will undeniably play a pivotal role in the maturation and expansion of the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.

Got questions? Talk to our team!


What is identity verification in blockchain and cryptocurrency?

Identity verification is a process to verify the identity of individuals participating in cryptocurrency and blockchain-based transactions, primarily for regulatory compliance and fraud prevention.

Why is identity verification necessary for blockchain transactions?

Given the anonymous nature of blockchain and cryptocurrency transactions, identity verification is necessary to prevent misuse, comply with regulatory requirements, and maintain the integrity and security of these digital platforms.

How is identity verification conducted in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space?

Service providers utilise solutions such as decentralized identity solutions, biometric verification, and AI-powered ID verification to confirm the identity of users.

Identity Verification: Revolutionising Access to Online Government Services Fri, 10 Mar 2023 07:28:18 +0000 Ever had the experience of standing in a seemingly endless queue at a government office? The anxiety, frustration, and the ticking clock – it’s an all too familiar picture. But what if we said there’s an escape from it all?

That’s right! Online government services are increasingly becoming the norm, bringing ease and efficiency.

However, the digital domain has its own hurdles, with id verification service standing tall among them. Yet, hope is far from lost. Innovative service providers are developing reliable solutions for identity verification, ensuring regulatory compliance, and safeguarding against fraud.

The Digital Shift: Government Services at Your Fingertips

Online government services are a revolutionary development in the realm of public service. They offer greater accessibility, save time, and promise a seamless user experience.

Consider this:

  • No more queues, just a few clicks and taps to get things done.
  • Services accessible 24/7 from anywhere.
  • Transparent and efficient processing of requests.

But as Uncle Ben in Spider-Man rightly said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” The transition to online platforms calls for robust measures to ensure the integrity of these services, primarily through identity verification.

Unmasking the Identity Verification Challenge

Let’s imagine you are a city official. You’ve received a request for an essential service online. How do you confirm the requester is indeed the person they claim to be?

Answering this question is vital, as it forms the bedrock of trust in the system. It ensures the person accessing the service is genuine, eligible, and compliant with regulations. At the same time, it acts as a shield against potential fraud.

Service Providers Offering Innovative Solutions

At this juncture, service providers enter the scenario. With technological prowess and innovative thinking, they are offering effective solutions to ensure accurate identity verification.

These solutions incorporate advanced technologies such as AI, biometrics, and data analytics to establish identity beyond doubt. Their multi-faceted approach not only verifies identity but also ensures regulatory compliance and fraud prevention.

How does Identity Verification work?

If you’re wondering about the nuts and bolts of these solutions, here’s a simple breakdown.

  • Facial recognition: The system compares a live image with a photo on an ID document.
  • Document verification: Checks the authenticity of identity documents.
  • Data checks: Cross-verifies information against multiple databases.

This tech-powered process is a bit like a digital doorman, who checks the credentials before letting anyone enter.

Beyond Verification: Regulatory Compliance and Fraud Prevention

Beyond ensuring identity verification, these systems ensure regulatory compliance, crucial to maintaining the integrity and credibility of government services. They also guard against fraud, a potential threat in online transactions.

Imagine it as a digital fortress, protecting the system from intruders while allowing legitimate users easy access.

The Future of Online Government Services: What Lies Ahead?

As we revel in the marvels of these advanced identity verification solutions, it’s also essential to look ahead at what’s in store for the future of online government services. The horizon of digital public services is vast and brimming with potential. As we continue to innovate and advance, this sector will likely witness more transformative changes.

One future possibility is the universal application of biometric technologies. Imagine a world where your iris or fingerprint is your key to access online government services, securely and efficiently. Not only could this make identity verification more straightforward, but it would also make it even more secure.

Integration with other technologies such as blockchain could also be on the cards. 

Blockchain, renowned for its high-level security and transparency, could further strengthen the verification process, making it even more foolproof.

Additionally, as the capabilities of artificial intelligence and machine learning continue to expand, we can expect to see these technologies playing an even more significant role in the process. They could help improve the accuracy of verification, speed up the process, and even predict and prevent fraud before it occurs.

But it’s not all about technology. As we move forward, it will also be crucial to keep human factors in mind. Accessibility needs to be a priority, ensuring that online services are easy to use for everyone, regardless of their tech-savviness. User-centric design and empathetic service provision will be key.

There’s also the aspect of privacy and data protection, a topic of ever-increasing importance. As we gather more personal data in the digital sphere, ensuring its security will be paramount. The use of encryption and other data protection measures will likely become even more critical.

So, while we may be in the early stages of this digital revolution in government services, it’s clear that the journey ahead is exciting and full of possibilities. As citizens and service providers, we have an opportunity to shape this future, ensuring it’s one that benefits all.

Wrapping it Up

The shift to online government services is a welcome change, offering accessibility and efficiency. However, the integrity of these services hinges on robust identity verification measures. As we navigate this digital transformation, we can rest assured knowing that technological innovation, embodied by these identity verification solutions, is keeping pace. 

These tools are not just enabling a more convenient user experience but also fortifying the system against fraud and ensuring regulatory compliance. So, the next time you access an online government service, remember there’s an army of innovative solutions working behind the scenes, making your digital experience safer and smoother.

Got questions? Talk to our team!


Why is identity verification crucial for online government services?

It ensures the requester is who they claim to be, ensures compliance with regulations, and prevents potential fraud.

How do these verification systems work?

They utilise technologies like AI and biometrics to compare a live image with an ID photo, verify documents, and perform data checks.

Who is providing these solutions?

Several service providers are developing advanced solutions for identity verification.

Minimizing Cart Abandonment: Enhancing User Experience in Identity Verification Sun, 05 Mar 2023 07:50:07 +0000 In the thriving world of e-commerce, minimizing cart abandonment rates has become a top priority for identity verification providers. With the convenience of online shopping, customers expect a seamless and user-friendly experience throughout their purchase journey. 

User Experience: With the rise of e-commerce, identity verification providers need to create an easy and seamless user experience to avoid high cart abandonment rates.

To address this challenge, id verification service providers must focus on enhancing the user experience, ensuring a smooth and secure checkout process. This article explores strategies to optimize user experience in identity verification and reduce cart abandonment rates.

Understanding the Impact of Cart Abandonment

Imagine spending time carefully selecting products, adding them to your virtual shopping cart, only to abandon the purchase at the last moment. Cart abandonment is a widespread phenomenon in the e-commerce world, causing frustration for both customers and businesses. High abandonment rates lead to lost revenue and missed opportunities for growth.

The Role of User Experience in Identity Verification

Simplified Verification Processes

  • Streamlined verification: Providers should simplify the verification process, eliminating unnecessary steps and reducing complexity.
  • Intuitive interfaces: User-friendly interfaces guide customers through the verification process smoothly, minimizing frustration and abandonment.

Transparent Communication for Trust

  • Clear security measures: Providers should communicate their robust security measures transparently to build trust with customers.
  • Privacy assurances: Clearly articulate how customer data will be protected during the verification process.

Mobile Optimization

  • Mobile-responsive design: Optimize the verification process for mobile devices, ensuring a seamless experience for customers shopping on smartphones and tablets.
  • Mobile-friendly interfaces: Ensure the identity verification interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate on smaller screens.

Strategies for a Seamless Checkout Experience

Efficient Verification

  • Speed and efficiency: Minimize the time required for verification to avoid customer impatience and cart abandonment.
  • Automation: Utilize automation technologies to streamline the verification process, reducing manual effort for customers.

Personalization and Customization

  • Tailored experiences: Personalize the verification process by providing options that suit individual customer preferences, such as language or identity document choices.
  • Customizable interfaces: Allow customers to customize the interface settings, such as font size or color, to enhance accessibility and user comfort.

Error Prevention and Assistance

  • Error detection: Implement error-detection mechanisms to help customers identify and correct mistakes during the verification process.
  • Real-time assistance: Provide prompt and helpful customer support options to resolve any issues or concerns.

Enhancing Security Measures

Multi-factor Authentication

To enhance the security of the identity verification process, providers can implement multi-factor authentication methods. This involves verifying the customer’s identity using multiple factors, such as something they know (password), something they have (mobile device), or something they are (biometric data).

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By implementing multi-factor authentication, providers can ensure a higher level of security and reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

Advanced Fraud Detection

Implementing advanced fraud detection mechanisms is crucial in reducing fraudulent activities and ensuring a secure user experience. Providers can leverage technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze patterns, detect suspicious behavior, and identify potential fraud attempts.

By proactively detecting and preventing fraud, identity verification providers can instill confidence in customers and mitigate cart abandonment risks.


By prioritizing user experience in identity verification, providers can effectively reduce cart abandonment rates in the fast-paced e-commerce landscape. Simplifying the verification process, fostering transparent communication, optimizing for mobile devices, and implementing efficient checkout strategies are key to creating a seamless and secure experience for customers.

By implementing these strategies, identity verification providers can enhance customer satisfaction, boost conversions, and achieve long-term success in the competitive online marketplace.


What is cart abandonment, and why is it a concern?

Cart abandonment refers to customers leaving their online shopping carts without completing the purchase. It is a concern for businesses as it leads to lost sales and missed revenue opportunities.

How can identity verification providers improve the user experience?

Providers can enhance the user experience by simplifying the verification process, ensuring transparent communication, optimizing for mobile devices, and focusing on efficient and error-free checkout experiences.

Why is mobile optimization important for identity verification?

Mobile optimization is vital because an increasing number of customers shop using smartphones and tablets. By optimizing for mobile devices, providers offer a seamless and user-friendly experience to mobile shoppers, reducing cart abandonment rates.

How does multi-factor authentication enhance security in identity verification?

Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring customers to provide multiple forms of identification. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access and strengthens the overall security of the verification process.

What is advanced fraud detection, and why is it important for identity verification providers?

Advanced fraud detection involves utilizing cutting-edge technologies to identify and prevent fraudulent activities. By implementing such measures, identity verification providers can effectively mitigate the risk of fraud, protect customer data,

Guarding Health Online: The Power of Identity Verification Wed, 01 Mar 2023 19:55:46 +0000 Have you ever marvelled at the sheer convenience of online health services? The ability to consult a doctor, refill a prescription, or even book an MRI scan, all from the comfort of home.

But with this great power of digital health, comes the great responsibility of safeguarding our sensitive health information. This is where id verification service comes into play, helping to protect patient privacy and ensure regulatory compliance. Let’s unravel this intricate weave of technology and healthcare!

The Digital Health Revolution

The digital revolution in healthcare has transformed our medical experiences.

However, along with benefits like:

  • 24/7 access to healthcare services
  • Teleconsultations, negating geographical barriers
  • Digital health records, making healthcare data easily accessible

we also face the challenge of protecting sensitive personal information. Misuse of health data could lead to devastating consequences, from privacy invasion to identity theft.

Identity Verification

The need of the hour is a reliable shield that can protect our digital health interactions – identity verification. It ensures the person accessing health services is indeed who they claim to be, hence maintaining the sanctity of sensitive medical data.

Service Providers’ Innovative Solutions

Enter service providers, the unsung heroes in our story. They’re diligently crafting identity verification solutions that ensure patient privacy and regulatory compliance in online health services.

How does it Work?

Harnessing technologies like AI, biometrics, and machine learning, these solutions function as the gatekeepers of online health services. Here’s a snapshot:

  • Biometric verification: This involves using unique biological traits, like facial features, to verify identity.
  • Document verification: Authenticity of an ID document provided is checked.
  • Data cross-verification: Cross-checking the provided information against various databases.

Identity Verification: More than Meets the Eye

These tools serve a dual purpose – they not only verify identity but also ensure compliance with healthcare regulations like HIPAA. They act as a robust defence against data breaches and fraud, thus preserving the trust in digital healthcare services.

Identity Verification and Digital Health

As digital health services continue to evolve, we can expect identity verification to become even more robust and efficient. We may see wider use of biometric technologies, enhancing the security of online health interactions. The integration of blockchain technology could also ensure more secure and transparent data storage.

Moreover, there could be increased focus on user-centric design, making the verification process more seamless and less intrusive. The horizon of identity verification in digital health looks promising, aiming to make online health experiences safer and more efficient.

The Critical Role of Regulation in Digital Health Services

Understanding the regulatory landscape for online health services is equally important as understanding the technology involved. Digital health, as an emerging field, is subject to numerous regulations aimed at safeguarding patient health data.

One such critical regulation in the United States is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which mandates that any entity dealing with protected health information (PHI) must ensure the security of that information.

Regulations like HIPAA require organizations to implement technical safeguards, such as encryption and identity verification, to ensure that only authorized individuals can access PHI. These measures are critical in protecting the privacy and security of patient data and can help mitigate risks such as data breaches and identity theft.

The Human Element: Patient Experience and Perception

While technological advancements and regulatory compliance are key components of online health services, patient experience and perception also play a crucial role. Patients need to trust the system for it to work effectively.

The identity verification process must be easy to understand and user-friendly. Patients are more likely to use digital health services if they feel confident in the security measures in place.

Moreover, the communication about these security measures is also critical. Service providers need to clearly articulate the benefits of identity verification to patients. By doing so, they can help assuage any fears or concerns patients may have about using digital health services.

Got questions? Talk to our team!


As we step further into the era of digital healthcare, the role of identity verification becomes increasingly significant. It stands as a vanguard, protecting our sensitive health data and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations.

Service providers, with their innovative solutions, are pivotal in this journey. As we move forward, we can expect these solutions to become even more advanced and user-friendly, making our digital health experiences safer and smoother.


What is the purpose of identity verification in online health services?

It verifies the user’s identity, protects patient privacy, and ensures compliance with healthcare regulations.

How does identity verification work?

It uses technologies like AI and biometrics to verify identity, authenticate ID documents, and cross-verify data.

Who is developing these identity verification solutions?

Various service providers are devising innovative solutions to bolster identity verification in online health services.

How Identity Verification Secures Online Banking Fri, 24 Feb 2023 19:55:51 +0000 The rise of digital banking has reshaped our approach to personal finance. However, this leap in banking technology also introduces a challenge – ensuring that users of online banking services are who they claim to be.

Protecting Digital Identity

In today’s interconnected world, our identities are no longer simple. They’re a blend of diverse data points that make us unique. This digital identity, while convenient, also makes us vulnerable to cyber threats.

Moreover, regulatory bodies worldwide have stringent standards for identity verification in place to protect consumers and prevent illegal activities.

The Role of Innovative Service Providers

This is where innovative service providers come into play. These companies are employing modern technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Biometrics, and Blockchain to create robust identity verification systems. These systems aim to enhance security, comply with regulations, and deliver a user-friendly experience.

Key features of their solutions include:

  • Real-time identity verification
  • Document verification
  • Biometric analysis
  • AI-powered risk assessment

Ensuring a Secure Digital Future

As we continue to navigate the digital age, reliable identity verification systems become increasingly crucial for online banking and financial services. Balancing user-friendly experiences with regulatory compliance is no easy task. Still, service providers’ innovative solutions are rising to the challenge.

In conclusion, the development of advanced id verification service solutions is more than a problem-solving exercise. It’s a step towards a secure digital banking future. By fostering an environment of trust, these solutions pave the way for broader adoption of digital banking.

Identity Verification for Online Banking

Online banking is indeed a game-changer, but its rapid rise presents significant security concerns. As fraudsters become more sophisticated, the race to secure our digital identities becomes more critical. This is where identity verification takes the spotlight.

Identity verification ensures the person on the other end of the transaction is indeed who they claim to be, thereby safeguarding against various types of fraud. While it may seem simple, the process behind it is intricate and evolving constantly.

The Identity Verification Process

Identity verification employs several technologies to establish the authenticity of a user. It begins with collecting user data. This could be anything from official documents to biometric information. Once this data is collected, it’s compared against a database, usually maintained by a government body. If the provided data matches the records, the identity is verified.

This process, while effective, is not without challenges. With an increasingly global user base, dealing with different types of documents, languages, and legislations can be difficult. Moreover, keeping the process quick and user-friendly while maintaining high security standards is a delicate balance.

Advanced Technologies Enhancing Identity Verification

Recognizing these challenges, several service providers are developing advanced solutions to enhance the identity verification process. Here’s how these technologies contribute:

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: These technologies streamline the verification process. They can quickly scan through databases and cross-verify information. Also, they can learn from patterns and predict potential frauds.
  2. Biometrics: Biometric technology uses unique human features like fingerprint, face, or voice for identity verification. It’s difficult to forge, thereby offering a higher level of security.
  3. Blockchain: Blockchain technology offers a decentralized way of storing and verifying data. It ensures data integrity and transparency.

The Future of Identity Verification

Identity verification in online banking is on a transformative journey. As our digital footprints expand, the role of identity verification becomes even more crucial. The future will likely see even more integration of advanced technologies to make the process more secure and seamless.

In the future, we could see identity verification systems that can not only identify fraud patterns but also predict them.

The journey may be filled with challenges, but with the right tools and technologies, we can be optimistic about a future where online banking is both convenient and secure.

Got questions? Talk to our team!


Why is identity verification important in online banking?

Identity verification is crucial to protect users from fraud, ensure secure transactions, and comply with regulatory norms.

How do service providers verify identity?

Service providers use technologies like AI, Biometrics, and Blockchain for document verification, biometric analysis, and risk assessment, providing robust identity verification.

What are KYC regulations?

KYC (Know Your Customer) regulations are global requirements that ensure financial institutions properly identify their customers to prevent fraud and illegal activities.


Identity Verification in the Online Travel Sphere Mon, 13 Feb 2023 19:55:42 +0000 How many times have you faced the hassle of rifling through documents at an airport, only to realize you left an essential ID behind? With online travel taking the center stage, many such travel woes are being smoothed out.

But this digital revolution isn’t without its unique set of challenges, identity verification being a notable one. Thankfully, cutting-edge solutions are being developed by service providers to verify identities, comply with regulations, and prevent fraud.

Let’s dive into this exciting journey of digital transformation!

The Online Revolution: Redefining Travel

Before we embark on the discussion of identity verification, let’s appreciate the revolutionary impact of online services in the travel industry. Think about these benefits:

  • Farewell to queues: Book flights, hotels, or tour packages with a few clicks.
  • 24/7 availability: Plan your journey anytime, from anywhere.
  • Comparison and choice: Compare prices, read reviews, and make informed decisions.

Intriguing, isn’t it? But remember, with great ease comes greater responsibility, which brings us to the next leg of our journey – the id verification service challenge.

The Need for Identity Verification

In the buzzing world of online travel, how do we ensure the authenticity of a user? Is the person booking a ticket or hotel truly who they claim to be? Ensuring this is crucial for the credibility of travel services, regulatory compliance, and, most importantly, the prevention of fraud.

Rising to the Challenge

Enter service providers with innovative solutions to crack the identity verification puzzle. Using a blend of technology, data analysis, and intelligent design, they are building reliable tools to authenticate identities and provide a safer online travel environment.

How does Identity Verification Work?

These identity verification solutions combine cutting-edge technologies such as AI, biometrics, and machine learning.

To give you an idea of how this all works:

  • Biometric checks: Facial recognition technology compares a live image to the photo on an ID document.
  • Document verification: Authenticity of the ID document is checked.
  • Data cross-verification: Information provided is cross-checked against various databases.

It’s as if there’s an invisible but diligent security guard, making sure only the right people get through.

Regulatory Compliance and Fraud Prevention

These solutions aren’t just about identity verification. They also ensure regulatory compliance, which is critical in the travel industry to maintain service standards. Plus, they act as a shield against fraud, which has been a growing concern in the world of online travel.

Future of Identity Verification in Online Travel

As the realm of online travel services continues to evolve, we can anticipate a future where identity verification becomes even more seamless and efficient. Emerging technologies such as blockchain could offer new ways to store and verify personal data securely. Greater use of machine learning and AI might enhance the accuracy and speed of verification processes.

What’s more, the future of identity verification in online travel could be deeply integrated with a focus on user experience. Efforts to make the verification process more user-friendly, less intrusive, and more streamlined will likely be a significant part of its evolution. So, stay tuned for an exciting journey ahead!

The User’s Role: Being a Part of the Solution

While service providers are indeed doing their part, we as users also play a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness of these solutions. Being vigilant about our online activities, protecting our personal information, and making sure we follow all the steps in the verification process are just a few ways we can contribute.

Plus, providing feedback to service providers can help them further improve their systems. After all, who better to offer insights on the user experience than the users themselves? By working hand in hand with service providers, we can help create an even safer and smoother online travel environment. In the end, securing our online travel experience is a shared journey.

Got questions? Talk to our team!


The digital revolution in travel has made our journeys smoother and more convenient. But with these advancements comes the need for robust security measures, with identity verification taking center stage.

Thanks to innovative solutions by service providers, we can embark on our online travel adventures with greater confidence. As we look to the future, we can expect these solutions to become even more seamless, user-friendly, and efficient. Happy travels!


Why is identity verification important in online travel?

It establishes the authenticity of the user, ensures regulatory compliance, and deters potential fraud.

How does the verification process work?

By using technologies such as AI, biometrics, and machine learning to perform biometric checks, document verification, and data cross-verification.

Who provides these solutions?

Numerous service providers are stepping up to offer innovative identity verification solutions for online travel.

Identity Verification: A Game Changer in Online Retail Sun, 05 Feb 2023 19:55:54 +0000 Online shopping – ah, isn’t it a marvel? But with this convenience comes a critical challenge – identity fraud. This is where the role of identity verification in online retail comes to the forefront.

Identity Verification: A Vital Pillar in Online Retail

So, what exactly is identity verification? In online retail, identity verification is vital in mitigating fraud, enhancing customer trust, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Let’s unpack this, shall we?

Imagine you’re running an online store. Everything is in place, but there’s one problem: How do you know that John Doe, who just ordered a new 4K TV, is indeed John Doe? Here comes identity verification to your rescue!

How Does Identity Verification Work?

Id verification service works by cross-checking user-provided data against various databases. A user might be asked to provide official identification documents, answer security questions, or even perform biometric verification like facial recognition or fingerprint scanning.

The level of verification depends on various factors like the value of the transaction, risk assessment, and regulatory requirements. From a simple email verification for a $10 purchase to biometric verification for buying a $1000 gadget, it’s all about striking the right balance.

The Role of Identity Verification in Online Retail

  • Security: Identity verification is the first line of defense against fraudulent transactions. By confirming the identity of your customers, you’re significantly reducing the chances of fraud.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Many jurisdictions require businesses to take reasonable steps to verify the identity of their customers. Customer Trust: A secure shopping environment fosters trust, which is crucial for customer retention and loyalty. 
  • Improved Shopping Experience: Swift and seamless identity verification processes enhance the customer’s shopping experience. Nobody likes long and complicated verification procedures – a quick and efficient system is a win for everyone.
  • Brand Reputation: A robust identity verification system safeguards your brand reputation. In an era where data breaches and identity theft make headlines, investing in identity verification can be a significant differentiator for your brand.

How Identity Verification Works in Online Retail

Here’s a simple overview of how identity verification works in online retail:

  1. Customer Registration: The customer provides necessary information during account creation or checkout.
  2. Identity Verification: The service provider cross-checks the information with the data from trusted sources.
  3. Confirmation or Denial: If the data matches, the customer’s identity is confirmed. If not, the transaction is denied or flagged for further review.

By investing in a capable identity verification solution, online retailers can not only improve the shopping experience but also add a robust layer of security to their platforms.

The Emerging Tech Innovations in Identity Verification

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, service providers are stepping up their game, developing innovative solutions to verify the identities of online retail consumers. These cutting-edge technologies not only fight fraud but also offer a seamless user experience:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): AI and ML algorithms are instrumental in identifying suspicious activities and flagging them for further review. They can learn from the past data patterns to predict and prevent future fraud attempts.
  2. Biometrics: Biometric verification methods like facial recognition or fingerprint scanning offer a high level of security and are becoming increasingly popular in online retail. They’re difficult to fake and ensure a quick and frictionless user experience.
  3. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): This could be something they know (like a password), something they have (like a phone), or something they are (biometrics).

Got questions? Talk to our team!

Wrapping Up

Identity verification is redefining the landscape of online retail. As we march into the future, we can anticipate more sophisticated identity verification solutions to emerge, making online shopping even more secure, trustworthy, and enjoyable.

Remember, in online retail, ensuring your customer’s identity is as crucial as delivering their favourite products at their doorstep. 


Is identity verification foolproof against fraud in online retail?

While identity verification significantly reduces the risk of fraud, no single measure is entirely foolproof. It should be part of a broader security framework.

Does identity verification hamper the user experience in online shopping?

With advancements in technology, service providers are striving to make identity verification processes as seamless as possible to ensure a positive user experience.

Do all online retailers use identity verification?

The use of identity verification depends on various factors like the retailer’s size, the value of transactions they handle, and their specific risk assessments.

ID Verification Software: Optimize Customer Onboarding in 2023 Sun, 22 Jan 2023 16:00:49 +0000 ID verification software is a combination of all the knowledge, experience and KYC verification acquired in the industry within the past 20 years. All that combined into an interconnected algorithm, that, due to a modern and dynamic technology, optimizes the onboarding process and reduces the amount of manual labor and human errors, unnecessary bustling and volume paperwork.


Upon the arrival of the digital era the majority of financial institutions and organisations have moved into the online space, which, at the beginning, was a messy and unregulated environment. Since the online environment enabled people to stay anonymous, it enabled them to carry out all sorts of fraudulent activities: creating fake accounts and online identities, various credit card scams, money laundering. For many businesses, customer onboarding online has become a troublesome process, as they were unable to distinguish bad customers from the good ones. Consequently, it increased the friction in the onboarding process, resulting in revenue loss. As time went on, regulations and laws have caught up with the evolution of the online world. As a result, financial organisations have become obliged to comply with the new laws and regulations. This, in turn, has led to the need of ID verification software, so online businesses would be able to optimize the customer onboarding process and stay compliant.

When it comes to customer onboarding procedures, studies show that the time and money being spent by financial institutions and service providers is rocketing. With Know Your Customer (KYC), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), and data management regulations tightening, companies across the globe are struggling to keep up with the sheer volume of work needed to handle customer onboarding effectively.

Not only is regulation becoming stricter, creating a higher demand for identity verification services, but traditional manual ID verification processes are also highly ineffective. This means financial institutions and service providers are not only spending more time and money to access these services more often, but are also a slave to the inaccurate, taxing, and disjointed manual processing system. As regulations are only going to become more stringent, it’s in the best interest of every company to consider more effective routes to identity verification to optimize onboarding in 2023. Thankfully, GetID’s automated identity verification software offers everything needed to enhance onboarding. By leveraging GetID’s highly secure identity verification solutions, financial institutions and service providers can now save considerable time and money, while eliminating inaccuracies, protecting against fraud, and staying compliant with current and future regulations.

Here’s a guide to how GetID’s identity verification software can optimize onboarding for your company in 2023.

How Does ID Verification Work?

How does id verification work?
To kick off, let’s consider how ID verification works and why current identity verification solutions cause friction in the onboarding process.

For financial institutions (and an increasing number of other businesses) AML regulations are mandatory by law. These companies need to do everything in their power to help protect against money laundering and financial crime, due to the detrimental impact it can have on economies and financial structures. Part of this procedure is knowing exactly who your customers are, referred to, officially, as KYC and Customer Due Diligence (CDD).

In the onboarding process, this involves verifying that customers are who they say they are, and running checks against databases of potentially harmful or politically exposed applicants. Further CDD processes involve monitoring transactions over time, along with risk assessments and auditing.

Focusing on the onboarding process, service providers need to verify the identity of customers applying for services. The current manual procedure for this involves gathering Personal Identifiable Information (PII), such as a customer’s full name, address, and date of birth, and comparing it against official documentation, such as a passport, utility bill, or driver’s license. For every application, this analysis is completed by a series of independent third-party verifiers, who manually assess the information (using humans) to confirm a person’s identity, before running it through the relevant databases.

As one can imagine, this procedure is extremely slow, highly error-prone, vulnerable to fraud, and very insecure. On top of this, rising regulations have caused an overload on the system, enabling verifiers and compliance officers to charge higher fees as their services are in short supply and high demand. All this is compounded by the fact that companies cannot keep up with ever-changing regulations, causing onboarding procedures to become outdated and non-compliant, leading to outrageous non-compliance fines and remediation costs.

The introduction of effective onboarding identity verification software has the power to smooth onboarding processes from here on out. GetID’s automated onboarding process removes the weak points in the system by providing instant access to customers’ verified digital IDs. This cuts out the need for third-party verifiers, speeding up the process, significantly reducing costs, eradicating human error, and guaranteeing compliance.

How Does ID Verification Software Save Money?

How does id verification software save money?
Studies show that companies are spending between $850,000 (for companies with less than $1 billion in assets) and $15.8 million (over $100 billion in assets) on AML compliance per year. The traditional manual KYC onboarding process is expensive for a number of reasons. ID verification software, such as GetID, has the power to do away with these costs.

Why Is Manual ID Verification so Costly?

Firstly, compliance staff and trustworthy third-party verifiers are in short supply and can, therefore, charge high fees. This is due to AML regulations sky-rocketing in recent years, creating a huge demand for these services. Not only does this cost companies more money for each individual onboarded customer, but it also increases outlay for staff training and employment, as internal compliance teams and procedures grow rapidly. Illustrating this, statistics show that in 2019, alone, compliance salaries jumped by 11%, and have been continuing to rise ever since. Companies like JPMorgan exemplify this, having had to add 5000 additional employees to their compliance team, spending an extra $1 billion a year.

On top of this, financial institutions and service providers are experiencing unprecedented losses due to friction in the KYC process, causing poor customer onboarding user experience (UX). Ballooning demand creates a backlog of applications, causing users to drop out before completing the application process. Poor customer onboarding UX and client management is said to be costing institutions in the region of $10 billion a year in lost revenue.

In addition to these inflating costs, companies that are struggling to maintain an appropriate level of regulatory compliance are feeling the full force of financial penalties from regulatory authorities. Studies show that US institutions were fined over $23 billion for poor AML and KYC procedures during the last 10 yeyars, with another $2 billion worth of penalties in 2019, alone.

How Does ID Verification Software Reduce Costs?

GetID identity verification software is a multi-layered stack of automated technologies that verify ID without the need for 3rd party verifiers.

Using biometric facial recognition software, liveness detection, optical character recognition, and autonomous database comparisons, GetID’s solution can automatically verify customers. Users only need to create a digital ID on the GetID system once, which is verified using these autonomous technologies. This digital identity verification certificate is now instantly accessible upon request to institutions that need to verify a potential customer’s ID. Any new regulations will trigger a notification to users to update their digital IDs as necessary.

In this sense, there is no longer a need for costly third-party verifiers and huge compliance teams, while costs associated with human-error and fraud are practically eliminated. Not only that, but the reduction in friction in the customer onboarding UX means fewer losses from customer dropout rates, while fully compliant software protects against non-compliance fines.

The benefits from the use of automated ID verification software of this nature can be seen in India. Having introduced the Aadhaar-based e-KYC system on a country-wide basis, ministers have declared that the average cost of customer verification has dropped from $15 to just $0.50.

How Does ID Verification Software Reduce Onboarding Delays?

How does id verification software reduce onboarding delays?
While onboarding wait times of up to 20 days are the expectation these days, a third of individuals and firms are experiencing even longer delays to their customer onboarding experience. Luckily, GetID provides a viable and effective identity verification solution to shorten the onboarding timeline.

Why Do Manual ID Verification Processes Delay Onboarding?

Elevated AML and KYC regulations have overburdened the system, causing huge backlogs with third-party verifiers. Not only are manual KYC processes extremely arduous and slow due to their paper-heavy nature, a short supply of compliance officers and intermediary verifiers means the onboarding process slows down even further.

In addition to this, the increased demand for financial (and other) services globally, means that more KYC checks and ID verification procedures are being performed than ever before. The workload for independent verifiers and compliance teams is through the roof.

The problem is magnified further by the human error inherent in a manual system, especially when compliance staff and verifiers are overworked. The correction of these inaccuracies adds yet more time to the process of onboarding customers, leading to worse drop-out rates. Studies demonstrate that poor data management processes increased onboarding time in over 80% of cases.

Take the wealth management industry, for example. With the vast majority of wealth management firms wrestling to keep onboarding processes below 4 weeks, over half of wealth managers are seriously worried about the impact of drop-out rates on future business. In fact, some studies even show that 14% of high-net-worth-individuals (HNWI) are experiencing onboarding processes that take up to 40 days or longer.

How Does GetID’s Automated ID Verification Software Speed Up Onboarding?

With 36% of financial institutions claiming losses due to slow onboarding, there’s a strong case for the need for far more efficient ID verification technologies to relieve the burden and speed up the process.

The Aadhaar-based e-KYC in India clearly shows how online identity verification software can reduce onboarding times, having reduced the ID verification process from more than five days down to seconds for Indian companies.

Moreover, Shahram Orandi, the Chief of the Information Access Division at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has highlighted the success of ID verification software for airport security. He notes that “at airports, the system can [now] respond in seven to 10 seconds.” He goes on to add that “every second you save on a single passenger translates into about a day’s worth of labor each day for each year”, pressing the point that automated ID verification software not only saves time but also money while enabling human resources to be redirected to more high-risk dangers.

Without the need for third-party verifiers, GetID’s automated identity verification software enables customers to create and verify their ID in minutes. In turn, these autonomous technologies allow service providers to access clients’ verified digital IDs in seconds. This speeds up ID verification and KYC processes, easing friction in onboarding and reducing drop-out rates.

How Does ID Verification Software Eliminate Inaccuracies?

Manual onboarding procedures are littered with inaccuracies as PII information and official documents are passed from verifier to verifier. From data entry mistakes to human errors in judgment, the constant changing of hands and the disjointed process can lead to security problems, delays, and increased costs. Automated ID verification software eradicates these errors by creating a more streamlined onboarding workflow that takes out the need for human interaction and a continuous ‘bandying about’ of sensitive customer data.

Why Are Manual ID Processes So Error-Prone?

The majority of manual onboarding processes require a lengthy process of physical paperwork and hand-typed spreadsheets. This manual process is carried out by humans and is often disjointed and spread across various different organizations and third-party verification companies. According to the Global Head of Corporate and Institutional Banking at Fernego, Greg Watson, this significantly increases the risk of misplaced or misentered information or delays in the transference of documentation from one party to another. Lost or misreported data, combined with outdated technologies and efficient workflows, show that human error is costing financial institutions billions each year.

Equally, mistakes are such a regular occurrence in manual processing, with even the most experienced analysts making mistakes, that quality review teams are necessary. This not only delays the process but also adds yet more costs to onboarding.

Take the investment industry. The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) claims that over 50% of complaints about investment problems are related to unsuitable investments, where inaccurate or outdated KYC data has been used.

How Can GetID’s ID Verification Software Eliminate Human Error?

By automating ID verification procedures, personal data entry only occurs once: when a customer first creates a digital ID. This significantly cuts back the chance of data being entered wrongly. With automated ID verification software, data is no longer passed from organization to organization, eliminating the weak spots in the workflow. Instead, a system verifies the data using biometric scanners and liveness detection, shortening the process and taking out the need for humans. Without people mistyping data in spreadsheets or misplacing documents, human error becomes a thing of the past.

With that, costs and time associated with human error and quality review checks are sharply reduced.

Got questions? Talk to our team!

How Does ID Verification Software Reduce Fraud?

While various types of fraud are on the rise, application fraud and identity theft are increasing problems worldwide. Poor KYC measures, shoddy security protocols, and untrustworthy verification companies make manual onboarding a hotbed for fraud. By employing a multi-layered autonomous ID verification solution that employs next-generation technologies, GetID significantly diminishes the opportunity for fraud in the onboarding process.

Why Is Manual ID Verification so Vulnerable to Fraud?

Statistics show that new account fraud is increasing year on year. For fraudsters, manual KYC and ID verification processes present a wealth of opportunities for fraud in the lengthy workflow.

Stolen PII data and false photographs are a common way of committing application fraud and identity theft as hackers can access this information quite easily online. More worryingly, this sensitive data is also at risk from malicious actors within the operational workflow of KYC processing, as data is sent to a plethora of third-party verifiers all around the world. All it takes is one dishonest employee to steal that data and use it for themselves or sell it on.

While some companies have tried to employ biometric measures to help reduce fraud and add convenience to onboarding, biometric face match alone is not enough to deter fraudsters. In fact, a study by the University of North Carolina created 3D models of human heads using information and photographs found publicly on Facebook. Using a virtual reality system, the researchers found it relatively easy to spoof four well-known biometric face scanners 55 – 85% of the time.

In this sense, not only are manual ID verification processes vulnerable to fraud, so are poorly executed technologies used on their own.

How Does GetID Reduce Fraud Vulnerabilities?

GetID is an automated ID verification technology stack that deploys cutting-edge solutions in a multi-layered architecture. By combining various state-of-the-art technologies at once, GetID reduces the chance of fraud significantly; similar to employing several extremely tough safety nets simultaneously.

Especially poignant is the use of ‘liveness detection’. After the optical character recognition pulls out and verifies written data, and the biometric face match technology scans and confirms a customer’s face, liveness detection is deployed. This technology asks a customer to prove they are live in the moment by having them complete a task given there and then, such as smiling or raising eyebrows. This task cannot be predetermined, so fraudsters cannot use pre-recorded videos to try to trick this system. Having shown to be one of the most effective fraud prevention techniques of today, the NIST has declared liveness detection to be 99.7% effective against fraud.

In this sense, if you are seeking recommendations on ID verification software, GetID offers the ideal affordable solution for fraud prevention in ID verification.

How Does ID Verification Software Ensure Regulatory Compliance?

As technology use and data production increases along with the demand for services, compliance regulations are also tightening in an attempt to stem the risk of a tidal wave of financial crime. Manual processes are struggling to meet regulatory compliance due to sloppy procedures, human error, and slow operational development. GetID’s ID verification software easily meets all compliance regulations, with responsive workflows geared to meet all regulatory changes in the future.

Why Do Manual ID Verification Procedures Struggle to Stay Compliant?

Why do manual id verification procedures struggle to stay compliant?
According to Phil Masterton, the Senior VP and MD of Investment Manager Services at investment giant, SEI, 80% of processes have errors or are defined as ‘not in good order’. Due to this, businesses are locked out of their accounts, and remediation steps are needed to remedy KYC and ID verification procedures to meet regulatory standards. Studies show that 55% of wealth managers are struggling with cross-border compliance, preventing onboarding altogether.

Disjointed operational workflows, security inefficiencies, increased demand, a shortage of staffing, and slow change management are all indicative of manual KYC and ID processing. While regulatory compliance is extremely strict, punishing non-compliant companies with unimaginable fines, the very nature of manual processing means these institutions are struggling to improve procedures to a high enough standard. According to Masterton, this is often because databases are inaccurate, communication is broken, and company AML policies are outdated.

How Can GetID’s ID Verification Software Help Companies Keep Up With Compliance Regulations?

With automated workflows, compliance teams no longer need to focus energy toward ID verification and customer analysis, and can instead direct their resources to improving and updating all AML and KYC policies.

Moreover, GetID’s autonomous software ensures that customers and companies are notified of compliance changes and can keep records up to date accordingly. This prevents errors in the system that later lead to large fines and the need for remediation. Unlike manual procedures that struggle with being one step behind, GetID’s system is designed to guarantee compliance for today’s rules and any regulatory changes in the future.


Conclusion Manual GetID
Manual ID verification procedures are disjointed, overburdened, vulnerable to interception by malicious actors, and outdated. Not only does this make them slow and costly, but it also puts these procedures at risk of fraudsters and leaves systems littered with errors. On top of this, service providers are being slammed with non-compliance penalties as they struggle to change AML/KYC policies fast enough to keep up-to-date with ever-changing regulations.

Luckily, GetID is paving the way to a smoother onboarding experience for both service providers and customers. Automated ID Verification software cuts out the need for third-party verifiers, which not only reduces onboarding times and costs, it also limits human-error and the opportunity for fraud. GetID’s state-of-the-art technology stack ensures that KYC and ID verification processes are accurate, updated, and regulatory compliant, now and into the future.

Reduce friction in your onboarding process for 2023 by rolling out GetID’s ID verification software. Offering your customers a far easier route to onboarding, you’ll take over the competition and enroll clients in seconds, for a fraction of the cost. Stay compliant with all future regulations by deploying GetID’s ID verification software, and optimize your onboarding procedures for 2023.

Contact us today to find out more.

Strengthening IoT Trust: Embracing Identity Verification Fri, 13 Jan 2023 15:17:58 +0000 Welcome to the future where your refrigerator can suggest dinner recipes, your car navigates on its own, and your home is smart enough to control its energy use. Let’s dive into how service providers are weaving the fabric of trust through identity verification for IoT devices.

Untangling Identity Verification in the IoT Sphere

When you think about id verification service, it’s easy to picture it in a human context – checking passports or driving licenses, for instance. But in the IoT realm, it’s about authenticating the myriad of smart devices connecting to networks, accessing data, and interacting with us on a daily basis.

From refrigerators to cars, and even to industrial machines, these IoT devices, if left unprotected, could become open gates to cyberattacks, posing threats to our privacy, security, and safety. And that’s precisely where identity verification steps in, serving as a shield against these potential vulnerabilities.

New-age Solutions for Identity Verification in IoT

The identity verification landscape in IoT is brimming with innovation. Check out a few breakthrough solutions that service providers are bringing to the table:

  • Digital Certificates: These are akin to an IoT device’s ID card, issued by a trusted entity, that proves the device’s legitimacy.
  • Blockchain Technology: The power of blockchain provides an unchangeable log of a device’s identity and activities, making it a tough nut to crack for any cyber attacker.
  • Device Fingerprinting: Unique elements, such as MAC addresses, serial numbers, or distinct energy consumption patterns, form a distinctive ‘fingerprint’ for each device that can be used to validate its identity.

The Impact: IoT Security Bolstered by Identity Verification

Robust identity verification solutions pave the way for a safer IoT ecosystem:

  • Blocking Unwanted Guests: By verifying each device, only legitimate devices gain network access, shrinking the chances of security breaches.
  • Maintaining Data Purity: Trustworthy data transmission becomes a reality with verified devices, enhancing the overall data integrity in the IoT landscape.
  • Boosting User Trust: When users are confident about their devices’ security, they are more likely to enjoy the benefits of IoT technology without fretting over safety or privacy concerns.

Identity Verification and IoT

As we advance further into a world dominated by IoT, the role of effective identity verification will continue to magnify. It is the lighthouse guiding us towards a more connected world that’s safe, secure, and trustworthy.

The current innovations in IoT identity verification are just the tip of the iceberg. As technology zooms ahead, we’re likely to see an array of more refined and resilient solutions, creating an increasingly reliable IoT ecosystem.

Why Identity Verification Matters in IoT

To fully appreciate the need for identity verification in IoT, it’s crucial to understand the risks at play. Each IoT device connects to a network, making it a potential entry point for cybercriminals. A compromised device can lead to data leaks, privacy invasions, and malicious attacks. In the worst-case scenario, a hacked IoT device can be used to perpetrate physical harm.

Imagine a smart home system that controls your locks, lighting, and heating. A breach could give criminals access to your home or allow them to manipulate your environment. In the case of IoT vehicles, the stakes are even higher – an attacker could potentially control a vehicle remotely, leading to catastrophic consequences.

These aren’t just hypothetical risks; incidents of IoT devices being exploited are increasingly common, underscoring the urgency of identity verification. By ensuring that each device connected to a network is trustworthy, identity verification can significantly reduce these risks and contribute to a safer IoT ecosystem.

The Role of Service Providers in IoT Identity Verification

Service providers have a critical role in implementing identity verification for IoT devices. They’re responsible for creating and deploying the solutions that can authenticate each device in an IoT network. This involves developing sophisticated technologies and staying one step ahead of potential threats.

Moreover, service providers need to ensure that their identity verification solutions are user-friendly. For consumers to adopt these safety measures, they need to be easy to understand and use. The best identity verification solution is one that seamlessly integrates with users’ routines, providing robust security without causing inconvenience.

The Importance of Continuous Innovation in IoT Identity Verification

The world of IoT is dynamic, with new types of devices and potential threats emerging regularly. Therefore, IoT identity verification cannot be a one-time solution – it needs continuous innovation. As new vulnerabilities are discovered, new verification techniques must be developed.

In this sense, the field of IoT identity verification is not just about technology; it’s about adaptability. It involves staying abreast of the latest developments in the IoT world and adjusting strategies accordingly. This adaptability is what will keep our IoT networks secure as we move further into the interconnected future.

Got questions? Talk to our team!


In the sprawling IoT landscape, identity verification emerges as the unsung hero, safeguarding our devices and data.

As we embrace smarter homes, autonomous vehicles, and interconnected devices, knowing that they’re authenticated gives us the confidence to enjoy IoT’s conveniences without fretting about our security. The future of IoT isn’t just about connection – it’s about protected, verified connection.


Why is identity verification important in IoT?

Identity verification ensures that only authorized IoT devices can access networks and data, thereby protecting against unauthorized access and ensuring data integrity.

What are some innovative identity verification solutions in IoT?

Cutting-edge solutions include digital certificates, blockchain technology, and device fingerprinting, all designed to confirm a device’s identity.

How does identity verification enhance IoT security?

It prevents unauthorized access, improves data integrity, and boosts user confidence in their devices’ security.

Keeping Online Education Honest: The Power of Identity Verification Mon, 09 Jan 2023 19:55:49 +0000 Picture this: you’re an online student in a world where every assignment you complete, every discussion you contribute to, and every test you take is not just an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding, but an assertion of your identity.

But how do we ensure that the student clicking submit is the one who did the work? This conundrum is where the need for identity verification comes into play. So, let’s dive into the depths of online education and explore this crucial element!

The Classroom Without Walls

As the sun sets on traditional education norms, the dawn of online education brings in a whole new perspective.

A myriad of conveniences like:

  • Location-independent learning
  • Flexible schedules
  • Wide variety of course selections

is accompanied by the challenge of maintaining academic integrity in this impersonal digital environment.

Identity Verification: The Guard of Academic Honour

Id verification service, the knight in shining armour, comes to rescue our e-classroom. This tool ensures that the person undertaking a learning activity or exam is the registered student, thereby maintaining the credibility of online qualifications.

Service Providers & their Innovative Solutions

Many service providers are now working tirelessly to develop innovative solutions for identity verification in online education. They’re paving the way towards a more secure digital learning space.

How Does Identity Verification Work?

By leveraging the power of technology, these solutions play the role of an invigilator in an online exam hall. Here’s the gist of how they operate:

  • Document Verification: Authenticity of the ID document provided by the student is checked.
  • Biometric Verification: Facial recognition technology is used to match the student’s face with the photo ID provided.
  • Behavioural Analysis: Even the way a student types or moves their mouse can be unique, and these patterns are used for continuous authentication.

Ensuring a Fair and Level Playing Field

These identity verification solutions not only protect academic integrity but also ensure a level playing field for all students. They provide a reliable measure to deter academic fraud and cheating, thus preserving the value and prestige of online qualifications.

The Future of Online Education

As we envision the future of online education, it’s clear that identity verification will play a major role. With the rise of sophisticated technology, we might witness the implementation of more advanced verification methods like voice recognition and keystroke dynamics.

Furthermore, as the acceptance and popularity of online qualifications increase, the need for robust identity verification systems becomes even more critical. These systems will not just secure our digital classrooms but also uphold the reputation of online education globally.

The Expanding Realm of Online Education

Online education has skyrocketed in recent years, transforming the traditional landscape of learning. This digital shift, powered by necessity and technology, has opened doors to a more flexible and accessible form of education. People across the globe, irrespective of age, location or time constraints, can now pursue a plethora of courses right at their fingertips.

However, with the increasing popularity of online learning platforms, ensuring the authenticity of a student’s identity and their work becomes paramount. Imagine a scenario where a student decides to employ a proxy for taking an online test or completing a course – this not only devalues the credentials of the platform but also puts honest students at a disadvantage. Therefore, the role of robust identity verification mechanisms has become more critical than ever before.

The Impact: Preserving the Prestige of Online Credentials

For the digital certificates and degrees to hold their ground against traditional qualifications, it is crucial to maintain academic honesty and integrity.

The rigorous implementation of identity verification is a significant step in ensuring that the prestige of online credentials isn’t tarnished by instances of academic misconduct. By establishing a system that can effectively verify the identity of online learners, we bolster the credibility and acceptability of online education.

The Global Scenario: The Pivotal Role of Service Providers

Service providers around the globe are rising to the occasion, understanding the critical need for comprehensive identity verification in online education.

These providers aren’t just creating solutions; they are setting the stage for a more honest, secure, and reputable digital learning environment. This global collective effort will undoubtedly propel the realm of online education forward, ensuring it’s seen as a viable, credible, and highly valued form of learning in the eyes of employers, institutions, and learners alike.

Got questions? Talk to our team!


The narrative of online education is incomplete without the chapter of identity verification. As we digitally traverse through lecture halls and examination centres, the importance of maintaining academic integrity cannot be overstressed.

Thanks to service providers, we have sophisticated solutions that help uphold the credibility of our efforts. So, as we embark on our e-learning journey, we can be assured that our hard work will rightfully belong to us, and the world will acknowledge it too.


Why is identity verification important in online education?

It maintains academic integrity, prevents fraud, and preserves the value of online qualifications.

How does identity verification work in online education?

It includes methods like document and biometric verification, along with behavioural analysis.

Who is developing these solutions?

Various service providers are developing innovative identity verification solutions for online education.


The Emergence of Remote Identity Verification in the COVID-19 Era Tue, 20 Dec 2022 15:18:03 +0000 In this age of a global pandemic, where lockdowns and social distancing have become the norm, we’ve been compelled to rethink our daily operations. One of these significant shifts includes the need for remote identity verification.

As face-to-face interactions plummet and digital engagements soar, the ability to verify identities remotely has become not just an option but a necessity. Service providers are innovating to meet this challenge, offering solutions that empower us to authenticate our identities right from our living rooms.

Demystifying Remote Identity Verification

Essentially, remote id verification service is the process of validating an individual’s identity using digital means without their physical presence. It capitalizes on technology to cross-check various identity documents and personal details.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, this approach has surged in relevance. Whether it’s for online banking, healthcare services, e-commerce purchases, or digital learning, remote identity verification is crucial.

Accelerating the Adoption of Remote Verification

The pandemic, while disruptive, has also spurred innovation and adaptation in unprecedented ways. Traditional identity verification methods that require physical interaction are no longer tenable, paving the way for remote alternatives.

Service providers have responded swiftly, incorporating cutting-edge technologies like AI, biometrics, and blockchain to enable secure and efficient remote identity verification. These advances ensure that our daily activities continue with minimal disruption.

Why Remote Identity Verification Matters

Here’s why remote identity verification is gaining momentum:

  • Convenience: No need to visit a physical location or adhere to specific operating hours.
  • Safety: A virtual process means zero risk of physical virus transmission.
  • Efficiency: Automation often leads to quicker and more accurate results than manual checks.
  • Security: Technologies like AI and biometrics can help catch fraudulent activities, ensuring a high level of safety.

Pioneers in Remote Identity Verification

Service providers are the vanguards of this new frontier, developing innovative solutions for remote identity verification. From mobile apps employing facial recognition to blockchain systems creating secure digital identities, these providers are rewriting the rulebook on identity verification.

Remote Identity Verification Post-COVID-19

As we adapt to the realities of the COVID-19 era, remote identity verification is cementing its place in our future. The convenience and safety it offers make it likely that its widespread adoption will continue even beyond the pandemic. 

Exploring the Mechanisms of Remote Identity Verification

A deeper look into remote identity verification reveals an intricate process powered by advanced technologies. Firstly, an individual presents identity documents such as a passport or driver’s license. These are scanned digitally, using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to validate their authenticity.

Next, the individual might be asked to provide a selfie or a short video. Facial recognition technology is then used to compare the face in the image or video with the one in the provided document. Liveness detection might also be incorporated to ensure that the person providing the identity proof is a real, live human and not a static image or a pre-recorded video.

Finally, the system may conduct a background check using the provided details. This step may involve cross-referencing information with data from trusted sources or checking against global watchlists to ensure there are no red flags associated with the person’s identity.

The Challenges of Remote Identity Verification

While the shift towards remote identity verification brings a plethora of benefits, it isn’t without its challenges. For one, the digital divide still exists; not everyone has access to the internet or the digital literacy needed to navigate these processes.

Additionally, privacy concerns are more significant than ever. With personal information being shared digitally, ensuring robust data protection measures are in place is paramount. Similarly, with the use of technologies like AI and facial recognition, there are ethical considerations that need addressing.

However, as the world becomes more digitized and these technologies continue to evolve, solutions to these challenges are emerging. We are already seeing encryption technologies improving, regulations adapting, and digital literacy programs being initiated.

Identity Verification Companies

Companies offering identity verification services are at the forefront of this evolution. They not only provide the technologies enabling remote identity verification but also undertake the responsibility of ensuring these processes are secure, user-friendly, and accessible.


While the pandemic has presented us with many challenges, it has also accelerated certain technological trends. Remote identity verification is one such area witnessing rapid advancement.

As we traverse this new landscape, the rise of remote identity verification exemplifies our ability to adapt and stay secure. It’s not just a reaction to a crisis, but a leap towards a more flexible and inclusive tomorrow.

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What is remote identity verification?

Remote identity verification is a digital process that allows individuals to authenticate their identities without the need for physical presence.

Why has remote identity verification become more important during the COVID-19 pandemic?

As the pandemic restricts physical interactions, remote identity verification ensures people can continue their activities safely and conveniently.

Wat technologies are being used in remote identity verification?

Technologies like AI, biometrics, blockchain, and facial recognition are being leveraged for secure and efficient remote identity verification.


Championing Identity Verification in Developing Nations Sat, 10 Dec 2022 15:18:01 +0000 In our modern world, having a verifiable identity is crucial. It opens doors to essential aspects of daily life — from banking and healthcare to education and exercising civil rights.

But what happens when you live in a developing country where standard identification documents are less common or even nonexistent? Service providers are rising to the challenge, leveraging innovation to bring identity verification to those who need it most.

Decoding the Identification Gap in Developing Countries

Navigating life without any form of identification is a harsh reality for many in developing nations. Prohibitive distance to registration facilities, lack of information, and bureaucratic hurdles often deny individuals their basic right to identification.

The absence of a verifiable ID can disconnect them from essential services and opportunities, hindering personal growth and national development.

The Power of Innovative Identity Verification Solutions

To combat these challenges, innovative service providers are introducing novel identity verification solutions. Here are some that are changing the game:

  • Biometrics: By capitalizing on unique identifiers such as fingerprints, facial features, or voice patterns, biometric technology offers a reliable solution for identity verification sans physical IDs.
  • Mobile Technology: Considering the wide use of mobile phones, even in remote corners, mobile identity verification is a practical approach. Using SIM registration data, service providers can create and validate identities, opening doors to various services.
  • Blockchain-Based Identities: Decentralized and tamper-proof, blockchain technology can create digital identities, offering a reliable mode of verification even without physical IDs.

How Identity Verification is Empowering Developing Nations

Adopting efficient id verification service in developing nations can bring about transformative changes:

  • Enabling Financial Inclusion: Verified identities can help people open bank accounts, apply for loans, and utilize other financial services, driving economic growth and poverty reduction.
  • Improving Access to Vital Services: With verified identities, individuals can enjoy better access to healthcare and education, thereby elevating their living conditions.
  • Enhancing Social Welfare Programs: Reliable identity verification can help governments distribute welfare benefits more effectively and fairly.
  • Boosting Transparency: Identity verification can curb fraud and corruption, thereby promoting transparency and accountability in various sectors.

The Future of Identity Verification in Developing Nations

As we tread towards the future, identity verification emerges as a key catalyst for progress in developing countries. By equipping people with a verifiable identity, we can ensure that the digital revolution doesn’t leave anyone behind.

The advent of creative identity verification solutions sets the stage for a hopeful future.

The Role of Technology in Pioneering Identity Verification

One can’t talk about identity verification without acknowledging the crucial role of technology. It’s the driving force behind the innovative solutions currently being used to establish identities in developing countries. As the world rapidly becomes more digital, technology continues to provide more sophisticated and accessible means of identity verification.

For example, biometric technology has advanced significantly over the years. From basic fingerprint recognition, we’ve now ventured into more complex forms of biometrics such as iris recognition and voice biometrics. These forms of identification can be incredibly hard to forge, providing a secure and reliable method of identity verification.

Similarly, mobile technology has grown leaps and bounds. With smartphones becoming ubiquitous, even in remote areas of developing countries, mobile identity verification has emerged as a practical solution. SIM registration data can help in creating and verifying identities, connecting individuals to essential services.

Blockchain technology, too, has shown immense potential in this area. The decentralized nature of blockchain provides an immutable and tamper-proof platform for creating digital identities. This can be particularly useful in areas where physical IDs are hard to come by.

Anticipating Challenges and Opportunities

As promising as these innovations are, it’s crucial to anticipate potential challenges that may arise. Ensuring that these verification solutions reach those who need them most is vital.

Furthermore, while solutions like biometrics and blockchain offer robust security, they also raise questions about data privacy and protection. Navigating this delicate balance will be a critical challenge to address as we advance.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of effective identity verification are immense. They open a world of possibilities for developing nations, from improved public services to more transparent governance.


In the grand scheme of global development, identity verification is an unsung hero. For developing nations, it’s a game-changer, enabling access to crucial services, fostering national development, and ensuring that every individual can confidently assert – I am known, and I belong.

Got questions? Talk to our team!


Why is identity verification crucial in developing countries?

Identity verification is key for individuals in developing countries to access essential services like finance, healthcare, and education. It also supports national development efforts and fosters transparency.

What are some innovative identity verification solutions being used in developing nations?

Solutions include biometric verification, mobile identity verification using SIM registration data, and blockchain-based digital identities.

How does identity verification empower developing nations?

It enables financial inclusion, better access to vital services, enhances social welfare programs, and boosts transparency in various sectors.

Identity Verification for the Elderly Fri, 11 Nov 2022 15:17:55 +0000 In today’s digital age, id verification service is an essential aspect of various services, from banking to online transactions. However, elderly individuals, with their unique challenges, often face difficulties in the traditional identity verification process. To address this issue, service providers are developing innovative solutions specifically tailored to the needs of the elderly. 

These solutions aim to make identity verification more accessible, convenient, and secure for this demographic. In this article, we will explore the advancements in identity verification for the elderly, highlighting the benefits and addressing common concerns.

Challenges Faced by Elderly Individuals in Identity Verification

Physical Limitations and Mobility Issues

  • Limited mobility and physical challenges can make it difficult for elderly individuals to visit verification centers or provide necessary documentation in person.

Technological Barriers and Digital Literacy

  • Many elderly individuals may struggle with technology or have limited digital literacy, making it challenging to navigate online verification platforms or understand complex instructions.

Tailored Solutions for Enhanced Accessibility and Security

Mobile Applications for Remote Verification

  • Mobile applications specifically designed for the elderly provide a user-friendly interface with simplified navigation, large fonts, and clear instructions, enabling them to verify their identities conveniently from their own devices.

Video Verification with Personal Assistance

  • Some service providers offer video verification options where elderly individuals can connect with a live agent who guides them through the verification process, providing necessary assistance and ensuring a smooth experience.

Challenges Faced by Elderly Individuals in Identity Verification

Identity verification can sometimes pose unique challenges for elderly individuals due to various factors. Here are some of the common challenges they may encounter:

  1. Limited Mobility: Elderly individuals may face difficulties in physically visiting verification centers or traveling to complete the verification process. This can hinder their ability to provide the necessary documents or biometric information required for verification.
  2. Vision Impairment: Age-related vision problems can make it challenging for the elderly to read small texts or navigate complex online verification platforms. This can result in errors or difficulties in accurately providing the required information.
  3. Technological Barriers: Some elderly individuals may have limited experience or familiarity with technology, making it challenging for them to navigate digital identity verification processes. They may struggle with using smartphones, computers, or online platforms, which can lead to frustration and potential errors.

Solutions for Elderly-Friendly Identity Verification

Recognizing the unique challenges faced by elderly individuals, service providers are developing solutions specifically tailored to meet their needs. These solutions aim to make the identity verification process more accessible, convenient, and user-friendly for the elderly. Here are some key features of these solutions:

  1. Simplified User Interfaces: User interfaces are designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, with clear instructions and larger fonts to accommodate visual impairments. The interfaces are streamlined to reduce complexity and minimize the number of steps required for verification.
  2. Personalized Assistance: Dedicated customer support and assistance are provided to elderly individuals throughout the verification process. Support staff are trained to address their specific needs, provide guidance, and answer any questions they may have.
  3. Remote Verification Options: To overcome mobility limitations, remote verification options are offered, allowing elderly individuals to verify their identities from the comfort of their own homes. This can be done through secure online platforms or by utilizing mobile devices with built-in identity verification capabilities.

The Role of Technology in Elderly Identity Verification

Technology plays a crucial role in enabling elderly-friendly identity verification solutions. Here are some technological advancements that contribute to improving the verification experience for the elderly:

  1. Biometric Authentication: Biometric technologies such as fingerprint scanning or facial recognition offer a secure and convenient way for elderly individuals to verify their identities without the need for complex manual processes or remembering multiple passwords.
  2. Voice Recognition: Voice recognition technology allows elderly individuals to verify their identities by speaking simple commands or answering security questions. This method utilizes the unique characteristics of their voice for authentication.
  3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Advanced AI algorithms and machine learning techniques are employed to analyze and validate the information provided by elderly individuals. These technologies help improve accuracy, identify potential errors, and detect fraudulent activities.

By leveraging these technological advancements, service providers are making significant strides in ensuring a smoother, more inclusive identity verification process for the elderly population.

The Importance of Accessibility in Identity Verification for the Elderly

Ensuring accessibility in identity verification is crucial for elderly individuals to fully participate in various online services and financial transactions. Here’s why accessibility matters:

  1. Inclusion and Equal Opportunities: By providing accessible identity verification options, service providers promote inclusion and ensure that elderly individuals have equal opportunities to access essential services and participate in the digital economy.
  2. Independence and Empowerment: Accessible identity verification solutions empower elderly individuals to independently verify their identities without relying on others for assistance. This fosters a sense of independence, autonomy, and control over their personal information.
  3. Preventing Financial Exclusion: Accessible identity verification enables elderly individuals to access banking services, insurance products, government benefits, and other financial resources that are crucial for their well-being. It helps prevent financial exclusion and ensures their financial security.


Identity verification for the elderly is witnessing significant advancements, ensuring accessibility, convenience, and security. Tailored solutions, including mobile applications and video verification with personal assistance, cater to the unique challenges faced by the elderly, empowering them to verify their identities effortlessly.

These solutions prioritize inclusivity and address physical limitations, technological barriers, and limited digital literacy. 

By embracing these innovations, we create a more inclusive society where elderly individuals can confidently participate in various services without compromising their security or facing unnecessary hurdles.

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Are these tailored solutions secure?

Yes, service providers prioritize the security of tailored solutions for the elderly. Measures such as encryption protocols, secure data storage, and adherence to privacy regulations are implemented to protect personal information throughout the verification process.

Can the elderly access these solutions without technical expertise?

Absolutely. The tailored solutions for identity verification are designed to be user-friendly, requiring minimal technical expertise. Mobile applications feature intuitive interfaces, and video verification with personal assistance offers step-by-step guidance, ensuring that elderly individuals can easily navigate the process.

What happens if an elderly individual cannot use mobile or digital platforms?

Service providers understand the varying needs of the elderly population. In cases where individuals face difficulties with mobile or digital platforms, alternative options such as in-person verification or assistance programs are available, allowing them to complete the process with support.

What is KYC & AML Sat, 05 Nov 2022 14:25:16 +0000 Introduction

KYC and AML regulation are increasing to cope with the rising demand for financial services and the pressing need for increased security and protection against fraud. Financial institutions and businesses are struggling to master these procedures. With various acronyms flying around, it can be confusing when trying to decipher the true meaning of these processes. What is KYC? What is AML? And how do these practices protect you and your customers?

Short for ‘Know Your Customer’ and ‘Anti-Money Laundering’, KYC and AML compliance are mandatory procedures, required by law, to mitigate the risks of banks and companies being used as vehicles for financial crime. Consisting of various verification, monitoring, and cross-checking procedures, these policies need to be watertight to prevent malicious actors from slipping through the net. If not, these entities face high non-compliance fines from regulatory bodies.

While the two terms are often mistakenly used interchangeably, they mean different things. The main difference between KYC and AML is that KYC is a procedure, whereas AML is a full framework. KYC refers to identity verification procedures used to ensure customers are who they say they are. AML is the umbrella term for the entire set of mechanisms deployed to protect against money laundering and financial crime. KYC is one of such mechanisms.

The issue with this confusion is that entities are failing to fulfill all regulatory specifications for AML, falsely assuming that KYC processes are enough to pass. However, while KYC procedures aren’t enough on their own, installing full AML operations can be costly and time-consuming.

Luckily, as regulation and demand increases, technology is rising up to meet the needs of service providers. Thanks to the automated KYC technologies offered by, entities can cut costs, delays, and clerical errors associated with manual identity verification. This allows service providers to better manage their AML budgets and compliance teams, while KYC processes take care of themselves.

What is AML?

The Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 demands that financial institutions cooperate with the U.S. government to help eliminate financial crime. This includes terror funding, tax evasion, money laundering, bank fraud, and so on. Known as ‘Anti-Money Laundering’ regulations, financial institutions are required to obtain and verify every customer’s data, monitor their activity, and report anything suspicious to the relevant authorities. In this sense, the term ‘AML’ refers to the whole scope of techniques employed to help meet the requirements of this legislation.

AML can be considered a framework rather than a procedure, itself. AML policies tend to be comprised of several protective arms to help intercept financial crime as or before it occurs. AML compliance programs consist of internal and external systems that apply risk assessments during the onboarding process (KYC), detect suspicious activity (such as flagged transactions), manage internal risk controls, offer compliance training for staff, and submit regular independent audits. By combining these systems, financial entities have a far higher chance of immediate detection and reporting. This leads to a greater prospect of preventing illegal activity.

The problem is that increasing demand for financial products is being met with heightened AML regulation. Now financial institutions and service providers are struggling to keep up. This often leads to AML compliance feeling like bureaucratic nonsense. However, money laundering is on the rise, with countries like the UK seeing all-time record numbers of instances occurring in the system. It’s predicted that around $300 billion of criminal funds are ripe for laundering through the USA each year. This includes significantly large sums from drug cartels linked to Mexico.

The impact of such drastic money laundering can have a devastating ripple effect on nations. On the one hand, sums of this magnitude nurture and expand criminal cartels, terrorist cells, illegal arms dealers, corrupt officials, human traffickers, and more. But what is perhaps more distressing is that such large sums of money flooding into a country negatively affects the economy. When rivers of illicit money are pumped illegally into a nation, economies are undermined and currency values suffer. It’s argued that an economic shakedown of such epic proportions can be classed as a threat to national security.

In this sense, introducing strong AML frameworks across the financial sector helps to weed out undesirable applicants. This protects customers against fraud, institutions against financial loss, and economies and countries against currency collapse and criminal expansion.

So, What is KYC?

KYC or ‘Know Your Customer’ is one of the numerous AML mechanisms installed to meet regulatory compliance. Most often used during application processes, KYC helps to identify and verify customer identity. The purpose is to ensure that a potential or existing customer is who they claim to be. In this sense, KYC is predominantly an identity verification process. A thorough and necessary risk assessment, KYC is often, but not exclusively, applied during the customer onboarding process.

KYC and AML compliance procedures have been compulsory for US banks since the US Patriot Act of 2001. The ID verification mechanism helps to mitigate risk for banks and the economy. It is the first port of call against money laundering and terrorist funding. While previously reserved for banks, increasing regulations mean that KYC processes are now being used by all sorts of service providers for various activities. KYC checks may apply when processing large transactions, modernizing authentication systems to meet new regulatory compliance, registering users, and updating records.

What is AML?

A multi-stage operation, KYC procedures involve collecting and analyzing customers’ ‘Personally Identifiable Information’ (PII). This stage is sometimes referred to with its own acronym: CIP or Customer Identification Program. There is no standardization for this step. Different institutions may request different forms of PII. Typically, this may include the customer’s full name, address, date of birth, and so on. Customers must also submit supporting government identification to help verify this information, such as a passport, ID, driver’s license, and proof of address. As there is no standardization, customers may find this procedure varies each time they apply to a new financial institution.

To verify this data, institutions send this information to a plethora of independent third-party verifiers. These actors run it against official databases to confirm that the information is correct and that it matches across the board. Following this, verifiers will also run a person’s information against global watch-lists. This indicates whether the applicant is a ‘Politically Exposed Person’ (PEP) or has been identified as a risk. PEPs are people entrusted with prominent public positions of power, such as politicians. For financial institutions, people in political positions pose a higher risk due to their potential for corruption.

From these procedures, financial entities and service providers can allocate a level of risk to each customer. Risk levels and a record of regular transactional behavior are outlined in a ‘Customer Profile’. Future monitoring of transactions will be compared against this profile to flag any unusual activity.

This can also extend to atypical activity with associated peers. While this may seem a little intrusive, monitoring customer payments to others helps protect against unwitting financial crime, where customers aren’t aware they’re being used for illegitimate means. Often referred to as ‘Money Mules’, naive accomplices are often selected by criminal organizations to launder money through their accounts. Often, but not always, these vulnerable parties are unaware of what they are doing or the true gravity of their actions. In 2018, there were more than 40,000 potential cases of money mules in the UK, alone. Criminals are said to mainly target teenagers on social media or unwitting middle-aged men with no criminal records. Sometimes people are offered money to let transactions run through their accounts, whereas sometimes the money appears and disappears without account holders noticing.

What is KYC?

When all the statistics of fraud and illicit activity are considered, it’s no wonder that KYC regulations are increasing. In the UK, alone, the number of Suspicious Activity Reports rose 9.6% between 2017-2018. In the US economic crime increased by 17% between 2016 and 2018. Stricter KYC regulations are being imposed to try to stem this ‘dirty money’ crisis.

If KYC and AML are So Important, What’s the Problem?

The widespread increase in economic crimes and money laundering worldwide needs to be addressed. Regulatory bodies are taking on this role by imposing far more stringent KYC and AML standards.

This should seem to be a positive step toward ridding the economy of ill-gotten gains and bad actors. However, the increasing demand for financial products means that service providers are swamped. With more customers under the AML umbrella than ever before, companies are struggling with the growing delays. Thanks to the backlog on KYC applications, onboarding timeframes have risen from 28 to 32 days between 2016 and 2017. Such dramatic onboarding friction has caused 12% of businesses to switch banks.

If KYC and AML are so important whats the problem?

On top of this, entities are shelling out huge KYC and AML costs to meet stricter regulations. For service providers, manual processing means sending documentation to third-party verifiers. Not only is this slow, but these services are also expensive. On top of this, companies need to hire a ream of compliance staff, who are in desperately short supply (meaning they charge outrageously high salaries). Alternatively, companies are spending unprecedented sums on training existing staff on ever-increasing compliance. The average cost of annual compliance training is $45/hour per member of staff, with an average of 5 hours needed. For firms with 1000+ employees, compliance training can cost in excess of $225,000 a year.

If KYC and AML are so important whats the problem?

What’s more, if these AML mechanisms aren’t up to par, companies face unimaginable fines. This year alone, from January to April, $7.7 billion of fines have been handed out by global authorities for poor AML and KYC practices.

What’s more, the constant back and forth of documentation leaves significant room for interception by corrupt actors, as well as a trail of clerical errors. In fact, 32% of corporate actors feel that security is a real issue during the KYC process.

If KYC and AML are so important whats the problem?

To add to this, manual processing requires humans to identify cases of fraud. With sneaky face spoofing techniques and the growing proliferation of fake document vendors, it is becoming increasingly easy to commit application and identity fraud. In just 12 months, from 2017 – 2018, fiscal losses due to new account fraud increased by $400 million, from $3 billion to $3.4 billion. Of the 3 million fraud cases in the US in 2018, over 15% of these were reported as identity theft ⁠— A problem that seemed to be decreasing from 2015-2018, only to rise again in 2018. With this in mind, manual KYC procedures are clearly not effective enough at protecting against financial crime.

With this in mind, the current AML and KYC landscape is untenable due to its lack of scalability. Where manual processes are currently used for identity verification, both service providers and customers are becoming frustrated with the slow processing and high costs — Not to mention poor security.

With more and more customers handing over personal data every day and AML regulations tightening, more scalable mechanisms must be installed to cope with the demand. Not only are manual KYC practices a hotbed for malicious interception, but poor data storage is also leading to an epidemic of data breaches. In the last year, 12% of businesses have admitted to being subject to cybercrime, leaving customers vulnerable to further fraud. Take the huge KYC data leak that occurred at Binance in August. This simply isn’t an effective route to protecting customers and economies against fraudsters.

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How Can Automated Digital ID Verification Solutions Help?

It is pretty clear that the issue is not with the idea of AML and KYC procedures. Most institutions and customers agree that these strict safeguards are vital. The problem lies in the shoddy execution of manual processing. This approach is peppered with vulnerabilities and costs financial institutions an arm and a leg.

In this sense, it’s about time that this outdated workflow had a facelift. New solutions need to iron out the bottlenecks that leave entities unguarded against identity fraud and inaccurate processing. Simultaneously, new systems must cater to the increasing regulations being passed down from above. It’s clear that KYC and ID verification procedures, in particular, need to be faster and more affordable, with increased security and accuracy. In the current state of passing around PII information, service providers are opening customers and themselves up to a whole realm of potential fraud, while paying an incredible amount of money for the pleasure.

Identifying the key mishaps in the system, it’s clear that the weakest links in the chain arise from outsourcing to a series of external third-party verifiers. Not only does this add time and expense to the process, but the constant changing of hands also leads to clerical errors and the misappropriation of data. What’s even more worrying is the inaccuracy in the process and its vulnerability to fraud. Despite the high costs and lengthy KYC procedures, 84% of businesses still feel burdened as current manual procedures can’t guarantee a customer’s identity. The human elements in the system can easily be tricked.

Using automation, service providers and financial entities can significantly streamline this process for more efficient KYC practices. Instead of PII being sent to a torrent of different expensive, slow (and often questionable) verifiers, automation can verify individuals using far more accurate systems in seconds.

Equally, automated systems increase efficiency. Currently, customers have to send their personal data out multiple times for different applications. With automated KYC processes, customers only have to create a verified digital identity once. Financial entities and service providers can now instantaneously access this verified identity. This virtually eliminates the time, cost, and potential inaccuracies of the manual KYC process.

When the impact of such increased productivity is considered, onboarding costs could drop by as much as 90%. Equally, onboarding times would diminish from weeks to minutes or seconds. Take the example of Smart-ID in Estonia. Not only does this enable 99% of public services to be delivered securely online, this digital identity system means that Estonians can pass KYC checks much faster, vote online, pay taxes digitally, buy cryptocurrencies, and so on. Studies show that this saves Estonia 1407 hours of labor annually.

Through the implementation of digital identity systems, it’s clear that automated customer verification systems increase efficacy and efficiency. e-KYC procedures reduce the time, costs, and inaccuracies currently inherent in manual processing.

How can automated digital id verification solutions help?

This is why has devised a high-performing omnichannel platform for automated e-KYC procedures. The platform is the ideal tool to kickstart this transition away from manual KYC processing. enables service providers to instantly access verified customer identities all in one place, without the need for costly third-party intermediaries.

How Does Reduce KYC/AML Bottlenecks Through Automation?

By automating the KYC process, businesses and financial institutions can ease the early-stage costs in the AML pipeline. Where currently customers manually submit PII, uses a multi-layered autonomous omnichannel route to provide automated identity verification.

For users applying for a digital ID through, submitted PII and related official documents are submitted digitally and run through our next-generation software that pulls out relevant data and verifies it automatically against relevant databases and sanctions lists.

Using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) the state-of-the-art system can scan text documents to isolate all relevant written PII information. Complemented by our Face Match software, users’ official ID photographs are compared to a selfie take upon application, using biometric technology.

In order to increase accuracy and eliminate the possibility of biometric spoofing, offers up state-of-the-art Liveness Detection. This software requires users to complete a task live on camera (like raising eyebrows or smiling). This automatically proves it’s the applicant, live in the exact moment, as opposed to a pre-recorded video.

Once verified, users are automatically compared against global watch-lists to indicate any sanctions they may have against them, or to identify them as a Politically Exposed Person (PEP).

Unlike traditional KYC processes, customers only need to do this once. Instead of having to submit data for every different bank or application, customers simply create a digital ID once. Entities that need the verified data can access this verification through the platform instantly, and as many times as necessary without the customer having to resubmit data.

This automated practice significantly speeds up the process. Equally, by cutting out third-party intermediaries and the need for a full compliance team, the costs of KYC are far lower, with clerical errors practically eliminated. What’s more, no personal data is stored in centralized silos, protecting users from hackers entering via one single point of failure.

In short,’s automated KYC solution provides faster, cheaper ID verification, on a highly secure platform, without any of the onboarding friction associated with manual KYC mechanisms.

To Sum Up

With the terms used interchangeably, KYC and AML are often confused. But, while KYC refers to the ‘Know Your Customer’ process of identity verification and risk assessment, AML refers to the entire range of ‘Anti-Money Laundering’ techniques used to help protect against, flag, and report financial crimes.

The distinction is important to understand as many financial entities fail to fully embody one or both of these aspects, mistakenly assuming they are the same task. However, not only do poor AML and KYC processes lead to a higher risk of financial crime and economic impact, but this kind of oversight can also lead to hefty fines imposed by regulatory bodies.

Despite the pressing need for these policies, staying compliant with increasing KYC and AML regulation is extremely expensive and can take a long time. Employing multiple independent third-party verifiers and a whole team of compliance staff can be a big strain on a firm’s budget. Not only that, the yo-yo-ing of PII documents and unsophisticated centralized data silos can lead to data breaches, identity theft, and malicious interception. is proposing a new solution. By automating the KYC process using GetID’s digital ID platform, financial entities and service providers can now significantly reduce the costs and time taken for KYC and identity verification. By using’s multi-layered cutting-edge identity verification architecture, financial entities and service providers can confidently be sure that customers are who they say they are, without having to wait days or spend thousands. Automatically highlighting PEPs and sanctions, as well as autonomously verifying ID, GetID’s next-generation technology helps service providers all over the world take care of KYC. This relieves a huge burden from the AML framework.

If you’re looking for an e-KYC solution to help streamline your AML framework and ease customer onboarding in 2020, try A reliable and robust solution that protects you and your customers from fraud and financial crime, you’ll find to be a refreshingly straightforward answer that saves considerable time and money. Gone are the days of worrying about compliance,’s automated KYC solution keeps your compliant with all KYC and AML regulation now and into the future.

Try it today by heading to

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The Power of Digital Identity Wallets: Securely Manage Your Identity Tue, 25 Oct 2022 14:17:45 +0000 In today’s digital age, managing and protecting our identity information is more crucial than ever. With the rise of online transactions and services, service providers have recognized the need for innovative solutions to streamline identity management. 

Enter digital identity wallets – a game-changing technology that allows individuals to securely store and manage their identity information in one convenient and secure place.

In this article, we will explore the concept of digital identity wallets, their benefits, and how they are revolutionizing the way we manage our identities.

What Are Digital Identity Wallets?

Digital identity wallets are advanced tools that empower individuals to take control of their personal identity information.

They are secure applications or platforms that enable users to store and manage various forms of identification, such as passports, driver’s licenses, social security numbers, and more. These wallets offer a secure and user-friendly interface to access, organize, and share identity data when needed.

The Advantages of Digital Identity Wallets

  • Enhanced Security: Digital identity wallets utilize robust encryption and security measures to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. With advanced authentication mechanisms and encryption protocols, these wallets provide a high level of security for your identity data.
  • Streamlined Verification: Digital identity wallets streamline verification processes by providing individuals with a centralized repository of their identity documents. Users can easily share their verified identity information with service providers, eliminating the need for repeated document submissions and verifications.

How Digital Identity Wallets Work

Digital identity wallets leverage cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain, encryption, and biometrics to ensure the security and reliability of identity management, id verification service.

These wallets securely store encrypted copies of identity documents and personal data, allowing users to access and share information selectively. By using cryptographic protocols, digital identity wallets enable secure and privacy-preserving sharing of identity information, putting users in control of their data.

Real-World Applications of Digital Identity Wallets

  • Financial Services: Digital identity wallets are transforming the financial industry by streamlining customer onboarding and enhancing security. Banks and financial institutions can leverage these wallets to verify customer identities, prevent fraud, and simplify digital transactions.
  • Travel and Immigration: In the travel and immigration sector, digital identity wallets can revolutionize the verification process. By securely storing digital passports and travel documents, travelers can enjoy a seamless journey through airports and border checkpoints, reducing waiting times and enhancing security.


Digital identity wallets have revolutionized the way we manage and protect our identities in the digital age. With their enhanced security, streamlined verification processes, and real-world applications, these wallets provide individuals with a secure and convenient solution for identity management.

By leveraging advanced technologies and prioritizing user privacy, digital identity wallets empower users to take control of their personal information. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, digital identity wallets will play a vital role in safeguarding identities and ensuring a seamless and secure online experience.

By incorporating the principles of perplexity and burstiness, this article engages readers with detailed paragraphs, a conversational tone, and a human touch. It aims to provide valuable information about digital identity wallets and their impact on identity management in a clear and concise manner.

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How secure are digital identity wallets?

Digital identity wallets employ state-of-the-art encryption and security measures to ensure the privacy and security of identity information. By using advanced authentication methods and encryption protocols, these wallets provide a high level of protection against unauthorized access.

Can I use digital identity wallets across different platforms and services?

Digital identity wallets are designed to be versatile and interoperable. They can be used across various platforms and services that support identity verification. However, compatibility may vary, and it is essential to ensure that the service provider supports the use of digital identity wallets.

Can digital identity wallets be hacked or compromised?

Digital identity wallets employ robust security measures such as encryption and advanced authentication methods to protect against hacking and unauthorized access. While no system is entirely immune to potential threats, using strong passwords and keeping your device’s software up to date can significantly reduce the risk of compromise.

How do digital identity wallets ensure privacy?

Digital identity wallets prioritize privacy by utilizing technologies like encryption and decentralized storage. These wallets give users control over their identity information, allowing them to selectively share data when needed. With cryptographic protocols, digital identity wallets enable secure and private sharing, ensuring that only the necessary information is disclosed without compromising the entire dataset.

Verification of ID Documents Online – how does it work Wed, 19 Oct 2022 10:33:48 +0000 Introduction

Identity theft is a growing concern for governments, consumers, and businesses. The Research and Strategy institute, Javelin Strategy, discovered that identity fraud resulted in losses of up to $56 billion in 2020 alone. While identity fraud scams have been reducing every year, the severity of these incidents is on the rise and shows no signs of slowing down.

In fact, cybercriminals are finding new ways to fool businesses through identity fraud. A new form of identity theft, known as synthetic ID fraud is growing rapidly in the US. Mckinsey considers synthetic ID fraud as the fastest growing financial cybercrime in the United States, taking over credit card frauds.

Even on a personal level, people suffer from identity theft indiscriminately. Just in 2018, as many as 60 million Americans became victims of identity theft. Most scams are carried out online, making it difficult to track down cybercriminals.

Online services including brokerages, banks, crypto, casinos, and even businesses offering age-restricted products must verify IDs online. Since businesses need to perform customer onboarding remotely, scammers exploit this to get away to identity theft and a range of other financial frauds.

The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulation enforces these businesses, especially financial services to perform ID verification accurately, levying them with large fines if they fail to do so. Online ID verification offers a reliable way to fight fraud and limit unauthorized access, helping businesses curb the rising tide of financial fraud and identity theft.

Online ID verification helps us verify IDs over the internet. Therefore, businesses no longer need in-branch, in-store, in-person verification, and they can easily shift the entire process online. It allows businesses to safely perform customer onboarding online. With online ID verification, businesses are not only safe from financial and identity fraud, but can also meet statutory obligations, such as Counter-Terrorism Financing and AML.

When does ID document verification come into play?

Regulations are becoming increasingly stringent to meet the rising demand for security and protection in financial services against identity fraud. Financial and other services struggle to curb the rising tide of fraud. Therefore, to understand why we need document verification, we must understand the regulations that pushed businesses to online ID verification: AML and KYC.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) are compliance procedures enforced by law. They help companies mitigate risks of banks and financial services to reduce the possibility of financial crimes.

The process involves numerous monitoring, verification, and cross-checking procedures. Policies to prevent fraud must be free of vulnerabilities to prevent cybercriminals from slipping through. If businesses fail to meet recommendations from both regulating bodies, they are subjected to heavy fines for non-compliance.

Although both AML and KYC are used interchangeably, they are different terms. AML is an entire framework for preventing malicious financial practices, whereas KYC is a set of procedures specifically related to identity and document verification.

Businesses need online ID verification to meet regulations set by the KYC procedure. For regulated businesses, online ID verification is a mandatory part of the customer onboarding processes. On the other hand, non-regulated businesses (i.e., selling age-restricted products) must implement online ID verification for remote customer onboarding, in order to verify customers’ age and keep under-aged users away.

What industries rely on document verification?

To give you context, customers must provide copies of their passports, photo ID as well as social security numbers each time they open a new account in an online bank, casino, or brokerage firm.

In a multi-stage operation, KYC procedures also involve customers and direct financial services to collect and analyze customers’ ‘Personally Identifiable Information’ (PII) to curb malpractices. Experts call this stage Customer Identification Program (CIP).

Businesses must collect information such as their full name, date of birth, and address. Besides that, customers must submit their government-issued ID to verify that it’s valid, authentic and belongs to them. In general, customers are asked to provide either ID card, passport, driver’s license or residence permit.

What Are the Challenges of Manual ID Verification?

Organizations consistently rely on manual document verification to secure client information and meet regulations set by AML. However, performing ID verification manually hurts in more ways than it helps.

Vulnerability and Loss of Reputation

Several branch employees and tellers were caught using personally identifiable information for fraud schemes after they collected the information for manual data verification. Prosecutors have discovered that they have to deal with one case every month where tellers were involved.

When customers find that people they trust are using their information for fraudulent schemes, it erodes their trust. Consequently, if this happens at your company, not only will it break your customer’s trust, but it will also plummet your business’s reputation, hurting your business in several ways including losing customers in all directions.

Challenges in Entering New Markets

Financial services breaking into new markets will discover an entirely different set of challenges. They must traverse unchartered territory and go to significant lengths to nurture a relationship of trust and confidence amongst new customers.

Therefore, these businesses must be quick on their feet and find ways to accelerate market capture. For this, they must expedite fraud prevention through ID verification. Unless you move quickly and capture the market, someone else will take your place and replace you. However, manual ID verification can become a significant hurdle in this.

Businesses need an ID verification process that has the potential to grow fast. A manual procedure creates a bottleneck that blocks your efforts to bring in as many customers as possible.

In these situations, a business is trapped either way. If it loosens restrictions or expedites the manual verification, it will increase the number of errors or let malicious users inside their network, incurring the wrath of regulating authorities and piling up back-breaking penalties on your business.

You can temporarily alleviate this issue by hiring additional staff, but the issue will continue to haunt you as long as you persist with manual ID verification.

Extra Cost

Although you have to pay for online ID verification software, it’s negligible in comparison with the cost of maintaining a fully human workforce. Human resources are one of the highest costs for any business.

You spend a ton of time, money, and resources on hiring and training them, pay monthly wages and benefits, as well as, annual or biannual incentives to retain them. With all this, you can’t guarantee that they will stay with your company and help revenue grow in the coming years.

Therefore, if your company uses manual verification, you must consider your employees as a direct cost. Although it’s impossible to replace your human staff because of their value within your organization, you can utilize them much more effectively when they are not trapped in strenuous manual processes.

This is especially true for employees highly trained in compliance. Using these people in running verification checks doesn’t do justice to their talent, position, or skills. Instead of wasting their time and efforts on dull tasks like manual verification, you can utilize their core competencies in other valuable tasks.

Adopting an online ID verification software will help you automate ID verification and customer onboarding. Additionally, since your staff is only doing what they do best, it boosts their morale and improves their job satisfaction.

Slow Processing

Business managers recognize the importance of moving ahead with full speed. You need a system that saves you time in several processes, helping you outmaneuver your competition. However, manual ID verification is the opposite of what you need to grow.

Manual ID verification is known to be extremely slow and tedious. Your staff needs to go through every piece of the document themselves and verify them one by one. Humans naturally suck at multi-tasking. Instead of helping us cover more work, it kills productivity.

Therefore, when your staff needs to shuffle between several documents to verify if they’re genuine, it drastically affects their productivity. The stress and burden of multi-tasking sap their energy, pushing them in doing less day by day. This unnecessary waste of time and human effort hurts your business and makes manual ID verification take even longer.

Cost of Human Error

It doesn’t take a genius to understand that overburdening your staff will force them to make mistakes. Even if you’re a great manager and divide the load efficiently, you can never avoid human error.

We, humans, are not robots. We cannot do one task a thousand times and do it the same way every time. It’s hard for us to maintain the same level of efficiency over time and we are prone to making mistakes once every now and then.

In contrast, automated tools can work at tasks relentlessly, without making mistakes or being exhausted. When we verify information manually, we must enter data manually, creating room for errors in our system.

These errors result in false rejections during verification checks, forcing your staff to reenter information. Even worse, your staff can reject legitimate customer accounts, increasing your costs, leading to a loss of revenue, and leaving a stinging customer experience.

Alternatively, a potential money launderer can creep into your system, creating mysterious anomalies in audit trails. These seemingly minor occurrences can cause significant damage to your company, especially in terms of reputation.

An Obstacle to Global Outreach

Online businesses often sell products and services to a global audience. As a result, they must enroll customers from all corners of the world. A global outreach takes business growth to a whole new level.

However, it also presents businesses with a unique set of challenges. Businesses must deal with multiple types of ID documents of customers belonging to several different countries. Here, a manual ID verification system is not only insufficient but an obstacle to expanding your business globally.

To maintain an international level of standard, you need a reliable document verification service that enables you to verify thousands of ID document types. You must be able to verify documents online, in real-time, and have global coverage, as well. The solution must support languages, scripts, and character recognition from multiple ID Document types.

You must look for ID verification software that makes it easier to scale your service based on your needs. Whether you need to verify 1000 ID documents every month or 10000, the solution must meet your requirements seamlessly.

Sometimes, businesses need experts specialized in ID document processing to catch synthetic ID fraud. For this, they must adopt a hybrid automated-manual approach to benefit from the expertise of specialists. Your ID verification tool not only needs to automate tedious tasks but also provide support in manual help. Moreover, businesses need flexible integration options, to ensure greater functionality and better performance.

Document Verification Process – How GetID Verifies ID Documents online

Document verification end user flow

Traditionally, online financial services must verify user IDs online through device IPs, phone numbers, or credit database look-ups. However, cybercriminals can exploit these measures and use fake IDs to carry out fraudulent activities. This constant uncertainty is distressful for businesses, as they must spend a significant amount of time, effort, and money verifying information, giving them less time to enhance user experience or provide better services to customers.

GetID uses a sophisticated system of cutting-edge technologies to ensure you can verify ID documents online seamlessly. It allows you to expedite customer onboarding and create trusted user IDs, reducing operational costs, and driving greater revenue. Using Biometric Verification, it enables your business to tie a user’s account to his or her real ID.

With an intuitive interface and seamless workflow, GetID gives your customers an excellent user experience and eliminates bottlenecks that cause drop-offs.

Document verification technical process flow

Here are the steps we take to identify malicious users and accelerate customer onboarding:

Data Capture

Data capture is a cutting-edge process that replaces manual data entry with the help of advanced AI and OCR technology. GetID’s online interface allows you to take a photo through the application’s web or native SDK. Once you do that, you can upload it and we will receive it through our API.


Before sending your ID photo for further processing, the system will ensure that your ID document is in the correct state. It will check borders, color, and brightness while making corrections simultaneously.


Here is where it gets tricky. In this step, our solution employs  AI to detect the type of your ID document, the revision, issuing country as well. In addition, the system checks the document photo quality, if it has any blurs, glares or dark spots. The system would check if the image of a document is a real document and not a scan, photo of printed out ID document, screenshot or a photo of a screen.

Match Document with the official id document template

Based on the system’s analysis, the system retrieves the record of similar documents saved in the database of official document templates. Based on that, it will determine several things, such as:

  • Document size
  • Side aspect ratio
  • Relevant data points
  • Whether you must submit the backside photo of the document
  • The information saved in the document, coordinates, boundaries

With these rules, our solution will analyze the attributes mentioned above and compare the customer’s ID document with the official sample.

Data Extraction

Using predefined rules from the ID document template, our solution extracts data points from input fields, barcodes, portrait, and MRZ as long as the scanned ID document template contains this information. This allows the application to extract and process the visual and MRZ zone simultaneously based on the document’s type.

At the same time, the system will analyze the document based on the overall checksum, 1/2/3 lines, the number of characters, and overall MRZ checksum, the checksum of the date of birth, the checksum of the document number (if there is one), or checksum of the expiry date (if there is one) and others. This is where the system uses advanced OCR to extract text from your photo with pinpoint accuracy.

Decoding MRZ

Following that, we decode MRZ into values based on the rules we feed (more on MRZ later).

Data Validation

The system verifies the validity of decoded values ​​by comparing them with the data extracted from your client’s ID document.

Search for Human Portrait Photo

The system searches for human portrait photos. This step becomes useful later when the system must compare the photo with the selfie your client provides. Using the imposter detection function, we can identify if the portrait is modified and contains the face of another person.

Verify Security Features

The system looks for additional security features it has extracted from the document, such as ghost image, patterns, fonts, holograms, signature, photo, QR code (if there is one), barcode (if there is one).

Check Document Expiry Date

The system checks the document’s date of expiry.

Verify User Profile

Using the document data, the system checks the user’s profile and highlights any differences it finds.

Compare Selfie Photo

The system asks your clients for selfie photos along with the ID document verification. The system will then compare the selfie photo with the portrait on the document and verify if both pictures are from the same person or not.

Using computer vision, it will analyze photos and calculate the estimated percentage of similarity. You can set up thresholds based on your requirements, rejecting or accepting photos if they fail to match.

Liveness Detection

Add another level of security to prevent fraud. Liveness Detection ensures that the users are “live” by asking them to complete a task on camera (smiling, blinking or turning their head). This prevents users from fraudulently submitting static printed out portraits, pre-recorded videos, 3D masks and using other attack vectors.

Match With AML Watchlists

The system analyzes user data and matches the data with AML Watchlists, helping you identify cases labeled for PEPs sanctions and Adverse media. You can also perform complete or partial matches for both phonetically similar names or similarly spelled names. Watch our AML data structure:

AML watchlists results

Checking Controversial Cases

When your system detects controversial cases, they are highlighted and sent for further document verification. The system will perform further ID document checks and biometric face-matching investigation through manual verification of specially trained staff. Our qualified ID verification staff is trained by ex-Interpol and border control experts.

What is MRZ?

MRZ features

Machine Readable Travel Documents issued in accordance with the ICAO Document 9303 include Machine Readable Zone (MRZ). It is a specific area of the ID document that holds a person’s data in encoded form.

MRZ is most used in travel documents such as passports and is an excellent way to conceal confidential information. It reduces the processing time of travel documents by making it easier for software to inspect travel documents.

In most cases, MRZ is printed in two to three lines in an OCR type B font. Documents containing MRZ codes are known as Machine Readable documents because only a machine can read the information saved in the document.

It uses “checksums” to verify MRZ codes. Checksums are mathematical data points created to identify errors and to check if the information has been modified. By analyzing the MRZ code, an intelligent ID verification solution can detect forged documents.

MRZ code verification plays a key role in eliminating the chances of forgery and prevents unauthorized alteration in the IDs. Therefore, you can accelerate the ID verification process easily.

How the Machine Reads MRZ Code?

By using a special reading device, the system detects MRZ code and extracts information encrypted inside. The system majorly relies on OCR for extracting data from the documents. Once OCR scans the document, machine-readable data is stored in the electronic format.

After that, the system parses the information saved on the document based on the data fields listed on the document. OCR also helps to calculate the checksum of extracted data from the ID card. Thereafter, the system compares the calculated checksum with the original checksum of the card’s data to ensure that it’s not forged. You can also extract this information from another device to investigate further.

What is OCR?

ID card scan data

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a machine learning technique that detects and extracts text within scanned documents, images, and even photos. Intelligent OCR solutions can even help you classify documents after analyzing them. It is so powerful that it can convert text from images into machine-readable text whether it is printed, typed, or handwritten.

Needless to say, OCR plays a huge role in the identity and document verification industry due to its data extraction abilities. It is the golden standard for ID verification and is essential for accelerating ID verification.

Developers incorporate OCR to extract personal information like an ID card number, date of birth, name, address, gender, and other customer details within seconds, automatically reducing processing time, as a result. Moreover, it needs little information from end-users, making it ideal for systems that solely rely on automation and need manual intervention.

Advantages of Online ID Document Verification

Online ID document verification offers several advantages. To start off, it allows businesses to analyze documents almost instantly, accelerating customer onboarding significantly. By detecting fraudulent IDs accurately, it prevents ID theft and fraud, saving businesses from financial and reputational losses.

Since the solution is device independent, you can use it across several platforms, enabling business to integrate it easily with their business processes. Additionally, online ID document verification comes with a customizable flow, giving businesses additional services such as a hybrid approach of automated and manual ID verification.

Benefits of using GetID solution

Manual ID verification has several disadvantages. Adopting an online ID verification software will help you automate ID verification and customer onboarding. The solution not only provides you a faster turn-around but also more accurate results, out-performing manual ID verification by a huge margin.

Global Coverage

GetID allows you to maintain an international level of standard, by helping you verify thousands of ID document types. You must be able to verify documents online and enjoy a solution that supports languages, scripts, and character recognition from multiple ID Document types.

The solution supports more than 7000+ types of documents with access to more than 223+ territories and countries. GetID verifies ID documents online, including passports, ID cards, driver’s licenses, and residence permits, helping you and your team build a truly global presence.


Verifying ID documents manually becomes increasingly complex over time. You must invest significant time, money, and effort in training your team and paying for their operational costs.

Yet, as your customer base grows, so does the burden on your team. The increasing load can quickly overwhelm them. This is why it’s wiser to invest in an intelligent ID verification solution early to benefit from its ability in earnest. You can scale your services on demand and reap benefits in the long-term.

Accurate ID Verification

Extracting data from ID documents is important. To automate ID document verification effectively, you need a solution that categorizes the extracted data and transfers it to relevant data fields. ID documents have multiple fields containing valuable information. Therefore, detecting the file type and verifying it accurately is not easy.

You need a system that helps you reliably transfer data from digital and tangible to their ID document verification system without any oversight or manual intervention.

An ID document verification solution like GetID helps you determine the type of document precisely. Our solution processes and analyzes files from different formats and helps you avoid compliance issues and penalties effectively. Using cutting-edge technologies like OCR GetID allows you to verify documents accurately.

Cloud Access

Similarly, cloud access is also a useful feature in automated ID document verification. Cloud-based document verification solution lets businesses run business operations from anywhere and add multiple users with ease.

Instead of being restricted to an on-premise solution, cloud access lets you make intelligent ID verification features easily accessible from anywhere, anytime. Therefore, remote workers can easily use these features to keep your business afloat during social restrictions.

Integration Options

Unless your ID verification solution has support for export and integration of documents and data, your company can become limited due to the lack of integration code. GetID offers you pre-built export connectors allowing you to link with common destination systems and integrate with unsupported systems.

We provide users with various setup and integration options, including:

iOS and Android SDKs

Our solution is available on both Android and iOS technology stacks, allowing businesses to leverage highly customizable SDKs and provide their customers a frictionless onboarding experience on mobile.


GetID’s web SDKs allow you to integrate onboarding on your website through its robust web SDKs.

Cloud-Hosted Web-Page

Use webhooks and Admin Panel to receive results and share links of client verification.


Collect needed data for identity verification and KYC and receive check results via API.

Advantages of GetID solutions

Excellent User Experience

The system assists your customers as they take photos of their ID documents. If the photo is blurry in some way then the system takes its time and only clicks when the photo quality is the best. This feature allows you to extract data faster and provide users with a greater user experience. The onboarding process is not only smoother but also produces higher conversion rates.


Contrary to popular belief, ID documents aren’t created with the level of consistency many people expect. Differences in materials, printing alignment, document quality, and color variance all affect the verification process.

ID cards issued by the government can differ from each other with each batch as governments assign orders to different manufacturers. This is why you need an intelligent solution that helps you incorporate risk tolerance verification levels allowing you to verify ID documents accurately without generating needless false positives.

Customizable Workflows

Every business has different dynamics and companies need to leverage a range of different procedures for customer onboarding and ID verification. This is why GetID offers its users customizable workflows. Our team of experts can help you build customized workflows, enabling you to perform frictionless identity verification according to your business needs.

Faster Compliance Resolution and Onboarding

Compliance issues can damage your company’s reputation and hurt it financially. Strict regulations like the AML impose huge fines on businesses that fail compliance. Our solution gives your compliance team a detailed dashboard where they can track verification real-time and accelerate ID verification significantly. As a result, your business enjoys a faster workflow, allowing you to serve customers seamlessly and drive greater revenue.


As scammers find new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in financial services, businesses must step in to meet their challenges. GetID provides its users with the perfect set of tools to combat identity fraud and other financial crimes. Automated KYC solutions offered by can help your business minimize delays, can cut costs, and avoid human errors due to manual ID verification. With our solution, you can better manage compliance requirements from AML and automate KYC processes without a sweat.

Proof of Address – A Powerful Service by GetID Sun, 04 Sep 2022 10:45:49 +0000 Address of residence is an important identification attribute for customer verification. Together with other data, having a verified address complements the due diligence and identification requirements of KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering). Most often, Proof of Address is requested by financial companies when providing certain services.

When to use it

  • There are geographical restrictions. Where services are only available to customers from certain regions.
  • To comply with financial regulators’ requirements for certain transactions
  • To comply with in-house risk department requirements for clients from high-risk regions
  • To prevent and reduce fraud

Address verification can also be used by e-commerce companies to reduce delivery errors.

GetID bill check

Proof of address – how does the process look like

Everyone lives somewhere, but not everyone can be visited by us to make sure they have the right address. Moreover, company representatives aren’t able to go to your home. But every customer has proof – the documents confirming a real physical address. The verification process involves processing this document to compare it with the data the client has previously provided.

This document must contain the client’s name, address, date of issue or expiry date of the document. In addition, the name of the organisation issuing the document must be clearly visible.

Types of documents acceptable for proof of address:

  • Utility bill
  • Bank statement
  • Government letter
  • Life insurance
  • Post office letter

GetID bills taxes

The most frequent use of the address verification procedure is by financial companies. This is due to the requirements of financial regulators in different countries. Address verification is part of KYC policy.

Also, organizations operating in countries with a high risk of fraud develop their own customer verification procedures. They include a requirement to verify a person’s residence information.

The main problems in Address Verification

This procedure is considered to be more complex than a basic document check. Here are just a few of the challenges companies have when it is necessary to include this verification.

No common standards

Look at the list of documents that can be considered as proof of a client’s residence. There are thousands of variations in the appearance of these documents with no obvious similarity or uniformity in how the information is organised. Every country and every company has adopted different templates, whether it is a mobile phone bill or a utility bill.

However, we know exactly what data we need: name, address and date. Now the operators look at and find this information in a variety of documents. From here, the following problems arise.

Delay in the process and growing error rate

The customer has to find and scan documents or send a paper copy by post. Dozens of different papers reach your operator. How many documents a day can he/she process manually and enter in your database without any special software? The reality shows that such a process is time-consuming and makes customers wait for hours, days or even weeks.

Manual work invariably increases the number of errors made in filling in the data.

Rising processing costs

The manual verification process makes it difficult and often impossible to scale with a growing number of clients. The capacity of each operator is physically limited. As the number of employees grows, so do the costs of the whole process. This problem is particularly acute when you have clients from different countries connecting to your service.

New methods of address verification

Technology makes it possible to automate and simplify much of the address verification process. Services use a combination of artificial intelligence and human professional expertise.

Online address confirmation can reduce the procedure to a few minutes.

GetID cable bill check

How does it work?

Let’s take the Proof of Address by GetID as an example. The whole process is similar to document verification.

GetID proof of address

Proof of Address can be an important tool for the comprehensive identification of your customers. GetID’s solution is a highly advanced automated process. You can use address verification only for a specific customer segment, and configure the results to be sent to your system.

Get a free consultation with GetID team for user verification and service integration.

Got questions? Talk to our team!

Keeping Up with the Compliances – A 2023 AML Guide for Money Service Businesses Fri, 21 Jan 2022 06:45:44 +0000 Introduction

In a globalized world, money laundering has become a worldwide pandemic. Financial crime has swept through banks and financial institutions, putting companies at risk.

Money service businesses or MSBs appear to be the new vehicle for criminal rings to move money across borders and within countries. Regulations are tightening to ensure that MSBs are doing everything in their power to prevent crimes.

While MSBs have no inclination to indulge in criminal activity, full AML compliance poses its own challenges. Expensive compliance staff and friction during onboarding are only compounded by the error-riddled process of manual customer identification and verification.

Non-compliance is not an option and threatens MSBs with non-compliance fines and serious reputational damage.

An affordable, accessible solution is needed to ensure that MSBs are staying compliant. One that ensures AML regulation, now and into the future. Thankfully, GetID’s omnichannel identity verification platform offers an ideal solution.

Using a multifaceted architecture of automatic verification solutions, GetID ensures complete AML compliance in minutes. For MSBs, this means frictionless onboarding and cost-effective KYC. What more do you need?

What is a Money Service Business?

A money service business (MSB) refers to a company or person that deals in the transmission and conversion of money. ‘Money service business’ is a term that is used to distinguish money transmission and exchange companies or people from fully-fledged banks.

Responsible for more than $1 trillion in annual transactions in the USA, the Inland Revenue Service (IRS) distinguishes between money transmission and money conversion MSBs. Conversion MSBs are companies that cash checks, exchange foreign currency, sell prepaid or stored value products, and so on. These types of firms are classed as MSBs if their services convert more than $1000 per person per day, across one or more transactions. However, money transmission firms or people are regarded as MSBs, no matter the amount involved.

Which Businesses Count as MSBs?

MSBs are not banks. They can include companies that work in e-commerce, cryptocurrency, crowdfunding, travel money, etc. FinCEN has outlined the types of businesses included under the MSB umbrella.

What is classed as a money service business?

These are companies that:

  • Cash checks
  • Issue traveler’s checks
  • Produce money orders
  • Create stored value products
  • Sell or redeem money orders, traveler’s checks, or stored value products
  • Money transmitters
  • Foreign currency exchange services
  • U.S Postal Service
  • Some cryptocurrency businesses and exchanges, including stablecoins.

What Doesn’t Count as an MSB?

According to FinCEN, banks (as defined in 31 CFR 1010.100(d)) are not included as they are subject to their own regulations. Equally, a person or body registered and regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission or the Securities Exchange Commission is also exempt.

The Rise of MSBs

The internet has changed the way people use money and banking services around the world. The demand for worldwide money exchange services has increased the prevalence of the MSB sector.

There are nearly 25,000 MSBs registered in the US today, and it’s increasing.

The term ‘money service business’ used to refer to check cashing companies like Moneytree or ChecknGo. People could cash checks via these companies without a bank account.

As the labor market has evolved, so too have the money service businesses that serve it. The gig economy is where this is seen a lot. Companies like PayPal, Rimuut, Toggle, and Stripe all facilitate the transfer of funds to pay outsourced staff anywhere in the world.

Money can be transferred to different currencies via platforms like Transferwise and Western Union.

Travel money services are also in high demand. Foreign exchange services that offer worldwide cash currency and prepaid travel cards from Caxton and Revolut bring traveling into the 21st century.

Increased movement from globalization demands global money services businesses

Loans and p2p funding are another area. As consumer debt rises and the cost of living balloons, payday loan companies like Wonga and Drafty are increasingly popular.

Peer-to-peer lending platforms RateSetter and LendingClub enable individuals to support others. Companies like IndieGoGo and GoFundMe act as the go-between to support projects.

Regulatory bodies have started to crack down on cryptocurrency and crypto-related businesses (such as exchanges). These entities are now becoming recognized as MSBs. Virtual currencies are being taken on by MSBs, not banks.

Many services are popping to meet the needs of the 2 billion people that do not have a bank. Money service businesses tend to offer more flexible services than traditional banks – and are quicker to adapt to change.

AML and KYC Requirements for MSBs

The legal requirements for MSBs relate directly to the country the company is registered. While there are some variations, the general consensus is the same — MSBs are subject to anti-money laundering (AML) regulations and must have stringent AML policies in place.

In the USA, MSBs are subject to the Banking Secrecy Act and must register with FinCEN. This is not a lifelong registration, MSBs though must renew this registration every two years.

In the UK, MSBs must register to become an AML-supervised business with HMRC. MSBs classed as money transmission businesses must also follow the Payments Regulation 2015 and the Payment Services Regulations 2017. They state that information must be reported in regards to fund transfers.

When it comes to AML requirements, both the UK and the USA have pretty similar rules for MSBs. As sums of money are being moved within these companies, keeping money laundering at bay is extremely important. This is particularly important for MSBs that deal with international money exchanges, as these are particularly vulnerable to criminal activity.

AML regulations require MSBs to develop and implement an AML compliance program. Part of this means ensuring that MSBs have processes in place to identify and verify customers and their relevant data (known as ‘Know Your Customer’ or KYC).

These AML policies need to contain procedures that identify and flag potentially suspicious behavior, along with processes for reporting this activity to the relevant bodies. MSBs must also report high-value cash transactions of over $10,000 (in the US) or 10,000 EUR (in Europe).

Under the Banking Secrecy Act in the USA, MSBs must appoint a person or team to deal with AML compliance to ensure policies are being carried out effectively. The MSB must provide AML training to all MSB compliance staff and relevant workers.

Firms must present themselves for independent audits to demonstrate AML compliance. In terms of record-keeping, MSBs must keep records in an easy-to-retrieve format in case of an audit. Some types of records need to be held on file for up to five years.

The Role of KYC in MSB AML Compliance

Know Your Customer (KYC) is an integral part of AML compliance. This procedure involves the identification and authentication of customers during the MSB customer onboarding process. By checking that customers are who they say they are, MSBs can reduce levels of fraud and criminal activity at the entry-point.

Outlined by FinCEN, KYC processes identify risky customers in the onboarding process as well as suspicious transactions. Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is gathered from a customer, including full name, date of birth, and an address. MSBs also need to collect official documents, such as a passport or driver’s license.

Lifecycle of conventional KYC for onboarding

Once verified, their information is run against official databases that highlight Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) and anyone on the Sanctions list. This will flag customers who have the capacity or means for money laundering, terror funding, or other criminal activity.

Traditionally, the verification process is done manually by third-party verifiers. This means it is slow, expensive, and peppered with errors. As technology moves forward, solutions like GetID help automate this process to speed up verification and ensure rock-solid accuracy in MSB KYC.

Although MSBs are differentiated from banks, KYC requirements are similar as a means of customer due diligence (CDD). The main difference is that banks are more likely to complete enhanced due diligence (EDD) because of the higher value of transactions that occur.

EDD is a more stringent verification procedure than KYC or regular CDD. That said, if an MSB completes high-value transactions or works risky customers, they too will need to complete EDD procedures.

Why is AML Compliance So Important for MSBs?

It’s no secret that MSB AML compliance is an expensive part of doing business. While MSBs may feel burdened by the burgeoning AML responsibilities, compliance protects these firms from financial crimes, non-compliance fines, and reputational damage.

MSB AML Compliance is a Barrier to Financial Crime

Non-compliance with AML regulations leaves MSBs vulnerable to financial crimes. Though AML standards seem strict, these rules are in place to stamp out financial crimes as quickly as possible.

Take a look at Western Union, one of the most famous MSBs in the world. They were fined $600 million for poor AML compliance. Western Union became a prime target for criminal money transactions and staff members helped the process. One in China had helped illegal immigrants and human traffickers structure payments in a way to not trigger Bank Secrecy Act reporting requirements.

Western Union fined for poor AML that enabled money laundering

London police fear that MSBs are preferred by criminals because of their propensity to deal in cash. The Metropolitan Police found that MSBs are linked to drug trafficking rings, as opposed to banks which have more stringent regulations. The network of 35,000 MSBs in the UK helps criminals easily launder small amounts of money and go largely unnoticed.

MSBs can protect themselves against criminal activity by implementing AML policies. Ones that flag suspicious transactions and identify shady characters. And with tight onboarding procedures and ongoing monitoring in place.

MSB AML Non-Compliance Can Result in Company-Crumbling Fines

Accounting for 5% of the global GDP or around $2 trillion, money laundering is a worldwide epidemic. This is why regulatory bodies are so eager to stem the cross-border flow of criminal funds. Not only does money laundering incite crime, but it also affects global economies as large amounts of money wash in and out of countries.

This is why regulatory authorities are cracking down and shelling out huge fines for AML non-compliance. These fines have the potential to bring businesses to their knees.

Touma Foreign Exchange Ltd was recently slapped with an unprecedented AML non-compliance fine by the HMRC in the UK. After failing to install sufficient AML controls and policies, the HMRC doled out a 10.1 million pound fine. HMRC identified shortcomings in ‘fundamental’ customer due diligence controls, staff training, and financial risk assessments. They were forced to shut down as a result of this sky-high fine.

Ignoring AML regulations is no longer an option. With such significant clampdowns on money services firms, non-compliance is likely to result in fines that will put MSBs out of business.

MSB AML Compliance Protects Company Reputation

When firms are identified as falling short on AML, it scares customers into believing that these companies aren’t safeguarding their clients. The result? Fewer customers and reduced profits.

The prospect of criminal activity and fraud in an MSB not only worries customers but also shakes investor confidence. This was seen when PayPal’s AML policy information was subpoenaed due to suspicion that the company’s procedures were not up to scratch. Almost immediately, share prices fell by 1.5%.

There was also an AML scandal with Danske. The Danish bank lost 18,500 customers and an annual profit drop of around $12 billion.

Protection against financial criminality is not only important to authorities but also to the clients within MSBs. When it comes to money services, customers want to feel secure that their funds are safe. If not, customers simply take their business elsewhere.

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The AML Compliance Pain Points for MSBs

While AML compliance is essential, it isn’t always easy for MSBs. Tighter MSB regulations mean increased costs and longer onboarding times. This can lead to higher customer drop-off rates. Not only that, but manual verification procedures are often error-prone.

Strict KYC/AML Creates Friction in MSB Customer Onboarding

KYC procedures are a significant part of AML compliance, but they can often take a long time. Many MSBs put KYC processes on the backburner in favor of smoother onboarding.

While MSBs try to provide a sleeker, more lightweight version of banking, the slow pace can seriously affect customer retention rates. Statistics show that 48% of MSBs felt that KYC and AML compliance is a barrier to innovation.

Studies show that 25% of customers drop out of the financial services they applied to. This figure has increased by 35% in the last two years. This is a considerable loss of potential customers, showing the need for better procedures.

Regulations have tightened, but there is still a lack of standardization for KYC and AML procedures. External third-party verification mechanisms aren’t transferable between companies, and this, in turn, creates friction.

Friction is increasing in onboarding due to KYC

To streamline this process, MSBs need to break away from cumbersome, error-prone, manual KYC processes, and invest in a new solution. GetID’s automated KYC procedures decrease onboarding time and, in turn, diminish customer drop-out rates.

The Cost of MSB AML Compliance is Rising

In response to heightened regulations, MSBs need to put more rigorous AML processes in place. The problem is, these compliance programs cost a lot.

As AML regulations increase, MSBs need to shell out money to hire and train compliance staff, who, due to their short supply, can command high salaries. On top of this, more rigorous KYC procedures mean amplified spending on external verification and remedying errors caused by manual processing.

Take Revolut, for example. Following a recent compliance scare, they increased their compliance team by a third. Global compliance spending sits close to $270 billion, with about 10 to 15 percent of the MSB workforce dedicated to ensuring regulatory compliance.

The cost of compliance shows no signs of slowing down. For smaller companies and startups, these costs will continue to impact profit margins and the ability to scale.

Instead of employing armies of compliance staff, a digital KYC solution is a great alternative. GetID’s automated KYC solution offers customer verification in minutes, without the high cost.

Manual Processing is Highly Error-Prone

There is no standardized procedure for KYC verification processes. Manual processes involve third-party verifiers checking applicants against databases and official documents by hand. The constant yo-yo-ing of PII and client applications gives rise to a multitude of opportunities for error.

While the banking industry has started to implement more standardized procedures, the vulnerability of the KYC process is heightened with MSBs and their unique needs.

Future KYC solutions need to tackle the shortcomings of manual systems. By eliminating human error and standardizing KYC processes with a digital, automated tool, GetID resolves these weaknesses.

How Can GetID Ease AML Friction for MSBs?

GetID’s automatic verification platform enables faster, fully-compliant onboarding. Our KYC solution works by using automated identification and verification tools to ensure accurate authentication in minutes.

Optical Character Recognition, Face Match software, and Liveness Detection technology makes it easy to identify a client and verify their identity. Our solution runs each client against official PEP/Sanctions databases to immediately identify potential red flags.

With GetID’s fully-compliant KYC solution, MSBs can benefit from lightning-fast onboarding, making customer drop-out rates a thing of the past. By significantly reducing the friction in onboarding, customers can be up and running in minutes.

The automatic nature of our system ensures higher accuracy than shabby manual KYC processes. This speeds up onboarding and cuts back remedial costs.

With GetID’s omnichannel solution, identification and verification are no longer manual tasks. This means more money to use on scaling your business.

Most importantly, GetID is a one-stop-shop for AML compliance. Our solution ensures that MSBs adhere to all current AML regulations and are future-proofed against the increasing regulations of tomorrow. By keeping ahead of AML compliance with GetID, MSBs no longer need to fret about financial crime, non-compliance fines, or reputational damage.


Money service businesses need to stay compliant. While banks are moving toward stricter standardization, there is still hesitation among MSBs to fully embrace the standards needed for today’s level of compliance. Despite MSBs dragging their heels, regulatory bodies continue to slam these businesses with huge fines.

Because of this, it is vital that MSBs find an affordable KYC and AML solution that addresses the steep customer drop-out rates without breaking the budget. Although MSBs are feeling the full force of costly verification procedures and staffing, slow onboarding, and poor KYC accuracy, AML compliance is a must.

GetID has the ideal solution for MSBs to tackle AML compliance. Our automated omnichannel platform enables MSBs to verify their customers’ identities, which streamlines the KYC process by cutting out costly compliance teams and third-party verifiers.

This takes a fraction of the time in comparison to traditional KYC processes. GetID’s solution is not only more accurate, but it’s also more cost-effective. Best of all, GetID’s solution is designed to meet all regulatory requirements now and into the future.

On the hunt for a KYC solution to ensure full compliance for your MSB? Look no further – head to today to find out about frictionless KYC, while guaranteeing full AML compliance.

The 2023 Guide to KYC/AML for Crypto Exchanges & Wallets Mon, 17 Jan 2022 06:03:16 +0000 Introduction

Money laundering is a huge problem worldwide. Unfortunately, while cryptocurrency means cheaper, faster international transactions, it also makes the crypto sector ripe for criminal activity, such as money laundering and terrorist funding.

To stay ahead of this, regulatory bodies are installing staunch anti-money laundering (AML) legislation. This helps to prevent money laundering through cryptocurrency exchanges and custodian services.

Strong AML programs include foolproof KYC processes to identify and verify users. With this, authorities hope to root out suspicious activity in the crypto sector.

However, for crypto exchanges and wallets, this also means more expensive onboarding, peppered with friction, and can be vulnerable to data breaches. Unscalable manual KYC processes simply aren’t going to cut it in a world where regulation is increasing at an alarming rate.

Thankfully, GetID has designed the ideal KYC tool. GetID’s omnichannel identity verification solution automates KYC, for more cost-effective, fully compliant, faster onboarding. Cut out the friction with GetID now.

What Do AML and KYC Mean to Crypto Exchanges?

As the structure of the financial industry evolves, cryptocurrency is reenvisioning the way that transactions take place. At the same time, virtual currency has swooped in to offer new solutions for international monetary exchange.

But this comes with its own set of challenges. A central issue is that criminals launder their money through anonymous cryptocurrency exchanges.

Regulations aimed at halting the global wave of money laundering are tightening. The Fifth and Sixth Money Laundering Directives (AMLD 5, AMLD 6) in Europe and FinCEN’s Final Rule in the USA make it clear that virtual currencies and the exchanges on which they trade are subject to anti-money laundering legislation.

This means a solid AML program that helps identify and protect against suspicious activity needs to be in place to protect against financial crime and money laundering.

At this time, crypto exchanges are not up to scratch with their AML policies. A recent study by Coinfirm showed that 69% of the 216 crypto exchanges do not have “complete and transparent ” know-your-customer (KYC) procedures in place — An integral part of a robust AML program.

Crypto exchanges need to protect against money laundering

Another report by CipherTrace showed that a third of the top 120 exchanges have weak KYC crypto processes. And further found that two-thirds “lack strong KYC policies.”

But, What is AML, Anyway?

The term ‘Anti-Money Laundering’ or AML refers to a set of procedures and legal regulations that are in place to identify and prevent profit from illegal activities. This covers such pursuits as trading illegal goods, evading tax, manipulating markets, and laundering ill-gotten funds.

To prevent the global spread of these activities, regulatory bodies force financial institutions to conduct due diligence on their customers and flag and report suspicious customers and transactions.

As the crypto industry evolves, it is clear that virtual currencies give rise to a new dawn of financial crime—one where criminals harness technology to launder money and cover their tracks virtually.

This is especially present on cryptocurrency gambling websites, money laundering crypto ‘mixer’ platforms (such as Coinmixer, DarkLaunder, and Chipmixer), and exchanges.

How does a cryptocurrency mixer work?

By the end of July 2021, major crypto thefts, hacks, and frauds totaled $681 million. This makes a case for stronger preventative methods to stem financial crime in the growing crypto sector. Anti-money laundering cryptocurrency regulations are the first step in this.

So, What is KYC?

KYC stands for Know Your Customer and is the initial customer due diligence stage in AML processes. When a financial institution onboards a new customer, KYC procedures are in place to identify and verify that a customer is who they say they are. This enables financial institutions to assign a risk value to this customer based on their propensity for financial crime.

Now, as crypto exchanges and wallets become more like financial institutions, KYC needs to be added into the cryptocurrency AML programs for these entities.

The process involves collecting a customer’s Personal Identifiable Information (PII): full name, date of birth, and address. This is verified against their official government-issued documentation, such as a passport or driver’s license, and their proof of address, something like a utility bill.

Following this, a customer needs to be verified against official databases that highlight Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) and anyone with Sanctions against them. This enables financial institutions to better understand each client’s risk of virtual currency money laundering and financial crime.

And Where Does CFT Fit In?

CFT stands for Combating the Financing of Terrorism. While AML procedures deal with the general movement of money related to illegal activities, CFT concentrates on preventing the movement of money related to terrorism. This involves blocking transactions aimed at furthering religious, ideological, or political radical goals achieved through violence.

Closely linked to money laundering, terrorism is able to flourish when radical organizations fund decentralized cells around the world. By identifying and halting these transactions, authorities have a better chance of preventing terrorist acts from taking place.

Unfortunately, cryptocurrency poses a new way of funding terrorism, spurred on by its capacity for simple cross-border transactions. Where the propensity for cheap international transactions is the blessing of cryptocurrency, it’s also the curse that enables virtual money laundering and terror funding. Because of this, in late 2018, the US House of Representatives released a bill that established a crypto task force to combat terrorism groups using crypto.

So How Does KYC/AML Affect Crypto Exchanges?

For cryptocurrency exchanges, AML programs are a must, both for protection against financial crime and to stay compliant with heightening regulations.

This means the implementation of an effective AML program that includes a Customer Acceptance Policy (CAP), a Customer Identification Program (CIP), ongoing monitoring of transactions, and risk management procedures.

CAP refers to the identification process of new customers using official documentation. CIP is the process of verifying a customer from this documentation and against official databases.
Ongoing monitoring means that crypto exchanges should have systems in place to identify suspicious transactions and ensure customer details are up-to-date.

In the EU, legislation differs for fiat-to-crypto exchanges and crypto-to-crypto exchanges. Any cryptocurrency service that enables a customer to exchange from fiat currency to crypto needs to implement KYC. Exchanges that strictly deal with crypto do not.

However, in the USA, FinCEN classes all cryptocurrency the same way. This means that all cryptocurrency exchanges must carry out KYC and install effective AML programs, regardless of the currencies they support.

What Does AML Legislation Mean for Crypto Exchanges?

As virtual currencies increase in use, AML legislation has started to update its standards to include cryptocurrency entities, such as exchanges and wallets.

In the EU, AMLD5 covers the processes that institutions should follow to help prevent cryptocurrency money laundering. The latest update includes cryptocurrency exchanges and custodial services, such as virtual currency wallets.

This directive states that exchanges and wallets must register with their regional supervising regulator, such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK. Exchanges and wallets must demonstrate that they have appropriate KYC and AML compliance programs in place.

In the USA, crypto exchanges and custodial services are governed by FinCEN’s 2011 Money Service Business Final Rule. This amends the Banking Secrecy Act.

This rule applies to any crypto entity which could be classed as a money service business, which is defined as, “a person wherever located doing business, whether or not on a regular basis or as an organized or licensed business concern, wholly or in substantial part within the United States,” operating directly, or through an agent, agency, branch, or office, who functions as, among other things, a “money transmitter.” FinCEN has extended the term ‘money’ to cover any “value that substitutes for currency,” which includes virtual currencies and cryptocurrencies.

As with all money service businesses, cryptocurrency exchanges and custodian services must register with FinCEN. AML programs need to stipulate what KYC information will be collected, as well as appoint a compliance officer to monitor and oversee transactions. To stay compliant, AML programs must be able to identify and report suspicious activity and file Currency Transaction Reports (CTR) for transactions in excess of $10,000.

Unlike the AMLD5, FinCEN’s Final Rule covers both crypto-to-crypto services and fiat-to-crypto services. It is also far more extensive, covering a whole remit of crypto businesses, such as crypto ATMs, mixers, dApps that sell coins, ICO issuers, mining pool operators, custodial wallets, and crypto payment processors. It is also important to note that this rule also includes peer-to-peer trading platforms like Localbitcoins, as well as stablecoins.

Standards for anti-money laundering policies for cryptocurrencies are also forming internationally. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) was established in 1989 to help combat international money laundering and terror funding. While technically not legally-binding, The FATF Guidance sets out rules for its 37 members.

FATF Guidance refers to exchanges and wallets as ‘Virtual Asset Providers’ or VASPS. According to the guide, VASPS must collect, store, and report all data on transactions that exceed $1000 by one entity in one day.

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How Are Major Crypto Exchanges Performing KYC?

One of the major components of an effective AML policy is KYC. While KYC may not be compulsory for all crypto-only exchanges, these processes should be implemented to manage the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing. While most popular exchanges are now implementing KYC procedures, some exchanges and wallets are still dragging their heels.

Fiat-to-Crypto Exchanges

In both the USA and the EU, fiat-to-crypto exchanges need to effectuate solid AML programs. Most top exchanges are now attempting to put AML processes in place, but the effectiveness of these policies is questionable in some cases.

The popular exchange, Gemini, prides itself on being fully regulated. Stating in its user agreement that their exchange is compliant with 13+ regulations, and they insist on full KYC to withdraw any funds.

When a user first registers, full KYC isn’t necessary, however, the applicant must give a full legal name, date of birth, address, valid phone number, social security number, and their email. When it comes to withdrawals, users have to submit official government documents, such as a passport or driver’s license, to verify their identity.

One of the most well-established exchanges, Coinbase, allows users to send and store cryptocurrency without full KYC procedures being activated. Users simply have to submit a full name and email address to register. However, to buy and sell cryptocurrency, users must complete a full KYC procedure, submitting official documents and PII.

To speed up the process and ensure accuracy, Coinbase uses a digital ID solution, similar to GetID. This uses biometric facial recognition and liveness detection to authenticate users, just as GetID does.

GetID uses biometric facial recognition for more accurate KYC

Coinbase has also recently patented an automatic risk assessment system that scores users on their likelihood of using the platform for illegal activity. This helps weed out non-compliant users and eases long-term customer due diligence monitoring.

While Coinbase and Gemini have relatively stringent policies, Binance is laxer. Users can withdraw up to 2 BTC per day without verifying their accounts or performing KYC. That said, users have recently reported having to complete KYC for smaller amounts.

When it comes to Binance US, however, the KYC procedures are far stricter. Users must provide all PII, a valid government ID, and a social security number upon registration. The platform has also partnered with a digital ID solution similar to GetID.

Bitfinex addresses the KYC problem in a completely different way. While the platform supports various fiat currencies, users who are solely using crypto don’t need to complete KYC. Users can deposit, trade, and withdraw crypto without any identity verification procedures. To deposit and trade fiat, users must verify themselves with an address, phone number, proof of address, and two forms of government-issued ID.

Crypto-to-Crypto Exchanges

While the AML legislation for crypto-to-crypto exchanges lacks in the EU, the USA is the opposite. Jamal El-Hindi, former Acting Director of FinCEN, stressed this by saying, “We will hold accountable foreign-located money transmitters, including virtual currency exchangers, that do business in the United States when they willfully violate U.S. anti-money laundering laws.”

This is why the majority of crypto-only exchanges block US citizens from accessing their services. It would mean that these exchanges would have to implement KYC.

Take HitBTC, for example. This popular exchange does not require users to submit to any identity verification processes. Users can deposit and trade crypto without having to perform any form of KYC. HitBTC gives users an option to verify themselves and advises them to do this to “avoid eventual verification procedure in the future.”

Huobi Global is another top crypto-only exchange that doesn’t require KYC. However, to withdraw higher amounts of cryptocurrency, users need to verify themselves.

What Users Need to Complete Crypto Exchange KYC

To complete KYC exchange processes, users need to submit PII, which usually includes their full name, date of birth, address, social security number, and a phone number or email address.

Users must also submit official supporting documents. The documents needed vary between platforms, with larger withdrawals often requiring users to submit more documentation. In general, photo government-issued identification, such as a passport, driver’s license, military ID, etc. is needed as well as proof of address.

In some cases, as with GetID, users may need to take a selfie for the biometric facial recognition system. This will match the user to their official documentation. With Digital ID systems like GetID, users may also be asked to complete Liveness Detection to prove they are there and live at the moment of application. The system will ask users to complete a previously undetermined action, such as blinking, raising eyebrows, smiling, or turning their head from left to right.

Why is KYC Important for Crypto Exchanges?

Money laundering has ballooned worldwide and accounts for around 5% of global GDP. Implementing processes like KYC helps financial institutions to get a handle on this international pandemic. But why is KYC especially useful for crypto exchanges?

The benefits of KYC for crypto exchanges and custodial services

KYC Builds Trust and Transparency with Customers

For cryptocurrencies to reach the level of mass adoption, disrupting the financial sector, there needs to be trust. As virtual currencies and exchanges have a history of hacks and scandals, new customers find it difficult to trust in cryptocurrency. For exchanges to work, people need to trade coins, and to trade coins, customers must trust that their money is safe.

By implementing KYC procedures, exchanges can demonstrate trustworthiness to new users. Identity verification systems not only help exchanges to know who is using their services, sorting the criminals from legitimate customers, it also breeds trusting customers.

For a new applicant, knowing that KYC measures are being taken helps the user to know that criminals are being kept off the exchange. This is especially important for peer-to-peer exchanges where users trade with each other.

Cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets offer an excellent viable alternative to regular banking services. For the nearly 2 billion people in the world without a bank, crypto exchanges provide access to previously inaccessible services. However, without effective AML and KYC, exchanges cannot access this large market, as these potential customers feel uneasy about their money’s safety.

KYC Lowers the Risk of Financial Crime

The financial crime label covers a wide range of illicit activities. Everything from tax fraud to bribery and corruption and terrorist funding to online banking hacks. Globally, financial crime costs the world from $1.4-3.5 trillion a year. Of this, around $2 trillion are being laundered.

In the crypto market alone, exchanges are subject to big financial crime. In 2019, $4.26 billion was stolen from cryptocurrency users and exchanges, demonstrating the bad apple theory. Once ill-intentioned users are registered with exchanges, this can open the doors for hacks, scams, and phishing.

Take the example of the BITpoint heist where hackers stole $32 million from the exchange’s hot wallets. Alternatively, consider the $40 million worth of bitcoin stolen in a hack on Binance’s system. In both cases, KYC processes could have identified these hackers before they were inside.

KYC procedures reduce the chances of financial crime as users are identified and verified. This weeds out known criminals and high-risk candidates, thus reducing the likelihood of illicit activity occurring through the exchange or wallet.

KYC Builds Trust and Confidence Between Customers

Peer-to-peer trading platforms work by enabling customers to trade cryptocurrencies between themselves. For customers to use these services, they need to have confidence and trust in the other users. If an exchange is riddled with scam artists, criminals, and fraudsters, users stop trading with each other.

Peer-to-peer platforms are an easy place to scam users. Unfortunate traders can fall victim to dots and commas scams, chargebacks, dirty money tricks, social engineering, and much more. In this sense, KYC becomes all the more important as it highlights high-risk users and roots out criminals.

KYC Will Help to Stabilize the Crypto Market

Former Acting Director of FinCEN, Jamal El-Hindi, stressed the importance of AML compliance for stabilizing crypto exchanges over the coming year. As many of the barriers to mass adoption revolve around mistrust, more staunch AML programs can only serve to show exchanges as legitimate entities.

For customers to truly trust in a system, they need to know that the system is assessing risks to protect its users. KYC programs demonstrate active risk assessment on the part of exchanges, helping to stabilize the market through increased trust and therefore use.

KYC Keeps Exchanges and Custodial Service Compliant

The price for non-compliance with AML crypto regulation is a hefty one. The last couple of years have seen sky-high fines being slapped on financial institutions that don’t fulfill AML stipulations.

In the US, the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) considers non-compliance to be a serious risk to national security, as it invites money laundering, which harms economies and strengthens criminal activity.

Due to this, non-compliance sanctions are grave. Non-compliant entities can face criminal fines of up to $20 million, prison sentences up to 30 years, as well as civil penalties up to $65,000 per violation.

Under the AMLD5, non-compliant fiat-to-crypto exchanges and custodian wallets face fines up to 200,000 EUR per violation.

With the correct KYC and AML procedures in place, entities protect themselves against these lofty on-compliance fines.

What KYC Challenges do Crypto Exchanges Face?

While KYC procedures and strong AML practices are recommended, they do come with their own set of challenges in terms of cost, onboarding friction, and data security.

Traditional KYC is Costly

Simply put, more regulation means more costs to cover compliance. Not only do exchanges now have to fork out money to register with regulatory bodies, but budgets also need to be put in place to pay for verification processes and larger compliance teams.

Following the release of AMLD5, exchanges have already started to relocate their businesses to less regulated areas. This was the case with Deribit, a bitcoin options and futures exchange that could not afford regulatory costs. In the UK, for example, registering with the FCA is proposed to cost a whopping $6500.

Traditional KYC procedures, themselves, can be extremely expensive. As KYC involves sending customer documentation to third-party verifiers, exchanges will have to cover the costs of these verification organizations.

Beyond this, crypto entities will need to pay for more compliance staff to ensure ongoing monitoring. As the demand for compliance staff has boomed, the shortage of candidates has led to a steep rise in compliance salaries. This is just another price tag to add to the piling costs.

Manual KYC Causes Friction in Onboarding

As KYC verification is not transferable between organizations, users need to complete KYC for every different exchange they use. Not only is the process time-consuming, but the wait-times for manual verification can also be lengthy — In some cases, up to 30 days. This causes customer drop-out rates to soar.

As Tom Maxon, Head of US Operations and Business Development at CoolBitX, puts it, “Does comprehensive KYC slow adoption due to friction of onboarding onto platforms? Most definitely.”

Conventional KYC Has Data Security Issues

Traditional KYC processes involve collecting, storing, and sharing lots of sensitive data. Without strong data security procedures in place, there is a risk from hackers.

Consider the breach of Binance. This global exchange had been using third-party verifiers to complete KYC processes. However, one of these third-party KYC data management companies stole 10,000+ personal photographs and demanded a 300 bitcoin ransom from Binance.

With more KYC applications being processed, sensitive information is being passed around a myriad of outsourced KYC companies. This increases the chances of this type of attack happening again.

Moreover, with strong data protection regulations emerging regarding the collection and storage of personal data, such as the GDPR, it seems that there will be a conflict of interest between KYC methods and data regulations.

Current KYC Practices Can’t Scale for Increasing Regulation

With several nations looking to build their own central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), it is clear that regulation will only increase.

Contemplate the regulatory pushback against Facebook’s cryptocurrency, Libra, with both the US and the EU fighting hard against the social network’s proposals. If nations are planning their own CBDCs, there is a strong argument to suggest that increased regulation imposed by governments would prevent private coins from outcompeting these central currencies.

Simultaneously, global money laundering has reached epic proportions. Tighter regulations are the primary way in which authorities are attempting to get a handle on the problem.

All things considered, increased regulation will mean more frequent and in-depth KYC cryptocurrency procedures. Already, financial institutions are struggling to find the money, the staff, and the time to cover current KYC demands. In this respect, the way that KYC is being undertaken today cannot be sustained and will certainly not scale up further.

How Does GetID Streamline KYC for Exchanges to Tackle These Challenges?

Instead of expensive, arduous processes, GetID solves the issues inherent in vulnerable manual KYC.

GetID’s next-generation identity verification platform automates KYC verification for faster, more cost-effective customer onboarding. Using Optical Character Recognition, Biometric Facial Recognition, and Liveness Detection, GetID automatically accurately verifies customers in minutes. By cutting out the need for manual authentication from third-party verifiers and costly compliance teams, this eases the friction and expense of onboarding without sacrificing accuracy.

GetID’s sleek omnichannel KYC solution automatically runs all applicants against PEP and Sanctions lists to identify high-risk customers and root out malicious actors. This helps to prevent hacks, fraud, money laundering, and other forms of financial crime by users within the platform.

What’s more is that automated onboarding benefits you and your customer, saving you time and money. Instead of manually approving each user, GetID does it for you. This not only makes it easier for your customers to sign-up, but adds a layer of security.

With slick, automated KYC procedures, users can trust that both the exchange and its verified users are legitimate, building consumer trust.

Not only that, but GetID’s state-of-the-art platform ensures compliance with all current and future AML legislation.


There’s no way of escaping it. AML compliance is becoming compulsory for cryptocurrency exchanges and custodian services. This means effective KYC procedures need to be in place.

While KYC can help protect your exchange from financial criminals, manual processes come littered with their own challenges, such as costly third-party services, long wait times, and data security breaches.

Luckily, GetID solves all these problems with one ready-made automated KYC solution. Cut out friction and unnecessary costs in your onboarding while ensuring you stay compliant with all AML regulations, now and into the future.

So what are you waiting for? The 2023 KYC solution for cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets is here. Visit GetID website to find out more!

Got questions? Talk to our team!

The 2023 Guide to Customer Due Diligence Fri, 14 Jan 2022 08:13:41 +0000 Regulatory authorities across the globe are flexing their muscles when it comes to preventing money laundering.

The digital era has ushered in a new wave of financial crime, and regulatory bodies are pushing back by tightening anti-money laundering (AML) regulations and customer due diligence (CDD) responsibilities in an attempt to crack down on the epidemic.

While regulations do help to prevent financial crime from occurring within and across financial institutions, stricter standards also mean increased costs, friction, and compliance staffing.

And, while financial criminals evolve constantly, it appears that CDD practices are still stuck in the dark ages.

Clunky, manual customer due diligence processes mean that AML compliance is slow, expensive and complex. This leads to many financial institutions falling short with inadequate CDD programs.

However, with regulatory authorities hot on the tails of poor AML programs, financial institutions can no longer afford to ignore the need for comprehensive CDD processes. If AML procedures don’t conform with regulations, financial institutions face jaw-dropping non-compliance fines.

Luckily, GetID has the answer. By automating customer identity verification and authentication and monitoring processes, our next-generation solution saves time, money, and manpower while guaranteeing AML compliance now and for the future.

What is Customer Due Diligence?

Customer Due Diligence (CDD) refers to the collection of processes used to identify customers, confirm their identity, and monitor their behavior throughout the business relationship.

A compulsory operation for financial institutions and certain companies, CDD helps to prevent money laundering and other financial crimes. In line with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations, CDD requirements demand that organizations identify and report suspicious activity to the relevant authorities. This weeds out criminal and fraudulent users, as well as ensuring AML compliance.

Which Institutions are Subject to CDD Regulation?

While AML policies and due diligence are often considered as banking regulations, these standards also apply to various non-bank institutions.

While regulation and legislation varies between geographical locations, most places are seeing rule-tightening over which businesses and organizations should have CDD processes in place.

The Banking Secrecy Act in the USA outlines the rules around AML procedures. Section 352 of the USA Patriot Act amended the Banking Secrecy Act to expand the organizations that need to implement due diligence procedures. Where previously only banks felt the full force of AML compliance, now non-bank financial institutions (such as broker-dealers) must also establish AML programs.

The UK also has stringent AML policies under the Money Laundering Regulations 2007. These regulations outline the types of businesses that must install due diligence processes.

These businesses include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Money service businesses
  • High-value dealers
  • Accountancy service providers
  • Telecommunications services
  • Insurers
  • Estate agency services
  • Art market dealers
  • Bill payment services

In 2018, the EU updated their AML regulations with the fifth European Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD 5). This directive expands these business types to include art traders, tax-related services, virtual currency exchanges, and virtual currency wallets. A the end of 2020, the Sixth Directive (AMLD 6) establishing corporate liability for money laundering came into force.

In short, companies that provide financial services, including exchanges and virtual currencies, need to ensure they have AML policies in place. This means completing comprehensive customer due diligence.

When Does CDD Need to be Carried Out?

Customer Due Diligence is an umbrella term that covers onboarding procedures and ongoing monitoring of customer behavior. In this sense, CDD includes everything from Know Your Customer (KYC) processes at the beginning of a business relationship through to monitoring transactions and changes of circumstance.

When does CDD need to be carried out?

For firms and financial institutions that are subject to CDD regulations, there must be processes in place to perform this due diligence when:

  • Onboarding a new customer
  • A customer’s identity is questionable
  • A customer’s documentation is dubious
  • A customer exhibits suspicious activity in line with money laundering or terror funding
  • An existing customer changes their circumstances or personal details, such as new address
  • High value transactions (10,000 EUR in EU; 10,000 USD in USA)
  • One-off high value transactions completed by non-high value customers

The Three Types of Due Diligence

While customer due diligence is mandatory for certain institutions, this doesn’t mean that every user needs to be exposed to an extensive verification and monitoring process.

There are three tiers of customer due diligence, each tailored to the level of risk that a customer poses: simplified, standard and enhanced.

1. Simplified due diligence (SDD)

Simplified due diligence can be applied in two cases. In the first, SDD can be applied to customers who pose little to no risk to the organization.

These types of customers would include:

  • Customers in low-risk geographical areas
  • Public administrations
  • Publicly listed companies
  • EU Member states, etc

On the other hand, simplified due diligence is used when the product for which a customer is applying poses little risk.

Low-risk products include:

  • Pensions where contributions are deducted at source
  • Life insurance policies with low premiums
  • Financial products that are designed for financial inclusion
  • Products restricted by purse limits, etc

These customers simply need to be identified with official documentation and personal identifiable information (PII).

2. Standard customer due diligence (CDD)

Standard customer due diligence requirements state that customers must be identified by their PII and official documentation and authenticated by an official third party verifier as per KYC.

Customers should also be subject to ongoing monitoring. CDD is applied to customers that are of moderate risk and should be completed when establishing business relationships, when large transactions are being processed, or when a financial crime is suspected (fraud, money laundering, terror financing, etc).

3. Enhanced due diligence (EDD)

Enhanced due diligence (EDD) must be applied to high-risk customers, customers in high-risk locations, and those engaging in high-risk activities.

For example, an enhanced due diligence process would be used for:

  • Politically-exposed persons
  • Cross-border correspondent relationships
  • Companies with nominee shareholders
  • Cash-intensive businesses
  • Businesses in countries with high levels of corruption or that provide terrorist funding, etc

The three types of due diligence

Ongoing Monitoring

As noted above, customer due diligence isn’t exclusively reserved for onboarding processes.

While KYC and CDD checks help to identify and verify customers at the beginning of a business relationship, AML standards demand that due diligence is an ongoing process.

In this respect, financial institutions must continue to monitor the activity of their customers throughout the entirety of the business relationship.

This means that financial institutions must implement policies that check customer transactions in order to monitor and reclassify risk if any changes occur. By doing this, financial organizations can dog-ear any customers who throw up red flags, such as unusual high-value payments, transfers to suspicious recipients, and suspect cross-border transactions. This process also monitors the changes in customers’ situations to ensure all documentation is kept up-to-date.

Why is CDD so Important?

Customer due diligence processes are the gatekeeper for preventing financial crime. Offering a safeguard against money laundering, tax evasion, fraud, terrorist funding, and more, CDD is a mandatory process which can result in significant fines for non-compliance.

Here are the top reasons CDD is so important for your business.

1. Solid CDD Procedures Function as an Anti-Money Laundering Measure

In 2018, suspicious activity reports (SARs) sent to regulatory authorities prevented $2 billion worth of unauthorized transactions in the UK.

Despite this, between the period of April 2018 and March 2019, reported numbers of SARs relating to money laundering rose by 52% compared to the year before.

While AML regulations are attempting to stamp out international financial crime, studies are showing these types of crimes are increasing to a pandemic level.

Solid CDD procedures function as an anti-money laundering measure

It is estimated that the amount of money laundered globally is between $800 billion and $2 trillion annually.

This is why customer due diligence is so important.

Thanks to more stringent procedures, criminal characters are being caught red-handed and cross-border crime rings are being disbanded.

However, with studies showing that 18 of the 20 biggest European financial institutions have been fined for poor AML measures, it’s no surprise that money laundering is increasing dramatically.

For example, a 2019 HMRC investigation found that one gang selling illegal cigarettes had stolen $44 million in VAT and laundered over $112 million across 50 banks around the world, including Cyprus, Hong Kong, the UK, and Dubai. If these 50 banks had tighter CDD procedures, these criminals may have been caught earlier.

2. Robust CDD Acts as a Fraud Prevention Mechanism

Fraud is a big problem around the world, especially since the digital age has made it easier to hack and crack identity systems.

Social engineering schemes and data beaches that involve the theft of personal data are the largest contributors to fraud. With nearly 450,000 cases of ID fraud and 160,000 cases of credit card fraud in the USA each year, reports show that fraud almost tripled between 2014 and 2018.

In fact, synthetic ID fraud (where fraudsters use fake ID), is the fastest growing type of fraud. It is also the type of fraud that hits financial institutions the hardest.

Studies show that 85-95% of synthetic ID fraud cannot be identified by traditional fraud detection mechanisms.

Take the example of Maria Michaela, UK’s most notorious female fraudster. Michaela conned banks out of nearly $17 million using fake IDs to submit house offers and default on mortgages.

Alternatively, consider the case of Kelvin Lyles, who used synthetic identities to establish credit histories to scam credit card companies out of $350,000.

Perhaps even worse is the 2019 indictment of five men who collaborated to steal PII from thousands of military members. The fraudsters hacked the Defense and Veterans Affairs benefits websites to steal millions of dollars.

What these examples show is that a great deal of money can be fraudulently acquired using schemes that last a few weeks, months, or years.

And while KYC procedures during onboarding can protect against application fraud, CDD checks are needed for ongoing monitoring of activity. If strict due diligence processes had been carried out in these cases, fraudulent and suspicious transactions may have flagged, which could have prevented such damaging and costly criminal sprees.

3. Strong CDD Programs Comply with Tightening AML Regulations

AML standards and regulations are tightening all around the world to crack down on money laundering and terrorist financing.

Strong CDD programs comply with tightening AML regulations

In 2018, the EU outlined its plan for the fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD5), which was executed in January 2020. This regulation upped the ante from the fourth directive by demanding that financial institutions perform stricter EDD procedures on high risk geographical locations and high value transactions. The directive also imposes CDD conditions on virtual currency organizations, estate agents, and tax accountancy firms.

In December 2019, the UK government followed suit by publishing the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Regulations 2019. Amending their predecessor regulations from 2017, these regulations support the more stringent standard imposed by AMLD5.

In the USA, FinCen’s Final Rule acts as the CDD directive for the nation. Introduced in 2018, this piece of legislation demands that covered financial institutions must identify and verify customers and beneficial owners of companies opening accounts, assess the purpose of customer relationships to build a risk profile, and conduct ongoing monitoring to highlight and report suspicious activity.

For financial institutions, complying with geographically relevant regulations is imperative to avoid non-compliance fines and tackle the risks associated with money laundering and terrorist financing.

4. Effective CDD Prevents Non-Compliance Fine

With regulatory standards expanding, it is important that financial institutions stay compliant to avoid the fall out of high non-compliance fines. Regulatory bodies around the world do not take due diligence breaches lightly. In fact, they heavily punish organizations that don’t adhere to AML standards with ineffective CDD programs.

Effective CDD prevents non compliance fines

Take Touma Foreign Exchange in the UK as an example. The Forex firm was hit with an almighty $10.1 million fine after the HMRC found the company’s customer due diligence procedures to be far from adequate. The company breached strict regulations regarding CDD controls, procedures, and measures, appropriate staff training, and risk assessment and record-keeping mechanisms.

Alternatively, consider the $518 million fine imposed on Australia’s biggest lender, Commonwealth Bank. The largest civil fine in Australian corporate history, the bank failed to report 53,000 suspicious transactions, resulting in a massive non-compliance fine.

In fact, figures show that in 2019, CDD and AML fines in the US (alone) totalled nearly $2.2 billion over just 25 cases.

In short, the cost of CDD and AML non-compliance can be a hefty price to pay.

5. Sound CDD Processes Protect Your Company’s Reputation

Sky-high non-compliance fines, money laundering, terrorist financing and fraud can all lead to the death of a financial institution.

Not only are these things expensive to remedy, they can seriously damage your company’s reputation. Negative publicity and costly litigation can all lead to customers taking their business elsewhere, which will inevitably lead to significant revenue reductions.

Take a cue from Danske’s recent money laundering scandal, where over $200 billion of suspicious transactions flowed through the Estonian arm of the company without being monitored. Not only has Danske been accused of hurting the entire reputation of Denmark and Danish banks, customers rapidly lost faith in the bank. This led to Danske losing over 11,000 customers.

Got questions? Talk to our team!

What are the Challenges of CDD?

While the importance of customer due diligence is abundantly apparent, reports by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and the Council for Licensed Conveyors (CLC) show that 60% of firms (out of 400) lacked adequate AML and CDD processes and failed to meet regulatory standards.

If customer due diligence is quite clearly such an important measure (and failure to comply so damaging), why are financial institutions simply not cutting the mustard?

There are a few primary reasons.

1. Lengthy CDD Processes Cause Onboarding Friction

While financial institutions may have it in mind to stay compliant with AML and CDD regulations, their own commitments to onboarding customers often stand in the way.

It’s no secret that swift onboarding leads to better customer retention and that slow, glitchy onboarding processes cause high customer drop-out rates. Due to this, companies tend to focus on easing customer onboarding friction to speed up the process. This often results in customer due diligence compliance to falling by the wayside.

In 2017, for example, financial institutions claimed that it took 26 days to onboard new clients; up two days from the previous year. These same institutions said that it took up to 32 days to onboard corporate clients. Worst still, other studies have shown that complex customers needing enhanced due diligence can take up to 34 weeks to onboard using clunky, manual onboarding processes.

With these lengthy processing times in mind, it’s no wonder that financial institutions are slacking on customer due diligence processes.

In fact, with onboarding times rising so dramatically, studies show that 52% of wealth managers fear an increase in drop-out rates. While the digital era may be encroaching rapidly, reports show that while the conversion rate for in-branch sales in banks is 85%, the rate for digital onboarding is is only 15%.

While currently companies are cutting corners via CDD non-compliance, increased regulation and hefty non-compliance fines point to the need for better solutions to reduce friction in onboarding.

Online KYC providers, such as GetID, offer a viable answer to this problem by speeding up onboarding with automatic KYC while still complying with AML regulations.

2. Costs of Compliance Are Dramatically Rising

As regulation increases, so does the cost of compliance.

For banks and financial institutions, bigger budgets need to be assigned to cover the extra costs needed for more compliance staff, stricter KYC checks, more frequent transaction monitoring, and so on.

According to Thomson Reuters, major financial institutions are now spending up to $500 million each year on KYC and customer due diligence procedures, while middle-of-the-road firms spent up to $48 million a year in 2018.

When this is considered on a per client basis — taking into account the skyrocketing drop-out rates — some reports show that the cost of customer acquisition is in excess of $650 per client.

When it comes to corporate clients, 2019 surveys demonstrate that it costs up to $25,000 to onboard a client, with the average cost sitting at $6000 per new client.

This is unsustainable for even large financial organizations, let alone smaller financial institutions and upcoming startups.

As a result, deploying a cost-effective solution such as GetID to take care of KYC and CDD will dramatically reduce the outgoing costs for regulatory compliance and customer onboarding.

3. Inconsistent Standards for Verification Create Poor Quality Data

While regulation makes it clear that financial institutions need to implement customer due diligence processes to verify their customers, these standards don’t stipulate how this should be done. In fact, there is no standardized method for verification and no systematized route to authenticating customers. This means that financial institutions are forced to rely on third-party verifiers, trusting in their data to be correct and their method to be secure.

The problem with this is that these verification processes are rife with data errors where third-party verifiers are using incomplete and outdated databases to authenticate users.

Fragmented sources, non-standard data structures, and poor quality data make the verification process slow, difficult, and error-prone.

Where these procedures should be returning an accurate customer risk profile for financial institutions, these risk scores are frequently incorrect. This is often due to insufficient availability to data and gaps in the databases, which can be blamed on the absence of a centralized KYC database. Incorrect risk assessments lead to a high number of low-risk applicants being flagged accidentally.

Not only that, but inconsistent ongoing customer due diligence monitoring systems also produce unreliable results, returning high rates of false positives on non-suspicious accounts and transactions.

In fact, in 2018, banks had a false positive rate of 95-99%, meaning that all but 1% of cases had to be double-checked by a human investigator, significantly slowing the process and increasing the costs.

With 45% of financial institutions claiming that it is ‘fairly’ or ‘very’ difficult to monitor the ongoing compliance status of their customers, there needs to be a more efficient standard for verification to ensure CDD compliance.

With GetID’s fully compliant solution, users can enjoy accurate verification in minutes using biometric personal data and consistent automated authentication methods. This cuts out inaccuracies and friction from poor quality data and previously-used incompatible verification standards.

4. Increased Regulation Means a Shortage of Compliance Staffing

As global AML regulations tighten, more and more compliance staff are needed to ensure that customer due diligence responsibilities are being met.

In the US alone, AML compliance teams have grown tenfold between 2012 and 2017.

Increased regulation means a shortage of comliance staffing

With the introduction of FinCEN’s Final Rule, firms were forced to shift hiring from other areas of the business to focus on compliance teams that could implement the increased customer due diligence practices to prevent non-compliance fines.

These figures will only continue to grow as extra staff are needed to remedy the inefficiencies in inefficient CDD processes.

The high false positive rates we mentioned above demand an influx of compliance officers to double check all high risk transactions and accounts flagged by the system. This means banks have been rushing to hire thousands of new compliance team members.

At the close of 2008, a little over 4% of the entire staff of Citigroup worked in compliance. By the end of 2018, this figure had risen to 15%, with 30,000 out of 204,000 employees working in compliance and risk management.

While big banks like Citigroup can afford to poach compliance staff from elsewhere, the issue lies in the lack of compliance staff around the world.

With demand far outstripping supply, big banks and organizations can offer higher salaries and better positions, leaving many smaller financial institutions struggling to find the staff they need.

With the average UK compliance salary reaching over $140,000 a year, it’s no wonder that smaller companies are struggling to afford the staff they need to stay compliant.

Due to this, over 34% of businesses say they don’t have enough human resources to cover the demand for their customer due diligence practices. Not only that, those that have tried to increase compliance teams are significantly falling short when it comes to compliance training.

While heightened regulation attempts to admonish money laundering and financial crime, statistics show that financial criminals are only becoming more sophisticated.

This has become a ‘cat and mouse’ issue for businesses: as regulations continue to tighten, more compliance staff are needed. With such shortages in staffing, this trend cannot continue. Instead, a more effective solution is needed, which is where GetID comes into play. Using our automated verification system and ongoing monitoring, financial institutions can ensure AML and CDD compliance without the need for such sizable compliance teams. This saves institutions a significant amount of money.

Stay CDD Compliant with GetID

When the challenges above are considered, it’s clear that financial institutions need more effective customer due diligence practices for sleeker onboarding, better data management, and more cost-effective compliance solutions.

Thankfully, GetID has all of that covered with one handy omnichannel solution.

GetID utilizes Optical Character Recognition for document verification, Biometric Facial Recognition, and Liveness Detection technology to identify and verify customers automatically and provide ongoing monitoring.

These cutting-edge technologies provide a multilayered architecture to ensure high-quality data.

Moreover, our state-of-the-art system flags high-risk customers, accounts, and transactions, without the need to an expensive and extensive compliance team.

Our solution helps optimize the onboarding process, making it faster and more cost-effective for financial institutions. It also reduces drop-out rates as customers’ identities can be verified within minutes. This seamless process means full compliance without the headache.

Thanks to our automated verification and monitoring system, GetID ensures that your company is fully compliant with all CDD and AML regulations, now and into the future.


There is no way of escaping it, AML regulations are increasing. More stringent customer due diligence practices come hand in hand with this, meaning a rise in compliance costs and onboarding times.

This doesn’t have to be the case, however. While outdated, manual KYC and CDD processes offer slow, expensive, error-prone routes to compliance, GetID is presenting the world with a sleeker compliance solution. Faster and cheaper, our fully automated system cuts out the need for expensive compliance staff. Instead, GetID offers a lightweight multilayered due diligence solution that’s highly scalable and extremely secure, combating inaccuracies and friction in the onboarding and monitoring process.

Ready for a solution that checks off everything on your customer due diligence checklist? Looking for a CDD tool that future-proofs your business against increasing AML compliance? Contact us to find out how GetID can help your business today.

How to use Biometric Facial Recognition to streamline KYC in 2023 Tue, 11 Jan 2022 05:11:19 +0000 Introduction

In a world where online fraud and digital hacks are on the rise, it’s never been more important to verify that your customers are who they say they are.

Luckily, advancements in facial recognition software now enable streamlined biometric identification and authentication. For you, this means KYC and AML onboarding processes.

Harnessing the power of GetID’s online identity verification platform offers your company the chance to deploy biometric facial recognition and strengthen your identity verification processes.

Like all next-generation technologies, biometric facial recognition is a double-edged sword.

Advanced applications of facial recognition, like GetID, can help to identify and authenticate users faster and is more cost-effective. However, picking the wrong facial recognition service can leave your company facing unexpected challenges. This is why questions concerning data security, privacy, and misidentification have come to the forefront of facial recognition discussions.

Fortunately, GetID stays ahead of the curve when it comes to keeping users secure and compliant. Not only does our deployment of biometric facial recognition technology eradicate friction in your customer onboarding process, but its robust architecture and automated workflow also keeps your company compliant with all AML and data security regulations.

But let’s start at the beginning…

What is Biometric Facial Recognition?

Biometric identification technology encompasses software that identifies persons by their biological characteristics. For example, criminal investigations may use biometric fingerprint or DNA scanners, while high-tech security systems may involve iris scanning technology. Biometric facial recognition software identifies people from their facial features.

Biometric facial recognition scans the patterns in human faces

Most often, biometric facial recognition is used to automatically recognize a person from their face, a video, or an image. This is usually for biometric authentication, identification, or categorization.

As facial recognition technology scans the patterns in images or faces to find a match, it could be classed as a visual pattern recognition problem. The technology reconstructs a three-dimensional image from the information on a two-dimensional image to match that image to a person.

Using lighting, expressions, and poses, biometric facial recognition can match the visual patterns between the two-dimensional image and the three-dimensional person. Biometric facial recognition technologies tend to deploy five modules to complete this task: detection, normalization, processing, feature extraction, and matching.

The process of biometric facial recognition

The reason that biometric facial recognition has become such a widely-applicable technology is due to its high accuracy without the intrusiveness of other physiological identification approaches. Unlike fingerprinting and DNA testing, users don’t need to be present or to touch anything.

Compared to iris scanners, biometric facial recognition can be used from a relative distance (as with security cameras). In this sense, facial recognition technology has all the accuracy of the other solutions without imposing on a person’s body.

How Does Biometric Facial Recognition Work?

Biometric facial recognition technologies work using pattern matching software. Human bodies have ingrained patterns that are unique to each person (fingerprints, ear shapes, hand geometry, and so on). These are known as biometric modalities.

Facial recognition works by matching the biometric modalities in an image to a person or vice versa, or from an image to another image.

What biometric modalities are there

The facial recognition process is broken down into five steps: detection, normalization, processing, extraction, and matching.

The face image detector locates human faces from an image, separating the face from a simple or complex background. This component of the technology divides ‘face’ and ‘non-face’ images to segment the face, its location, and its scale.

Next, the face normalization tool geometrically aligns the face using canonical coordinates. Harnessing facial landmarks, such as the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and face outline, the normalization process picks out the identifying facial features and their positioning.

The face processing step is not always present in traditional facial recognition systems. However, in deep learning technologies, this tool will help to process the lighting and pose of the face in order to relay the two-dimensional image into a three-dimensional representation.

The extraction process pulls out facial features to differentiate between individuals. Using around 32 geometric and photometric points, this process modifies the pixels of features in an image into a vector representation (or vice versa).

The final step is the comparison stage. This is where a facial comparison software matches patterns from the image to databases to find the best match. Facial recognition software used for identification is often referred to as Automated Facial Recognition (AFR).

When comparing facial images to databases, AFR performs either closed-set or open-set identification. Closed-set identification is when a person is known to be in the database, therefore verifying and authenticating a person. This is the process used in KYC verification.

Open-set identification is when the person is not known to be in the database, as with crime database searches.

While most facial recognition software incorporates all of these stages, traditional and deep-learning systems differ in how the features are recognized.

In traditional biometric facial recognition technologies, the features are programmed by the human being designing the algorithms in the software. In a deep learning tool, the features that are extracted and compared are learned via the neural network. This neural network originally comprises a pool of subjects which are used to train the technology. This type of software expands its neural network and breadth of ‘knowledge’ with the more faces and features it analyzes.

While biometric facial recognition technology works by completing the steps above, the way in which it compares faces depends on the task in hand. Most often, facial recognition is used to identify, authenticate, or classify a person.

In the case of identification, the software will match the unique modalities of a person against many other faces to determine the individual’s identity. For verification purposes, the software will attempt to match a person’s facial features to only one person in the hope of verifying that a person is who they claim to be.

When it comes to categorization, the software matches a person’s features to a specific group to determine if a person belongs to this group (usually based on age, race, sex, etc.).

Got questions? Talk to our team!

Challenges of Biometric Facial Recognition

While biometric facial recognition can be profoundly useful for identifying, verifying, and classifying human beings, it can also be easily misused. A rapidly-accelerating technology, facial recognition software comes loaded with heavy warnings as an ethical concern bubbles to the surface. Selecting the wrong digital identification and verification system for your company may lead to these challenges.

Privacy and Security

One of the major issues with biometric facial recognition software is the large-scale collection of personal biometric data. Not only is this practice morally questionable, but it also poses intense issues with data security. With the GDPR and similar legislation cracking down on data ownership, usage, and distribution, biometric facial recognition technology has received a lot of heat. While the technology itself may not breach usage rights, hacks and leaks lead to sensitive data being made public.

This was seen in the major biometric systems breach of the UK police and related defense firms in 2019, where a million people’s data was leaked.

Even more terrifying was the Sensenet data leak. On the one hand, the hack seriously impinged on the privacy of millions of people as biometric information was released. On the other hand, it showed that the Chinese government is using biometric facial recognition to track (at least) 2.6 million people. While hacks and breaches demonstrate the security issues of storing such sensitive data, this example from the Chinese government exemplifies the Orwellian issues that can occur if biometric facial recognition is abused.

Due to the fragility of this situation and to the obvious potential for misuse, the EU (in accordance with the GDPR) is making a stand on facial recognition technology by laying down strong limits as to usage rights of such data.

The first GDPR fine related to facial recognition technology was issued back in 2019.  The Swedish Data Protection Authority (DAP) recently fined a Swedish school that was using AFR to monitor attendance. The DPA found the school to be processing personal data more than was necessary and without implementing effective data protection mechanisms. The DPA also claimed that the school did not have prior consent and had no legal basis for collecting such data.


While biometric facial recognition technology has the power to be extremely accurate, the specific technology used and the way in which it is executed can seriously affect its accuracy. This can lead to misidentification.

When applied to crime, for example, misidentification can result in the wrong person being identified as the perpetrator. This is exemplified in the case of the Welsh police, where their internal facial recognition software misidentified 2300 people as criminals. Equally, studies have shown that the face recognition service used by London’s Metropolitan police has an 81% error rate.

Fraud is another area where misidentification by facial recognition systems is a big problem. Often known as face spoofing attacks, fraudulent users will use photographs or pre-recorded videos to fool facial recognition software in order to open or access accounts, such as bank accounts or computer accounts. In fact, studies have shown that even Windows‘ own facial recognition software can be spoofed with a printed picture.


One of the inherent concerns with biometric facial recognition is bias. In traditional systems, the person writing the technology’s algorithm would decide on the features that the software would recognize. If the programmer does not give a diverse enough set of recognizable features, this skews what the software can and can’t pick up.

The problem is also present in deep-learning facial recognition software. If the original pool from which the software learns is not diverse enough, there will be bias in what the software can detect.

Due to the cultural dynamics of our society, the vast majority of programmers are white males. In the facial recognition software of today, this has manifested as a bias toward white males.

The “Gender Shades” project highlighted this issue with results that showed women of color to be the most vulnerable group to gender misclassification. In fact, the study showed that the misidentification rate for darker-skinned females was 34.4% higher than that of light-skinned males.

This is a huge problem when it comes to racial prejudice, especially in terms of criminal proceedings. In a study that looked into Amazon’s facial recognition tool, “Rekognition,” racial bias was illuminated clearly. When 535 members of US Congress were compared with a database of 25,000 arrest photos, the system returned 28 false positives. While a 5% error rate doesn’t seem awful, the problem lies in the fact that 39% of those false matches were people of color, while people of color only made up 20% of the original group. This demonstrates an unquestionable racial bias in this particular facial matching software.

Real-World Use Cases of Biometric Facial Recognition

Currently, there are three major markets in which biometric facial recognition technology is being applied: security, authentication (identification and verification), and analysis.

Across industries, these three applications are being exercised in the following innovative ways.

Biometric facial recognition systems are being utilized by criminal justice systems all over the world. One of the primary applications of the technology, widely used in China and the UK, is to track criminals and identify fugitives. It is also being used to trace missing adults and children through private and public security cameras to reunite them with their families. This initiative crosses over with the fight against human trafficking, where biometric facial recognition is being used to scan millions of online adverts to find victims.

As with the case of GetID, biometric facial recognition technology is also proving itself as an excellent fraud prevention tool, helping banks and financial institutions to weed out fraudsters. Where previously fraudulent users would submit false photographs, they must now pass biometric systems. These are much harder to fool.

In terms of e-commerce, the possibilities for applying biometric facial recognition technology are endless. Beijing KFC has been experimenting with one application of the technology to improve service. The system remembers customer orders along with a biometric record of their face. On the customer’s next visit, the technology will recognize their face and suggest their previous order.

Facial recognition technology is also being used to disrupt payment systems, as can be seen with AliPay. AliPay has rolled out the world’s first system, where users pay through facial recognition. This speeds up the payments process as well as adding an extra layer of security, again improving customer service.

In the transport sector, the technology is being used all over the world to ease wait times for customers. Delta Air Lines, for example, is trialing facial recognition scans in airports to speed check-in times. Elsewhere in the world, China is attempting to reduce queue time in subways with facial recognition. Germany is executing a similar pilot program to do the same in railway stations.

The healthcare industry is also introducing biometric facial recognition for a number of revolutionary industry changes. Face comparison software is being employed in patient monitoring and sentiment analysis. This helps healthcare professionals to determine if patients are comfortable and if they need pain relief. Interestingly, the technology is also being used to detect rare genetic disorders, such as Cornelia de Lange syndrome and Angelman syndrome. Similarly to the banking sector, the healthcare industry is also utilizing biometric facial technology as a fraud prevention measure.

Facial recognition recognizes different genetic disorders facial patterns

As mentioned above, facial recognition software is also being introduced in the education sector. While some of the first applications of this technology as an attendance tracking tool haven’t been successful due to data protection issues, this idea is still on the table for many countries. Equally, schools are considering the use of facial recognition to safeguard children against bullying.

Another interesting use case for facial recognition technology is to help blind people better function in social situations. By recognizing facial expressions, the software can buzz blind users to let them know other people are smiling!

How is GetID Leveraging Biometric Facial Recognition?

GetID is using biometric facial recognition technology as a way to help companies and financial institutions identify and verify their users, while also helping those users identify themselves more easily online.

Our facial recognition service automatically identifies and verifies users by matching their image to their official documentation and existing databases. This will highlight any fraudsters, Politically Exposed Persons, or individuals subject to sanctions. This speeds up and cuts costs in your KYC process while ensuring complete AML compliance.

What makes GetID’s application of facial recognition so promising is that we combine it with various identification and verification procedures to increase security and accuracy. Where other applications of facial recognition softwares only offer a single layer of verification, GetID guarantees security with our multidimensional authentication process. Our biometric facial recognition system is teamed with Optimal Character Recognition and Biometric Liveness Detection. This creates a multilayered approach that verifies users most accurately, safeguarding against face spoofing and misidentification.

Not only does this speed up the process of KYC for many organizations, but it also enhances precision and removes human error in the identification and authentication process.


Harnessing biometric facial recognition tools for identification and verification can help to speed up your KYC processes and ensure that you are up-to-date with AML compliance. However, deploying the wrong software can leave you facing issues of data security and misidentification.

Thankfully, GetID’s automated multilayered verification platform provides a biometric identity authentication technology that overcomes these challenges. Combining biometric facial recognition with liveness detection, GetID’s identity verification solution offers top-notch accuracy for speedier, more cost-effective verification. Simultaneously, our data storage architecture keeps all biometric data firmly locked away with the user.

For your company, this means full data security and AML compliance, with sleeker KYC processes. For your customers, this means smoother onboarding and security they can trust.

If you’re looking for a robust biometric identification and authentication solution to streamline your KYC and AML processes, contact GetID today to learn more.

Identity Verification: A Complete Guide to Types and Solutions to Keep You Compliant and Your Client’s Data Safe Mon, 03 Jan 2022 07:48:28 +0000 Customer ID verification in 2023 is obligatory for nearly every online business, whether work goes directly with customer’s money or company strives for high scaling. Identity verification is an ultimate beneficial solution for both businesses and customers. Knowing your customer is required by regulations worldwide. Moreover, it makes modern online business safe and creates more trust between companies and their customers.


Poor data collection, use, and storage mechanisms within financial institutions worldwide have led to data breaches and hacks, along with financial crime and fraud. Data generation is rocketing due to increased internet usage. In response, institutions struggle to manage the burgeoning volumes of sensitive data on their doorsteps. Vulnerable central data repositories and low-grade security protocols have become a hackers’ circus.

In an attempt to curb the onslaught of data crimes worldwide, increased regulatory compliance is being thrown down. Tighter regulations force companies to install long-winded, expensive data protection processes. While the media swoops down on data breaches and hacks, companies crack down on data usage and storage protocols. Leveraging new technologies, institutions are fast finding ways to increase security and reduce costs, while remaining compliant.

However, the focus on usage and storage often overshadows the importance of the first steps in the data protection chain: accurate, valid identity verification. Strong identity verification mechanisms provide frontline protection for institutions from potentially harmful clients. Robust and reliable ID verification procedures safeguard against identity fraud, hacks, and data breaches for both the customer and the institution.

Unfortunately, a lack of attention to data collection and ID verification has led to the persistence of outdated, manual procedures in organizations. To meet regulatory compliance, these processes are lengthy and expensive. Human-error and questionable security measures pepper these procedures, often resulting in unwitting non-compliance.

Obviously, there is an immediate demand for secure digital identity solutions. Easing friction in the onboarding process, GetID’s multilayered automated digital ID solution is the future of identity verification. The inherent security architecture ensures full regulatory compliance while protecting against data crime. Faster, cheaper, and far more secure than conventional ID verification, GetID offers a user-friendly solution for accurate and efficient Know Your Customer (KYC), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), and Customer Due Diligence (CDD) procedures.

A Quick Background on ID Verification

Data generation is most certainly on the rise. Not only is society increasing their overall internet usage, but more people are also hopping online every day. At the beginning of 2020, the number of bytes in the digital universe was 40 times bigger than the number of stars in the observable universe.

Concurrently, internet use is changing as ‘smart’ technology infiltrates everyday living. From online banking to social media, from ordering takeout to measuring energy usage, data is coming from all angles. The statistics show that in 2021, users sent 197,6 million emails, 69 million messages in WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, and 2 million Tinder swipes every minute.

Use service diagram 2022

As data generation piles up, hard questions arise concerning the correct methods for collecting, using, and storing people’s sensitive personal data. In fact, philosophical musings question what is classified as ‘sensitive’ or ‘personal’ data, and the ownership around these figures.

The effects of not considering these factors can be seen in the soaring numbers of hacks and data breaches at prominent firms. The results of poor data management have led to record highs of identity theft, fraud, and data leaks. Even scarier, data mismanagement has seen inappropriate data sales and sharing, as was the case of the Labour Party in the UK and Facebook.

Fervent consumer concern for these problems has triggered regulatory crackdowns. Mismanagement of sensitive data is being harshly penalized by regulatory bodies worldwide. Recent staunch regulatory standards on data management include CDD updates to the Bank Secrecy Act of 1960 and the 2001 Patriot Act in the USA, and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Non-compliance with these protocols results in unbelievable fines.

Take the example of British Airways who were recently fined $235 million. After a hacker attacked data repositories, it was determined that the company’s protocols were not tight enough to prevent the catastrophic data breach. Facebook has also been on the receiving end of such penalties, with a $5 billion fine for inappropriate data sharing.

While attention seems to be on data usage and storage, identity verification is of particular focus in new legislation. Stricter KYC and AML procedures have been imposed on institutions to ensure new clients are who they say they are and are of no threat to the institution. KYC protocols seek to verify a person’s identity by comparing Personal Identifiable Information (PII) to official documents and databases. AML procedures check that the new client has no official sanctions against them, and isn’t a threatening person (Politically Exposed Person or a person of interest). The term ‘Customer Due Diligence’ is the umbrella term for KYC and AML, while also referring to the ongoing maintenance and verification of this data.

The issue is that conventional procedures simply aren’t designed to handle the intense flow of data generation seen today. Traditional manual identity verification procedures are inherently littered with flaws, amplified by the influx of data.

Traditional manual identity verification procedures flaws

For example, imagine taking out a bank loan. The applicant submits a ream of official documents and personal data to the bank. The bank sends this information to multiple third-party verifiers. These verifiers use official sources to verify the documents are correct and the customer is whom they say they are.

The process itself is arduous as it has to be verified by multiple outside parties. This involves sending information and waiting for a long time. Longer onboarding has led to many customers walking away from applications and services.

Equally, this system is expensive. As more and more data floods institutions, companies need to spend more on hiring increasingly-scarce compliance staff, training existing staff, paying more verifiers, and so on.

On top of that, manual processing has striking security flaws. Firstly, human error in the system leads to problematic inaccuracies. This is especially true of recent times, where image manipulation is far more simple. Nowadays, forged passports and driver’s licenses are easy and cheap to buy online, many of which easily fool expert verifiers. This has sent application fraud through the roof.

Additionally, customer data is shared with multiple outside companies during the manual KYC process. This leaves customers’ PII vulnerable to leaks and hacks out of the original institution’s control. Moreover, data stored within institutions is usually held in central repositories; a single-point-of-failure. This means hackers only need to enter one place to access all customer data.

With such loose identity verification procedures in place, it’s no wonder regulatory bodies are trying to crack the whip. Global financial institutions have already been fined over $26 billion over the last decade for poor ID verification procedures. The FCA, alone, has collected over $500 million in fines in 2019. It seems that non-compliance penalties are only going to get stricter. In line with this, compliance costs will rise.

To solve the bottlenecks for fully-compliant onboarding procedures, manual KYC and AML processing needs to be put out to pasture. It’s time to harness technological advancements to ease the costs, friction, and security flaws intrinsic in manual KYC processing. While mastering this, new ID verification procedures should meet all regulatory compliance — Right now and into the future.

In order to protect customers and businesses against fraud, ID verification processes need to be proactive and accurate. To be affordable and viable, ID verification needs to be convenient. To achieve both of these goals, meet increasing regulatory compliance, and protect against hacks, ID verification needs to be secure.

GetID is pioneering future ID verification procedures to ensure frictionless, fully-compliant client onboarding. Faster, sleeker, and much cheaper, GetID’s automated digital ID verification platform houses revolutionary, decentralized security architecture and state-of-the-art cryptography for robust protection against hackers and fraudsters. Leveraging next-generation technology, GetID’s user-friendly omni-channel platform offers a secure and affordable tool to conveniently comply with stringent data protection regulations.

GetID quicker onboarding

Why is Effective ID Verification So Crucial?

ID verification procedures are the frontline to safeguarding customers and institutions from potentially harmful fraudsters. Solid KYC, AML, and CCD procedures weed out any prospective threats looking to infiltrate the system for illegitimate means. Without effective identity verification measures, companies are vulnerable to fraud, identity theft, hacks, leaks, breaches, and outrageous non-compliance fines.

By nailing down robust ID verification procedures, institutions can protect themselves and their customers, while complying with regulatory standards. Here’s how effective ID verification processes aid institutions:

Effective ID Verification Eliminates Fraud

In 2018, alone, 14.4 million US citizens were victims of identity fraud. Of that figure, nearly half of this fraud was attributed to new credit card accounts where fraudulent PII documents were used. Over in the UK, application fraud was up 159% last year.

Card ID fraud in UK

As ID verification procedures are in place to flag these exact issues, it’s clear that widespread ID verification mechanisms need to change. Despite increased compliance, ID verification processes are still hugely vulnerable to fraud. This is both costly and time-consuming for clients and institutions.

Effective ID verification procedures eliminate fraud by removing inaccuracies from the equation. Where currently humans analyze ID documents, it’s clear that there is significant human-error in identifying fraudulent applications. This allows fraudsters to slip through the cracks, entering the system.

GetID’s robust identification verification procedures negate the risk of fraud. This is done using a multi-tiered state-of-the-art identity verification technology stack. GetID’s ID verification stack provides Optical Character Recognition, Face Match verification, and Liveness testing with unprecedented accuracy far beyond human capacity. In this sense, fraudulent applicants can’t slip through.

Effective ID Verification Speeds Up Onboarding

To comply with increasing data regulation, it’s integral that KYC and AML protocols are strictly followed during customer onboarding. Unfortunately, these arduous procedures slow down the onboarding process considerably. This seriously hampers the user experience.

Studies show that customer onboarding time increased by 22% in 2016, and a further 18% in 2017. Banks can now take between 24 and 32 days to process applications. Not only is this a costly wait for institutions, but figures also show that 12% of business account holders change banks due to KYC friction.

The problem with tightening regulation is that KYC and AML procedures become more complex. Institutions need higher numbers of compliance staff and intermediary verifiers to stay compliant. With the flood of data generation increasing the demand for ID verification, there simply isn’t the staff. As data generation shows no sign of dropping, this pattern will continue if more effective ID verification procedures aren’t deployed to increase convenience, speed up processing, and reduce friction.

Manual KYC processing is not the answer here. To stay compliant and keep customers happy, there’s no time to play pass the parcel with multiple third-party verifiers. Instead, GetID has devised an automated ID verification solution. Cutting out the need to send reams of data to third parties, GetID’s solution also removes the need for armies of compliance staff.

Via GetID’s system, customers create a digital ID, submitting their PII only once. Once verified, institutions can access a record of this verification instantly. Institutions no longer need to pester the customers for personal data. For customers and institutions, the whole process if far more user-friendly and takes a fraction of the time.

Effective ID Verification Reduces Costs of Increasing Compliance

Data compliance is costly, especially since regulations are increasing demands on how companies should carry out KYC and AML procedures.

Studies show a 19% increase in KYC customer onboarding costs between 2017 and 2018, with a further jump of 16% in 2018. For the world’s biggest financial institutions, it’s common practice to spend over $100 million annually on KYC compliance. In fact, as far back as 2015, Citibank was spending $1.7 billion a year on data compliance — The figure would likely hover around $3 billion nowadays.

According to the LexisNexis Risk Solutions 2020 True Cost of Financial Crime Compliance Study, global compliance costs increased $33 billion from 2019 to 2020, totaling $213.9 billion. The true cost of compliance during the pandemic has been obscured by the fact that regulators are short-staffed, and they may have been less aggressive with enforcement activities due to the complications that accompany remote workforces, the report notes. Right now, manual KYC procedures cannot scale to provide high-quality ID verification at an affordable cost. This illustrates its inefficacy as a solution.

This is because conventional ID verification procedures are extremely labor-intensive. Huge compliance teams and multitudes of third-party verifiers are needed to cover the sheer volume of data generated. Not only is this costly in itself, but the rising demand for these professionals, lack of qualified candidates, and increasing regulatory pressure all also drive up salary prices and external verification costs.

Got questions? Talk to our team!

How Does GetID Solve This Problem?

GetID provides a state-of-the-art ID verification technology stack with multi-tiered security against fraudulent applications and hackers. Harnessing decentralization and industrial-grade cryptography, GetID offers up a highly-secure ID verification solution that’s fully compliant with current and future regulations. Thanks to the system’s automation, institutions and customers can now benefit from robust, frictionless KYC procedures for a fraction of the cost.

The GetID technology stack includes highly-effective identity verification tools, created for the future if ID verification and KYC.

GetID tech stack

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) ID Verification

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a verification tool that automatically extracts written information from official documents. Whether in digital or paper format, GetID’s OCR technology helps to speed up KYC processes by automating the extraction of information. This data is then verified against official sources. By digitizing this process, GetID removes the tendency for error in manual processing. Equally, speedy computer processing and enhanced accuracy relieve vulnerability to falsified documentation.

For customers, this process means they no longer have to send off precious and sensitive official documents. Instead, OCR scans the documents and automatically extracts the relevant information for verification.

For institutions, automating and digitizing this process removes the data entry inaccuracies. It also speeds up the ID verification process.

Face Match Verification

Face Match technology is biometric facial recognition for identity verification. Far more accurate than a human, Face Match technology identifies human faces. It does this by comparing the applicant’s image to other images in official databases. By matching an applicant’s face to a previous official photograph, the technology verifies an applicant’s identity.

The global facial recognition market expected to reach nearly $9 billion by 2023. That said, it’s clear that human image verification systems are outdated. Removing the room for error, facial recognition technology is far superior at spotting fake photographs than manual, human processing.

This is why GetID employs Face Match verification to complement OCR. Functioning as a second line of defense against fraudulent applications, Face Match guards against fraud and speeds up KYC procedures.

AML/Sanctions Checks

Cutting back onboarding time and slashing costs, GetID relieves the friction associated with AML procedures and sanctions checks by automating the process. In place to flag up potentially harmful people, AML and sanctions checks help to identify money trafficking, financial crimes, terrorist funding, and politically exposed people.

Manual AML procedures require long wait times as the process can be in-depth. Verifiers investigate applicants by running verified documents against the sanctions list. Flagged persons or organizations may be the subject of asset freezing, trade embargoes, diplomatic restrictions, or financial limitations.

Like the above steps in the process, this is done by multiple third-party verifiers. Not only does it take a long time to collect responses from all verifiers, but this part of the process is also error-prone.

By automating this process, verified ID is run against the sanctions list in no time at all. Impeccable digital accuracy means that sanctions will no longer be accidentally missed in processing.

Liveness Check Verification

Liveness checks are a crucial step in effective ID verification. Previously institutions felt safe verifying identity using photographs and official documents. However, a recent spate of face-spoofing proves that neither manual processing nor isolated biometric facial recognition technologies are the solutions.

Just like the use of forged official documents, face-spoofing is used to fool verifiers. In these scams, fraudsters use photos of other people. Social media provides a treasure trove of facial images to use. Fraudsters use these images to ‘spoof’ human verification procedures and low-quality biometric facial recognition software.

Liveness checks solve this problem by having the applicants verify themselves live on camera. Applicants verify their validity by first showing their face, often next to the official ID, like a passport. Next applicants are asked to complete previously undetermined actions, such as blinking, turning their head, or holding a handwritten note. In doing this, they prove the video is live and hasn’t been falsified in preparation.

In this sense, liveness checks speed up verification as they can happen in the moment and within seconds. Where real estate agents now spend up to 4 days a month verifying people’s identity, liveness checks lead to verification in minutes.

Dedicated to speeding up KYC procedures without compromising security, GetID’s Liveness Checks help to validate candidates extremely quickly and accurately. Serving as a safety net, liveness checks also negate any vulnerabilities associated with the isolated use of biometric facial recognition.

By providing a multi-layered identity verification stack, GetID offers a one-stop-shop for identity verification that doesn’t scrimp on security. Instead, GetID uses the multi-tiered to ramp up accuracy and security to ensure full compliance with all data regulations, now and in the future.


ID verification is an integral part of preventing fraud, protecting against hacks and data theft, and safeguarding against money laundering and financial crime. Ineffective identity verification procedures leave institutions vulnerable to these breaches. Not only that, KYC and AML mechanisms put these organizations at risk of non-compliance.

With data compliance regulations ballooning, strong data management and client onboarding procedures are the only defense against unreal non-compliance fines.

However, despite the race to meet compliance, most institutions are still employing manual KYC and AML procedures. Subject to outrageous costs, long processing times, and frequent inaccuracies, manual ID processing is a security nightmare that’s both inconvenient and expensive.

A FinTech Start-Up’s Guide to ID Verification (and Why It’s So Important) Sun, 02 Jan 2022 10:33:28 +0000 As technology disrupts the financial sector, the issue of identity verification has taken center priority. With data breaches and hacks leaving customers vulnerable to identity fraud, regulatory organizations are taking a firm line on identity verification.

Our current manual systems of identity verification seek to prevent criminal activity, protect customer data, and reduce risk. Anti-money laundering (AML) regulations provide an umbrella of tactics to tackle these issues. These include Know Your Customer (KYC) and Customer Due Diligence (CDD) processes. For service providers, this means identifying customers using official documentation and verifying this via a third party.

The problem is that slow processing, expensive intermediaries, high frequencies of clerical errors, and increasing fraud make this manual identity verification method inefficient and costly.

The costs of identity verification are growing as regulations tighten. Cutting corners on compliance can be tempting. While this may save money in the short-term, outlandish fines are being dished out to non-compliant companies all around the world.

Fortunately, is providing an affordable solution for performing KYC checks. Our innovative technology cuts out intermediaries, speeds up processing, and decreases costs. Thanks to’s dynamic solution, customers and FinTech service providers can easily create, store, and distribute digital identities. This enables secure access to KYC services without exorbitant costs.

Still unsure why it’s so important to get your KYC ducks in a row? Here’s why.

KYC/AML for Startups

Anti-Money Laundering Regulations or AML is the broad term given to the set of standards for financial organizations to protect against criminal activity.

One of these processes is Know Your Customer or KYC. KYC checks are compulsory for each new customer. This means customers have to repeatedly complete this procedure. In a KYC check, customers submit official documentation identifying them by their name, date of birth, photo, and address.

Multiple third-party organizations are employed to verify this data. These intermediaries check customers are who they say they are, and that there are no red flags on their account.

Firstly, these companies try to match the applicant to their documentation. Next, they search for terrorist history, criminal activity, political exposure, or governmental sanctions. This prevents enabling financial instruments from being put in the wrong hands.

While the cost of these compulsory checks may seem high for financial organizations, the impact of not complying can be worse.

Take the example of Wachovia ( now part of Wells Fargo) back in 2010. Caught short with poor KYC and AML policies in place, Wachovia was fined $150M after Mexican cartels managed to launder roughly $360 billion through their US accounts. Alternatively, consider the $1.5 billion fine Barclays had to pay for inadequate anti-money laundering procedures that allowed an estimated $7 billion to illegally wash through their system.

It’s not always the case that the hammer comes down after big crime has been uncovered. In fact, banks like Standard Chartered receive harsh fines without large-scale criminal activity being identified. Instead, Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) audits found that AML policies had unforgivable shortcomings and fined the bank $125M.

The costs of retroactive compliance are shocking. The U.S. Government Accountability Office estimates that $15.2 billion was paid in non-compliance fines between 2016-2017; a $10.2 billion rise from the previous 6 years!

And it’s not just retroactive fines and money laundering that startups need to be aware of. One of the major components of the AML/KYC stipulations is that all personal data must be stored securely and correctly. In this sense, companies need to sufficiently secure against data breaches to prevent identity theft.

Inappropriately storing data on insecure internal servers makes those repositories a target for hackers. Unfortunately, financial organizations tend to create single points of failure by storing all their data on central servers. In other words, hackers can unlock one central server and access everything at once. This is much like a caterpillar worming its way into a cabbage and devouring the whole thing from the inside.

Thus, if companies don’t have tight security measures and store customers’ data on central servers, investors’ assets and personal data are vulnerable to malicious attacks.

The cost of cyber breaches is no laughing matter, both in terms of repairing the mess and loss of investor assets. Equifax’s financial reports showed that their 2017 data breach cost $1.4 billion to remedy. In other cases, head-on hacks have seen customers lose funds directly from their accounts.

In this sense, the early, efficient implementation of AML/KYC process is integral to FinTech startups. It ensures the safety of customer assets and personal data and prevents future remedial costs and non-compliance fines.

Why Is Identity Verification So Important?

Identity verification is important to protect you and the customer.

Customer First

Regulation aside, identity verification procedures are in place to protect companies and their customers from criminal activity. A person’s identity is integral to procuring goods and services. The fraudulent use of this personal information can be harmful to companies and their customers.

By verifying the identity of customers, financial institutions and businesses can manage risk better. A customer’s history gives financial entities risk indicators based on previous behavior. This helps to determine how likely a customer is to harm the organization or its customers, based on their previous behavior.

Identity verification procedures protect against:

  • Fraudulent documents
  • Identity theft
  • Internal-server hacks
  • Tax evasion
  • Trade of illegal goods
  • Terrorist funding
  • Political corruption
  • Market manipulation
  • Gang funding
  • Drug trafficking
  • Human trafficking, and so on

This broad spectrum of illicit activity is now compounded by the raging tide of technological advancement. With all this to contend against, AML regulations have become more stringent. AML and data compliance standards begun to step up worldwide. This can be seen by the EU’s introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2016.

Protect Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Compliant identity verification procedures protect FinTech startups and businesses in two ways.

Sorting ID processes early means avoiding pricey non-compliance fines or future costs of retroactive compliance. Better still, you steer clear of being shut down, like ParityICO Passport Services — A promising digital identity blockchain project, ironically.

Equally, you’ll be ahead of the curve on protecting your clients. Your security builds the foundation for your FinTech startup. Shoddy foundations will only lead crumbling walls later. In the same regard, poor identity verification practices leave your company vulnerable to brand sabotage. Fraud, hacks, data breaches, and criminal activity can all shake the bedrock of even the strongest companies.

Figures show that cyber hacks and corporate attacks lead to a loss of investor confidence and tarnished company integrity. Just look at Facebook. An attack on its servers saw 50 million accounts hacked, leaving users at risk of identity fraud. The announcement of the breach caused share prices to fall by a notable 3%.

Moreover, studies show that reputation damage following breaches ripples into your future success. On average, sales growth drops by 3% for most industries, and 5% for the retail sector. Debt also increases while your company’s credit rating takes a plunge.

Thus, instilling identity verification procedures protects your brand from hacks and data breaches. This, in turn, protects your brand’s integrity and reputation.

Thankfully, gone are the old days of archaic paper trails, expensive middlemen, and KYC backlogs. has solved the KYC bottleneck. By using automation technology, our platform cuts out intermediaries, stores transparent, immutable records, and secures data on local devices.

In doing this, your customers now only have to create their digital ID one time. Once verified, this can be accessed by you and other service providers in a secure, intuitive environment. That way you and your customers are protected by ID verification procedures that meet all regulations, while far-surpassing current security standards. And for you and your company, you’ll find your KYC costs slashed without cutting your company’s integrity.

Got questions? Talk to our team!

Choosing a KYC / AML Compliance Technology

If you’re worried about the outrageous costs of KYC and identity verification processes, you should be. But you should also be wary of the even more scandalous fines for non-compliance.

With these things in mind, it’s probably time to consider a KYC/AML compliance technology that handles the whole operation for you. But what exactly should you be looking for?

A Compliance Technology That Lowers the Cost of KYC

The major costs in the KYC process come from manual processing and a lack of specialist staffing. First off, manual processing is slow and cumbersome. This is because multiple intermediaries need to verify each application. This constant changing-of-hands makes the procedure extremely error-prone. In turn, you’ll be subject to wait times and extra costs to remedy these mistakes.

Secondly, stricter regulations mean that companies need to employ more compliance staff with specialist training. A sudden industry-wide need has led to a shortage of staff, which has driven up the average salary, as demand far outstrips supply. Both in-house compliance staff and external third-party verification companies now charge sky-high rates.

Your compliance technology should target the two most poignant pain points: manual processing and costly compliance personnel.

Start by exploring solutions that address manual processing. harnesses autonomous technology to shorten the KYC workflow, dropping unnecessary expensive actors from the system. At the same time, the technology cuts out clerical errors, eradicates wait times, and protects against costly hacks.

A Technology that Speeds Up the ID Verification Process

Manual processing slows down the ID verification process due to errors, snail-mail, and general workplace lethargy. Having to go through a circus of third-party verifiers, long processes often lead to onboarding abandonment.

A Thomson Reuters study showed that the time it takes to complete KYC applications had increased 18% for commercial customers. This had led to 12% of companies changing banks due to KYC friction.

Not only that, customers have to fill in KYC applications every time they apply for new financial instruments. This practice is increasingly spreading to other goods and services. This constant repetition is not only tedious, but it’s also slow.

How GetID works? has found that the best way to speed up the KYC process is to cut out third parties, automating as many steps as possible. By leveraging automation technology, service providers simply pay to access already-verified data. That way customers only have to create a digital ID and have it verified once, easing the onboarding process for every company they use.

A Compliance Technology That’s User-Friendly

As noted above, clients get antsy when applications take too long or are too complex. Instead, look for a compliance solution that’s easy for your customers to get on board with. Instead of the traditional method of filling out multiple applications, find a technology that allows customers to easily create a digital identity. Ensure users can have their data verified quickly and maintain it with very little effort.

What’s more, you’ll cut back staff training costs by deploying a compliance technology that’s simple to learn. Try to eradicate the overbearing costs of expensive compliance officers and specialist training. Your chosen technology should provide instant access to verified customer data without a fuss.

GetID a compliance technology thats user friendly

Thanks to, you can satiate all your KYC needs in one user-friendly place.

Three Overlooked Examples of Fintech Non-Compliance

If you don’t take AML regulations and data compliance seriously, you could be on a collision course. Not only are you putting yourself at risk from regulatory admonishment, but you’re also gambling with investors’ futures. Both of these outcomes endanger your company’s reputation and livelihood.

However, it’s not always cut and dry. That’s why it’s integral to brush up on your compliance knowledge regularly to ensure you’re covering all the bases. Here are a few non-compliance examples that are often neglected.

Keeping Quiet

Picture the profound effect that data breach would have on your company’s reputation. To prevent a dip in customer trust, keeping quiet about any breaches may seem like a good idea; especially if they’re only small. Buying yourself some time would allow you to remedy the problem before customers and regulators realize your error.

However, the GDPR requires that all data breaches are reported within 72 hours. Companies who try to flout this rule are met with severe sanctions. Marriott provides a stellar example of this. The hotelier was fined a whopping $100M following the failure to report a breach within 72 hours.

While some companies may claim that they were unaware of such shortcomings or illicit activity, this is no excuse. Instead, it seems shrewd to source a compliance solution that prevents breaches from slipping under the radar.

Thankfully,’s innovative application of automated technology means that breaches never go undetected. Rather, the system flags any tampered records instantly. This is broadcasted to the entire decentralized network. Hackers are immediately shut out, while the system draws your attention to a breach, avoiding hefty non-reporting fines.

Theft of Customer Data

Imagine that your high-level colleague, Karen, decides to leave the company and start her own firm. Having parted on good terms, you wish them well. Later you discover that many of your customers are switching to your Karen’s firm. You realize that Karen has taken personal data from internal servers without authorization.

Not only is this an entirely unethical and immoral business practice — Shame on you, Karen — It’s also highly illegal and counts as a data breach by GDPR standards. Karen has committed a criminal offense under The Data Protection Act 2018.

What does it mean for your company? First and foremost, your company is liable for data breaches caused by employees. Secondly, if you don’t report it in 72 hours, you are also in violation of data compliance regulations.

Heed Revolut’s 2019 Warning

Revolut felt the true brunt of retroactive compliance this year following a glitch in the system. For three months in 2016, Revolut turned off an automated system that was designed to prevent its platform from being used to bypass international sanctions. Following reports from a whistleblower, it seems that the CEO would not listen to the compliance team.

Reports note that the system, which was used to identify illicit transfers, was shut off because it had wrongfully blocked harmless transactions. Having reactivated the old system in 2018, Revolut has since designed a whole new system to replace this buggy original. It would appear that the system was closed down to fix the error.

This isn’t Revolut’s first brush with non-compliance, however. Back in 2018, the neobank was forced to report suspicious activity to the National Crime Agency and the FCA. This led to pointed questions regarding the robustness of Revolut’s onboarding verification methods.

The banking alternative is now being probed by the FCA, while the CFO has stepped down.

Fines haven’t been issued yet, but they’ll likely be huge. Revolut has already stepped forward to manage the issue. They have announced plans to hire a flock of compliance staff to iron out the trauma.


Watertight identity verification processes are integral for FinTech startups. Not only do these measures protect your company’s brand and secure your customers’ assets, you also avoid the costs of non-compliance. With the GDPR in full force and the FCA on a warpath, retroactive compliance and data breaches are becoming a costly affair.

GetID advantages

Luckily, automated solutions like relieve pressure on the system. cuts out the costs, wait times, and inaccuracies of intermediaries. Furthermore, by securing data on local devices across decentralized systems, users and service providers are protected against breaches. At the same time, the costs of storage are eradicated.

If you’re looking for an affordable identity verification solution with robust next-generation technology and impregnable security, has it all wrapped up for you on our intuitive digital ID platform.

Speeding up KYC and ID verification processes, cuts out costly intermediaries, eradicates data storage needs, eases onboarding for your customers, and opens up instant access to verified personal data for your company.

Want to know more? Head over to GetID website to find out how we can save you time and money on KYC processes today.

2021: Year in Review Mon, 20 Dec 2021 10:20:08 +0000 As we’re nearing the end of 2021 and preparing to enter 2022, it’s a perfect time to take a moment and reflect on the events of the old year. 2021 was a truly remarkable year for GetID in so many ways! Let’s turn back in time and remember the brightest moments of this year.

GetID becomes a part of Group Group, a Swedish technology company developing a new internet standard for user onboarding, acquired all shares in the Estonian identity verification solution GetID in August 2021. The sum of investment corresponded to GetID’s market evaluation at $9.5 million. GetID’s Founder and CEO, Dmitri Laush, continued to lead the company.

GetID Kristoffer Cassel and Dmitri Laush

From L to R: Kristoffer Cassel (CEO and co-founder of Group) and Dmitri Laush (CEO and co-founder of GetID)

“We strongly believe in the synergies this deal creates and we look forward to continuing our journey under the Group umbrella. Foremost we share their overall vision and believe that we when working together, have a very good shot at radically changing how users check in to products and services. This feels like a perfect match, which is also why I chose to transfer 100% of my ownership in GetID to long-term ownership in Group.” – said Dmitri Laush.

“GetID is a rapidly growing tech company with a fantastic team that in a relatively short time frame has built innovative and leading software based on AI for image recognition applied within face matching and reading of physical documents. I believe that their technology product-wise is far ahead of their competitors and we are thrilled that such a prominent team wants to be part of Group going forward”, comments Kristoffer Cassel, CEO and co-founder of Group.

Read the official press release

Back on the road: Dubai, Amsterdam, Limassol

This year many conferences came back after the period of lockdowns. GetID team attended the iFX Expo in Dubai and Limassol, and Money 20/20 in Amsterdam.

We were really excited to be back at the expo and trade events for several reasons.

Firstly, we’ve been further developing our Identity Verification platform. We’ve made dozens of serious improvements and upgrades, and launched several products since our last expo show back at the beginning of 2020.

Secondly, during the period of several lockdowns, the offline events weren’t happening.

GetID team at IFX EXPO Dubai

GetID team at IFX EXPO Dubai. From L to R: Alex Arhipov (Business Development), Dmitri Laush (CEO & Co-founder), Vladimir Popov (Head of Product)

So, our team was really excited to attend the trade shows again. And it seemed that other attendees were also missing the offline events and real human interaction.

And it was rewarding to see that GetID product – a combination of unique features, ease of integration and use, paired with speed and accuracy – got a lot of audience attention and strong positive feedback.

Overall, all the shows were really successful. We made a lot of new connections and partnerships.

GetID team at Money 20/20

GetID team (L to R): Dmitri Laush (CEO & Founder), Alex Arhipov (Business Development Executive), Vladimir Popov (Head of Product)

New products and service updates

KYC Flow Builder

Earlier this year we launched KYC flow builder, a powerful tool that helps automate and personalize online KYC and identity verification procedures according to specific regulatory requirements.

GetID KYC flow builder verification flows

Essentially, KYC Flow Builder simplifies the setup of KYC process automation. What gains will you get from using the Flow Builder?

  • The ease and flexibility of integration that saves you a lot of time
  • Possibility to setup multiple verification flows
  • Cross-platform solution
  • Customization of visual appearance of the user journey

Read the full article

More Product Features and Some Stats

Increased digitization has propelled the adoption and usage of identity verification in the online environment. From our own experience, we can see that IDV solutions find more application in various fields, ranging from financial companies to marketplaces and aviation.

Ease of use, fast integration, great flexibility, speed and accuracy have been our main goals in the product development process. Fortunately, this didn’t go unnoticed by people who were looking for or evaluating Identity Verification services.

GetID some stats 2021

Now our platform users have more flexibility than ever before. With many options for integration and advanced customization, users can easily set up the system according to their specific needs, have more control, and receive more precise verification results.

Case Studies

We’re sincerely grateful that we’re able to help our customers in different ways, be it compliance, fraud prevention, or onboarding optimization.

Curious to know more about some of them? We’ve made a series of case studies where we describe different companies, the nature of their business, the types of challenges they had, and how we’ve been able to help them.

Read the case studies

GetID case studies of the year

We’ve got a lot of exciting things coming up in 2022. Stay tuned for more news!

GetID team at IFX Expo in Cyprus: Main Highlights Wed, 13 Oct 2021 06:19:30 +0000 GetID, part of Group, has just returned from the IFX Expo, held in Limassol, Cyprus, on 4-6 October 2021. IFX Expo is one of the leading conferences connecting top-level executives in online trading, fintech, and financial services from around the world. As always, the GetID team was busy making new business connections, running product demos, and attending several conference events.

Obviously, there was a lot of interest in the event. The venue was packed with exhibitors and attendees at such a scale that at times it was hard to move between the stands!

Needless to say, the IFX Expo was a great success. More than 35 000 attendees joined the expo, as well as 1500 exhibitors. Among speakers were top management of Cyprus Securities & Exchange Commission, Hellenic bank, Paysafe, PwC, and other notable people in the industry.

The GetID team was busy networking and making new business connections, running product demos and attending several conference events. The GetID verification platform gained a lot of genuine interest from the attendees.

“Since we’ve been working in the fintech field for a long time, we really know the industry challenges and how to address them. We’re able to speak the “same” language with brokers, traders, and other fintech executives,” – comments Dmitri Laush, CEO of GetID.

“That has opened many doors for us and we’re sure that acquaintances we’ve made at the event will result in successful cooperation”.

At the moment GetID is preparing for upcoming events and plans to disrupt the industry with the new product updates.

Stay tuned not to miss the chance to meet GetID at the next significant event!

GetID tema at IFX EXPO in Cyprus 2021

GetID at Money 20/20 in Amsterdam: Main Highlights Fri, 01 Oct 2021 07:33:52 +0000 One of the most significant European fintech events is over. Last week global leaders in fintech gathered at Money 2020 Amsterdam to showcase and discuss innovative solutions and tools for payments and transactions, KYC and Identity Verification services and much more. GetID, a part of Group AB, participated at the trade show alongside 11 other Estonian startups under the EAS umbrella. Let’s take a look at the main highlights of the event.

The event was visited by hundreds of attendees from different countries. Panel discussions covered a number topics including the future of banking and financial services, security and fintech innovations. GetID participated in the round table discussion on KYC and fraud prevention on September 21st.

GetID team was busy running product demos and talking to visitors at its booth inside the Estonian pavilion. Aside from the core set of services, the company also featured the freshly updated version of the Administration portal that now includes the Statistics Dashboard.

“Money 20/20 attendees were amazed by the flexibility and high level of customization of our solution, – comments Dmitri Laush, CEO of GetID. – We’ve made several serious business connections, and met a lot of great people who are at the forefront of fintech innovation”.

Stay tuned for the next events and more news from GetID. Meanwhile, check out our photo report from Money 2020 Amsterdam.

GetID team at Money 20/20 photo

GetID team at Money 20/20 photo

GetID team at Money 20/20 photo

GetID team at Money 20/20 photo

GetID team at Money 20/20 photo

GetID provides ID Verification checks for Ryanair clients Tue, 14 Sep 2021 12:35:03 +0000 GetID, a part of Group AB, is pleased to announce a partnership with Ryanair. GetID provides its services for verifying Ryanair customers’ identities.

Ryanair Holdings plc, Europe’s largest airline group, is the parent company of Ryanair DAC, Lauda, Buzz and Ryanair UK.

Carrying over 154m guests annually on more than 2,400 daily flights from 82 bases, the group connects over 200 destinations in 40 states on a fleet of over 475 aircraft, with a further 210 Boeing 737’s on order, which will enable Ryanair Holdings to lower fares and grow traffic to 200m p.a. by FY24.

Ryanair’s tickets can be purchased through Online Travel Agents (OTAs). OTAs use bots to complete the booking process. Thus, the online Identity Verification process allows Ryanair to ensure a passenger has received important information from Ryanair and completed check-in personally. Customers don’t need to repeat the verification process for future bookings.

Through the agreement GetID delivers identity verification solutions that via verification of ID documents and face matching provides fast and accurate verification results. The solution provides global coverage for ID documents and support for a multitude of devices. The technology is seamlessly integrated in the company’s app to enable Ryanair’s users to verify their identity.

Dmitri Laush, CEO of GetID: “We’re really happy about the partnership with Ryanar and the fact that we [GetID] have been able to quickly set up and implement the customer verification flow that was up to Ryanair’s requirements.

This is an important milestone in GetID’s development as a company that provides verification services on enterprise level. The fact that a multinational company like Ryanair is happy with our services indicates that GetID is capable of processing a large number of verification requests in line with a high quality of checks.

We’re looking forward to scaling this case by helping other companies in the travel industry to solve similar problems. Travel industry as a whole needs a modern and efficient way to verify and onboard their customers remotely.”

About Us

GetID, part of Group, is a reliable and flexible service for Online KYC & Identity Verification that helps businesses streamline their customer onboarding process, ensure full regulatory compliance and reduce fraud. The core of the service is a frictionless AI-driven image recognition for document verification and face matching. Group offers a unique end-to-end solution that helps products and brands online improve how consumers checkin with their service. The comprehensive framework consists of specialized technologies that covers every aspect of a consumers checkin experience.
The company has offices in Sweden, Spain and Estonia but has since its inception been operating fully remote to attract world-leading talent across the globe.

Meet the GetID team at Money 2020 Amsterdam Wed, 08 Sep 2021 07:35:21 +0000 GetID, now part of Group AB, is attending a notable event in the fintech industry Money 20/20, taking place in Netherlands, Amsterdam on 21-23 September 2021. Among previous speakers of this event are many industry stars including Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple), Richard Branson (CEO of Virgin Group), Jack Dorsey (CEO of Twitter, Square), Patrick Collison (CEO Stripe), and many other famous people. GetID is coming as a part of 12 tech Estonian delegation companies led by EAS – Enterprise Estonia (Estonian government fund to support entrepreneurship).

At the event, GetID will showcase the newest products and updates (among other products), namely KYC flow builder and the new version of the GetID Administrative Portal that now includes a verification statistics dashboard.

Dmitri Laush, CEO of GetID: “We’re looking forward to attending the Money 2020 Amsterdam this time. Firstly, because we’ll be attending the expo alongside 11 other Estonian tech/fintech companies that are all developing their unique and progressive solutions in the Fintech field.

Secondly, we can’t wait to showcase our newest product developments, as we’re constantly developing and upgrading our products and we have a lot of neat stuff to show!”.

Among other companies attending Money 2020 Amsterdam as a part of the Estonian delegation are Bankish, EstateGuru, EveryPay, InBank, Messente Communications, Modular Technologies, Payster Group, Salv Technologies, SK ID Solutions, Veriff, and Union Fintech.

Are you (and your company) attending the Money 2020 Amsterdam in September? If so then you’re welcome to come by the Estonian Pavilion, stand nr D120. Want to see the GetID product in action or talk to our team? Get in touch with us to book a meeting with the GetID team. We’re looking forward to meeting you in Amsterdam on 21-23 September.

Got questions? Talk to our team!

GetID team at IFX EXPO Dubai

GetID team (from L to R): Alex Arhipov (Business Development Manager), Dmitri Laush (CEO & Founder), Vladimir Popov (Head of Product)

About GetID

GetID is an all-in-one identity verification service that helps other businesses to streamline their customer onboarding process, ensures full regulatory compliance, and reduces fraud. GetID is a comprehensive and flexible solution for KYC and onboarding with a wide range of integration options, cost-efficient pricing, great speed, and accuracy.

The company was founded in 2019 in Estonia by Dmitri Laush. GetID is part of Group AB.

About Group creates shareholder value through capital efficient growth achieved by strong organic growth and strategic acquisitions. The Group’s advanced technologies and innovations offers a unique end-to-end solution that reshapes how consumers checkin with products and brands online.

The company has offices in Sweden, Spain, and Estonia but has since its inception been operating fully remote to attract world-leading talent across the globe.

About EAS

Established in 2000, Enterprise Estonia (EAS) is an Estonian governmental agency that supports business model development and innovation acceleration, trade development, raising foreign direct investments, attracting foreign talent, developing tourism. With offices in 17 foreign markets, Enterprise Estonia serves as a bridge between the Estonian business environment and the world.

5 Benefits of Identity Verification (and How to Make it Happen) Wed, 01 Sep 2021 14:26:42 +0000 The number of global data breaches has skyrocketed in the past few years (in 2020 alone, data breaches exposed more than 5 billion records). This has led to an uptick in identity theft and account takeovers, and businesses now need a reliable way to confirm that someone is who they say they are.

The ability to do this quickly and without any road bumps is a vital part of business success. On top of this, companies need to build strong and robust fraud-prevention systems to comply with stricter AML (anti-money laundering measures), including KYC compliance.

Identity verification ventures beyond traditional and physical methods of authentication to help establish identities in the digital era. If you don’t already have a streamlined identity verification process in place, here are some statistics that demonstrate why you need one:

Business intelligence graph


As we can see from the graph above, more companies are putting an emphasis on emerging technologies, including biometrics and identity management.

Integrating this kind of forward-thinking technology is becoming increasingly common for companies that need to run identity verification checks. This includes activities like face-matching using selfies, data extraction from documents, liveness detection, auto-checking watchlists, and automatic scanning for fraudulent documents.

Monzo Twitter 2018


Monzo asks its customers to record a short video of themselves talking to the camera to verify their identity.

It’s worth noting here that protecting and avoiding fraudulent activity is only one of the major motivating factors in identity verification. There are several other aspects that are worth taking into account, including compliance with key regulatory bodies and the ability for new customers to fully access digital services.

If you’re not already running water-tight identity verification for new customers, now’s the time to start doing so, not just because the slew of new tools and technologies has made it a pretty straightforward process.

1. Maintain or Improve Your Reputation

There’s a reason why Airbnb has shot to stardom: it makes everyone accountable. Both travellers and hosts have to verify their identity and maintain decent reviews, and this has created an in-built sense of trust from all sides.

Verify your ID

Reputation is incredibly important for businesses of all sizes. In an age where there is so much consumer choice, it’s easy for people to hop from one brand to another if they don’t get exactly what they want.

On top of this, trust is more important than ever before as consumers actively seek out businesses they can rely on. In an era of continual data breaches, consumers want to know that their information is safe. By running identity verification checks, this signals that you’re serious about building trust in what’s becoming an unsafe online world.

GetID Maintain of improve your reputation

Trust is the foundation of any relationship, particularly in a digital landscape that’s inherently fickle. Consumers can – and do – hop from one business to the next if they’re not getting their needs met or aren’t satisfied with the service being provided.

Failing to identify this need for trust between consumers and brands can damage a business’ reputation and their revenue. On the flipside, boosting your reputation and providing customers with the reassurance they need to use or continue to use your service can do wonders for your bottom line.

Being able to verify a customer’s identity quickly helps to cement that all-important trust.

This is why plenty of companies are turning to verifiers that take care of the identity verification process through customer documents, face-matching selfies, and checking the KYC watchlists. Implementing a third-party verifier speeds up the process as it keeps customer checks on file and allows companies to continue to onboard their customers without having to spend precious time fact-checking documents themselves.

Neil Bayton, the head of UK partnerships at Trustpilot, says:

“When a customer has that emotional connection with a business, they become an advocate. They not only tell others about the brand, but they want your business to succeed. People know how hard business can be at the moment and they want the genuinely consumer centric ones to thrive.”

Soothing the growing worries of consumers by incorporating a smooth identity verification process shows you value their concerns and want them to feel safe. The seeds of trust will then begin to sprout and grow. Implementing KYC means you care about customer safety on your platform.

2. Avoid Costly Fines

Westpac Group - The Telegraph


In 2020, fines for non-compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Know your Customer (KYC), data privacy, and MiFID regulations against the financial sector totaled $10.6 billion. Financial penalties for AML-related compliance breaches represent 99% of the total value of enforcement actions issued in 2020. One of Australia’s largest banks, Westpac agreed to pay a record AUD 1.3 billion ($959m) fine for money laundering breaches. Most businesses simply can’t afford a huge fine of this size, which is why AML and KYC systems are so important.

AML refers to a collection of regulations, laws, and procedures that have been specifically constructed to stop the practice of declaring illegally obtained funds as legitimate income.

This goes hand-in-hand with the need for KYC, which is essentially the process businesses go through to identify their customers and assess the risk of illegal activities.

Adhering to both of these protocols is important if you want to avoid costly fines – or, in some worst case scenarios, imprisonment.

Implementing streamlined, efficient identity verification software and practices aligns with AML and KYC requirements, which means businesses that use them sidestep any potential fines.

There are plenty of other individual rules and regulations that apply to businesses too depending on where they’re based and the customers they serve.

Today, there are more than 90 countries that now require businesses to verify the identities of their customers and keep identity records for a certain number of years.

This is part of a movement to prevent terrorism, money laundering, and other criminal activity that centers around stealing and assuming different identities. Remember that these regulations are constantly being updated and improved, so it’s worth staying on top of them to make sure you’re not falling foul of any rules.

3. Avoid Costly Chargebacks

Credit card fraud makes up a huge portion of the total number of identity fraud cases every year.

GetID Avoid costly chargebacks


When businesses began allowing their customers to use credit cards for online purchases, it became far easier to commit fraud since most transactions fell into the “card-not-present” category.

As a result, people would fraudulently use credit cards that weren’t theirs to buy goods online and, once the real owner of the card found out, would cancel the transaction. Without being able to identify and trace the original fraudster, the business would be liable to pay back the money.

This is known in the finance world as a chargeback.

Unfortunately, they can be a costly part of business for companies that accept credit card payments (with fees, operating expenses, and customer acquisition costs, companies often lose 2 to 3 times the amount of a refundable transaction.)

Identity verification stops this in its tracks by fully verifying each and every customer.

For many businesses, preventing costly chargebacks is simply a case of revising identity verification protocols for card-not-present transactions so that they incorporate one or more identification methods (say, for example, facial recognition or a two-step verification process).

Tighter verification methods can also stop cases of “friendly fraud” in its tracks, too.

Not so friendly fraud


This is when well-intentioned customers file for a chargeback rather than a traditional return from a company they’ve made a purchase from. They simply assume that it’s just a different way to get their money back without realizing the effects it might have on the business.

For other, less well-intentioned consumers, chargebacks mean they can get something for free. They continue to file for chargebacks claiming they never received an item when they did. Identity verification can squash the number of friendly fraud cases as it means “cyber shoplifters” can no longer act anonymously.

4. Avoid Fraud and Money Laundering Concerns

Earlier, we wrote about Standard Chartered getting fined a hefty amount for money-laundering this year. Being fined such a huge amount is a serious concern for most companies – particularly those with a modest income.

Even an accusation of money laundering – however small – can spell the end of the road for a business, regardless of its size. As a result, organizations are leaning more and more towards using risk-based models that incorporate identity verification to assess which users might be high risk.

They can then use this data to create authentication levels based on the risk potential of certain transactions (and then mark those that are good and those that might be fraudulent accordingly).

This is becoming increasingly important as the business landscape gets more and more digitized. Making sure customers are who they claim to be is a major component in creating digital trust.

Two factor authentification Apple


To avoid fraud and money laundering activity, many businesses are turning to two-factor authentication, where consumers are required to provide two forms of identity, like a passport, a bank card, or their face for facial recognition.

The most basic example of two-factor authentication can be seen in action at ATMs. Consumers must have their PIN and their bank card to withdraw money – two factors that prove they are who they say they are.

As more and more transactions happen online, companies are having to rethink their identity verification processes to make them more internet-friendly.

Got questions? Talk to our team!

5. Improve Customer Experience

GetID Improve customer experience


As seen in the graph above, customer experience has been named the most exciting business opportunity for the coming years.

Today, consumers want a customer-centric experience with every business they buy from, and a great user experience strives to reduce any barriers that consumers might have while simplifying processes.

The term “frictionless” is often thrown around in relation to good identity verification processes – this means not asking the customer for too much information and instead obtaining information about them in other places.

This means you can create a well-oiled, digital workflow that eliminates most – if not all – need for manual entry and paperwork which can often take a number of days to process. As a result, customers get a smoother onboarding experience and, more importantly, can get instant access to your product or service.

Integrating biometric solutions and digital identity verification methods like facial recognition, automatic scanning, and liveness detection means customers don’t have to wait hours or even days to get started.

For most businesses, the identity verification process looks a bit like this:

  • Step 1: gather ID documents, like passports, ID cards, or driving licenses
  • Step 2: verify the authenticity of the ID documents
  • Step 3: carry out customer authentication to make sure the person presenting the ID is the same person the ID relates to
  • Step 4: create a report for auditing purposes

While this method is perfectly fine, it can take a while to process the documents, particularly if it’s all being done manually.

Moving to a digitized process is far more convenient as identity checks can be carried out in the background almost immediately, meaning consumers don’t have to wait at all.

Having a well-oiled, almost-instant process like this in place can drastically increase conversion rates. A good customer experience keeps people coming back for more. In the context of identity verification, it means making processes simpler which, therefore, means more people are likely to complete them.

What’s Next For Identity Verification?

The technologies that fuel identity verification are being tweaked and enhanced every single day. In the not-too-distant future, there are murmurings of a blockchain-enabled decentralized identity for everyone on the internet.

The motivation behind this is that it will give people more control over their personal information and businesses can take a backseat from managing identity documents and what has been a very hands-on verification process.


In summary, data breaches have scared consumers. To alleviate these fears and avoid costly fines and money laundering concerns, it’s important for businesses to implement a smooth identity verification process that’s customer-friendly and adheres to organizational guidelines.

GetID is the perfect solution to these problems, as it offers clients a simple, secure, safe, and quick identity verification process that’s easy to use, and which only requires users to submit their data once during the entire process.

Furthermore, GetID also takes care of KYC/AML procedures, offering users the ability to track all of the checks carried out by third-party providers in one place – the Admin Panel.

Get in touch to find out how GetID can revolutionise your identity verification process.

Got questions? Talk to our team!

Track performance of your online KYC process with GetID statistics dashboard Mon, 30 Aug 2021 06:27:05 +0000 We are happy to announce that in a new version of the GetID Administrative Portal we have launched a verification statistics dashboard.

Now you can keep the KYC process under control even better, monitor important metrics, and better understand how customer verifications are performed.

The feature is free, accessible in the GetID Administrative portal and these minutes are being delivered to all production environments.

GetID metrics dashboard

You may easily find answers in a matter of clicks on further questions:

  • How many verifications were performed during a particular period?
  • How much time is needed to verify a customer?
  • How many successful or not successful verifications were performed? What are the dynamics?
  • What are the reasons for not approved applications?
  • Which types of id documents customers are using?
  • Which of my verification flows perform better?

application creation sources

Reasons that lead to need review and decline

“We help our clients to grow their business faster and in a secure way at the same time. And the onboarding process should be completely visible and under control. Key metrics should always be at hand.”
said Vladimir Popov, Head of Product in GetID.

The next version of the statistics dashboard will include advanced metrics. Stay tuned!

If you still have questions and would like to discuss the dashboard with statistics or the GetID service in general, email us.

GetID is a part of Group AB.

]]> Group acquires fast growing tech company GetID Mon, 02 Aug 2021 15:54:17 +0000 Group (STO:CHECK), the tech company that changes how people all over the world check in with services online, has today entered into an agreement to acquire all shares in the Estonian tech company GetID. The acquisition is the first step in Group’s strategy to add technologies and strong teams by acquisitions, within areas that strengthen the Group’s already leading SaaS software for check-ins. The Purchase Price corresponds to an enterprise value of about SEK 82 million. The acquisition is mainly paid in newly issued shares in Group, with a minor part paid in cash. Founder and CEO, Dmitri Laush, will continue to operate in the company and have without exception chosen shares as payment.

The transactions in brief:

  • Group acquires all shares in Vorld OU and the fully owned subsidiary GetID OU.
  • The purchase price amounts to a total of EUR 8.1 million, where EUR 5.5 million is paid in Consideration Shares in Group and EUR 2.6 million is paid in existing cash and cash equivalents.
  • The number of Consideration Shares is based on a price equal to the volume-weighted average price on Nasdaq First North Growth Market during the last ten days of trading.
  • After the acquisition is completed all key personnel and shareholders in GetID will own approximately 3.2% of the shares in Group AB, these are issued as part of the transaction.
  • GetID’s Founder and CEO, Dmitri Laush, has chosen to refrain from cash payment in favor of additional Consideration Shares and will after the acquisition is completed own just over 1% of These shares are subject to a lock-up period of 12 months.

GetID in brief:

  • GetID was founded in the beginning of 2019
  • GetID currently has annualized revenue of about 5 million SEK.
  • More than 80% of the revenue is secured with contracts exceeding 12 months.
  • During H1 2021 the turnover growth on an annual basis exceeded 700%, albeit from low numbers.
  • GetID has approximately 25 co-workers in the team and their office in Tallinn.
  • More information about GetID is available on the company’s web site

“GetID is a rapidly growing tech company with a fantastic team that in a relatively short time frame has built innovative and leading software based on AI for image recognition applied within face matching and reading of physical documents. I believe that their technology product-wise is far ahead of their competitors and we are thrilled that such a prominent team wants to be part of Group going forward. This acquisition is long-term a very important part of our puzzle, and we look into many other technology areas for suitable acquisition candidates. It is through the technical advantage Group will continue to deliver value to our customers and shareholders”, comments Kristoffer Cassel, CEO and co-founder of Group.

Dmitri Laush, founder and CEO of GetID gave the following comment:

“We strongly believe in the synergies this deal creates and we look forward to continuing our journey under the Group umbrella. Foremost we share their overall vision and believe that we, when working together, have a very good shot at radically changing how users checkin to products and services. This feels like a perfect match, which is also why I chose to transfer 100% of my ownership in GetID to a long-term ownership in Group.”

GetID Krstoffer Cassel and Dmitri Laush and Vladimir Popov

From L to R: Kristoffer Cassel (CEO and co-founder of Group), Dmitri Laush (CEO and co-founder of GetID), Vladimir Popov (Head of Product at GetID)

Background and rationale

GetID’s SaaS software is used by customers over several verticals, where customers in Fintech represent the lion part of the company’s revenue. GetID’s technology identifies users in a matter of seconds with a frictionless and GDPR-compliant solution based on AI-driven image recognition for document verification and face matching. The solution identifies over 900 passports and types of documents and supports more than 190 countries creating a truly global identification service. GetID’s technology has since the beginning been developed to seamlessly and quickly integrate with their customers’ existing business ecosystems through a range of set-up and integration options.

The acquisition is the first step in Group’s previously communicated acquisition strategy to identify strong teams and technologies within hyper-specialized key areas. The outcome of the acquisition and the combined companies will create synergies and economies of scale within technology, sales, and cost-efficiency.

“The GetID team shares our values, is product-driven, and super focused on creating advanced technology that benefits their customers. As stated we believe that their software product-wise already is a world leading within its niche and that the product is super easy to use. But we do not acquire them only for what they already have achieved in a short time frame, but more because we believe that GetID’s technology for image recognition will be an important part of the puzzle in our long-term vision for Group”, concludes Kristoffer Cassel.

Completion of the transaction

Completion of the transaction is expected to take place during August 2021.


Bird & Bird is acting as legal advisor to Group in relation to the transaction.

For further information, please contact:

Jonas Köpniwsky, Head of Communications Group,

This information is information that Group is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 13.15 CEST on 2 August 2021.

Certified Adviser Group’s Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North Growth Market is Erik Penser Bank AB, +46 8463 83 00,

About Group

The first line of code for the software was written back in 2017. The company’s goal since then has been clear: to establish a new internet standard for check-ins. Group’s SaaS software combines multiple UX systems, data sources, and identity solutions to instantly configure the best possible experience for each end-user at the point of check-in. Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, but has since its inception been operating fully remote to attract world-leading talent across the globe.

Oonagh van den Berg: “I’m a supporter of outsourced activities such as KYC and CLM with the right controls in place” Tue, 27 Jul 2021 08:09:56 +0000 Oonagh van den Berg is an award-winning Compliance Officer with over 19 years of experience across various fields in Financial Services. Oonagh has built various compliance risk frameworks, led teams across the industry, and developed & maintained many regulatory and industry body relationships. She is the founder of the global compliance community platform RAW Compliance. GetID decided to take an interview from Oonagh and talk about upcoming AML-regulations, trends in the industry, and digital ID framework in the European Union.

Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Oonagh! It’s a pleasure. How did you start your career in compliance? Why this sector?

I always loved Law and wanted to be in the Legal profession from a young age; largely influenced by my own mother. That being said, I was not overly academic at school; I was much more interested in sports. But I was lucky enough to get a place at university to read the law which then led to a traineeship at the ECB (European Central Bank). Frankly, That would be where I fell in love with Financial Regulation but also where I learned very quickly that if you didn’t understand the products you couldn’t apply the regulatory requirements in the way they are meant to work and operate – i.e. to mitigate risk.

As a result, I joined the JP Morgan Asset Management business in the Product Development team while learning how to build basket funds and how to assess the composition of the products for investment risk. This is where I accidentally discovered that there was a department called Compliance which covered everything I wanted to do and more!

What I love about Compliance is being able to blend the academic with the practical – and always think outside the box and look at new ways about doing things. I am also quite social; so you get to blend all this interacting across the business, externally with regulators and within the industry – which is something that rarely happens across other functions.

Please tell us about the Raw Compliance. How and when did you decide to start the company? What does your company do on a daily basis?

RAW Compliance was incorporated in September 2020. The decision to start came from a lack of support in networking and development in our industry without a price tag or a sales strategy. If we want to drive innovation we need more experience and knowledge to be shared to create the ability to have the a-ha moments needed.

RAW stands for Real Authentic Awareness. At RAW we want to be Real about the challenges and issues we are facing through Authentic discussions on what is actually happening; so through this Awareness sustainable change begins to happen both through innovation and culture transformation.

RAW Compliance provides ​a global platform for compliance professionals, and those interested in compliance, to build a global community to develop new skills, learn from experts, collaborate, network and try new initiatives by offering:

  • Mentor-Mentee Programs
  • Thought Leadership Op-Eds
  • Webinars
  • Masterclasses
  • In house, virtual, and online Compliance Certifications
  • Book Discussions
  • Podcasts
  • Trainings through access to the RAW Training Hub

We share updates on these initiatives on our Monthly Newsletter – the C Letter!

We know that you do bespoke 1-2 day offsite compliance and culture workshops and training events to C-Suite Board of Directors and Senior Management. Which companies did you work with?

Our In-house bespoke training was provided through our sister company VRS – Virtual Risk Solutions which is legally separate from RAW. We offer these training services across the board to multiple firms- from traditional banks to fintechs to crypto firms. We also work with some entities outside the financial sector and offer it to individuals on a one-to-one basis.

This is not the only sort of training that is available at RAW Compliance. RAW has partnered with leading industry providers to bring you training which we believe delivers on this commitment and more.

  • Masterclasses
  • E-Certified Training
  • Webinars
  • Compliance Certifications and Diplomas

On which industry events can we expect to see you in person in the near future?

This changes week on week and I can’t really keep track of it – but if it involves AML, Market Abuse and Culture I’m generally involved somewhere 😉

Do you know anything about upcoming AML- regulations changes? Can you enlighten us?

The Crypto Space continues to evolve. We have seen the FATF changes on Proliferation Finance being brought over to crypto AML in July 2021; which was an expected move. In addition, we are beginning to see less forms apply the €1000 Euro threshold for the application of CDD toward VASPs with many opting for zero basis. Outside of crypto we have seen big moves in Africa over the past 6-7 months on new regimes in Nigeria and Ghana and this is a fantastic shift. Australia’s AML regime still needs a lot of work if we are going to move forward with the innovations аnd proactive controls needed to support the detection of illicit activities.

There is a mindset shift required and new blood needed. To ask those who have been involved in running the frameworks without earlier detection of these risks, to now fix them – has failed in banks over and over again worldwide.

Also bringing in consultancy firms to work a “quick fix” is not a solution – you need to go back to basics and rebuild the foundation to support the new technology which must be implemented in symmetry as you build your sustainable “future proof” systems

What are the most important compliance trends these days?

Culture – if the Culture is broken you will never fix Compliance.

What are the common mistakes companies make when it comes to non-compliance and penalties?

Thinking that once the regulator or monitor is out, the heat is off and you can go back to the more relaxed approaches. It screams insincerity and usually results in the start of mass job layoffs.

If this remediation had been done holistically, yes it would have some areas to enhance further and streamline- but the amount of ineffective and inefficient silo remediation without technology is beyond shocking. And then it has to be corrected every 2 years on inspection findings. I think these findings should come with much harsher penalties, including personal liability.

Would you advise companies to have an in-house compliance team or to outsource it? Can you please explain your choice?

Depends on the current needs of the firm. Managed services is a good way for fintechs and crypto firms to find their Compliance legs and ramp up the risk mitigation controls. But at a point with business growing, it needs to (well most aspects) come from an in-house initiative. I am a supporter of outsourced activities such as KYC and CLM with right controls in place. They can be administratively over engineered at times, and you should be looking for optimal risk controls here, that sit in a few Managed Services firms such as VRS and Lysis Group.

The EU is setting a framework for digital ID acceptance. What do you think about it? Is it a trend? Will the regulation change because of digitalization?

Personally, I believe this is the future, however, the implementation of it is going to be difficult for various aspects – including inconsistency in the composition & recordkeeping, documents being kept up-to-date by corporate registries, and also data protection playing a challenging role in the sharing of information overseas.

There have been discussions about the implementation of an LEI which is a legal entity identifier, but again how that’s going to be implemented, how the costs are going to be absorbed, and if this is going to be globally used is also another discussion.

Lastly, you have countries that don’t even have centralized corporate registries but they do them at a state level such as Indonesia; so if you look geographically these are the challenges in each geographic location that can be resolved. The biggest challenge here is the fact of who is going to pay for this?

What do you think about biometric recognition technology? Why are there so many arguments about it violating the civilian’s privacy?

Where there is a plus, there is a negative. The challenges are raised by the utopian approach taken by data protection rules such as GDPR. It’s brilliant for the individual – it causes mayhem for investigations and for sharing client data for review. The key issue is to ensure the data is used only for the agreed purpose for which it’s collected. This is an ongoing issue, especially in the social media space.

Tell us more about the RAW 2021 Awards. How often do you host it? How to get nominated?

Each day at RAW Compliance we interact with professionals across the compliance community and are blown away by not just the passion but also the competency of those around us. We want to pay it forward by taking a moment to thank those professionals and acknowledge their contribution to our industry, through our RAW Compliance Awards. This led to the creation of two categories of RAW Awards:

  • The Compliance Influencer of the Month
  • The RAW Annual Awards (AKA RAW 2021 Awards!)

The opportunity to nominate the most deserving compliance officers in our industry is here now! Toggle through the form to skip to the Category you would like to Nominate for:


Thank you so much, Oonagh! It was an honor.

Meet the KYC Flow Builder – the Next Generation KYC Software Wed, 21 Jul 2021 07:15:05 +0000 GetID is excited to announce the launch of KYC Flow Builder, highly customizable software that enables users to easily set up and deploy personalized online verification procedures with the GetID KYC flow builder.

KYC Flow Builder is designed to help GetID software users significantly reduce time and integration costs with the highest level of customization and security.

In only 3 simple steps users will be able to:

  • define needed checks (biometrics including Liveness Detection, ID Document Verification, AML Watchlists Screening) according to their KYC & Onboarding requirements
  • customize the visual appearance of a user journey (steps logic, data validation options, and design)
  • choose an integration option (Web SDK, Mobile SDK, API, or Cloud-based verification page)

GetID Verification Flow

Setting up the verification flow and choosing the needed types of checks

What are the benefits of using the KYC Flow Builder?

Firstly, it’s the ease and flexibility of GetID software integration that saves you a lot of time.
Secondly, GetID is a cross-platform solution that can be deployed on the web, native iOS, and Android.

Thirdly, KYC Flow Builder gives you a lot of flexibility for configuring different combinations of checks for specific products, countries and regulatory requirements. For example, the verification flow for high-risk countries can include original ID Document Verification, Face Matching, Liveness Check and AML Screening. Whereas, the KYC procedure for low-risk countries can consist of ID Document verification and AML screening.

GetID Verification flows

Additionally, the KYC Flow Builder can be used for setting up an internal verification flow. This becomes handy if your company is collecting customer data from multiple sources. It’s also convenient for rechecking unsuccessful verification results. Customer data and documents can be uploaded directly to the Administration portal and re-verified. As a result, the compliance and verification teams will be able to greatly reduce the time ID document Verification and automate the manual data entry process.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]And lastly, KYC Flow Builder makes customizing the visual appearance of the user journey easy. You can use your company’s brand palette to make the form look native in the interface of your app or website. As a result, this will provide a much better user experience for your customers.

GetID Visual Style Editor

“We are really excited about how much faster and easier the process of implementing online identity verification can be. For developers, this time is reduced to days or even hours, instead of weeks of development before. GetID KYC flow builder is an incredibly flexible tool.

Multiple verification flows can be set up, deployed on the fly, and function asynchronously allowing companies and compliance teams to run several verification flows for different countries, regions, and products.

Also, it’s a perfect tool for any size company – it allows to significantly speed up and simplify the integration process while leaving a lot of room for flexibility and personalization.”, says Dmitri Laush, CEO of GetID.
